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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I don't really understand what happened here. Was there pressure behind the scenes calling for you to censor the O.P.? I had no issue with it at all and really miss the kick ass avatar you were sporting when it was posted. Did you self censor it because you weren't prepared for the comments that didn't praise the sentiment? I really wouldn't worry about being so sensitive to others feelings, the responses were mostly in jest and the ones that weren't don't matter at least that's how I take opposition to what I post. Please bring back your avatar.
  2. This guy is doing something. http://www.examiner.com/article/nra-member-shows-outrage-cuts-up-membership-card-on-camera
  3. Do I detect your doubts about the effectiveness of current gun laws? Would this lead me to believe you have skepticism of future gun laws having a meaningful impact? Let’s try to decipher this; mass killings are carried out by utilizing several tools' date=' from fire to explosives not to mention poisons or gasses don’t forget to include firearms. The one common theme in all of this is the mentally disturbed mind that plans and executes the atrocity. Why isn’t it obvious that regulating firearms is the only effective way we have to combat these events? What could go wrong?[/font']
  4. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/barber-shop-conversation-in-wentzville-about-connecticut-shootings-ends-with/article_fad31906-a801-5819-9566-4d3129bbc114.html You guys should stop arguing, bad things happen.
  5. http://kontradictions.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/why-not-renew-the-assault-weapons-ban-well-ill-tell-you/
  6. You big pussy, don't be such a sycophant to the powers that be. The end goal is to eliminate CHL all together not to beg the masters to loosen the chains, if freedom is what you really want.
  7. Yeah, what he said, smells of a scam to get investment dollars. I would be embarrassed to put out such shitty results when failure was the only option. If you want to end up with something different you have to do things differently. Expecting an existing design to behave the same with inferior materials is something that I would expect to see out of an eighth grade science class. What they are trying to achieve is doable but I doubt these guys are the ones that will be successful especially witnessing what they believe to be a reasonable starting point. I'm not all that sure I find much value in what they are trying to do and I would have at least started four steps ahead of where they are now without giving it a whole lot of thought or design time.
  8. I question thier ultimate success given their need to try an inferior material to perform without significant redesign. They may get something to work but they have picked an obvious failure for a starting point. http://newfrontierarmory.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=245_285 http://www.cavalrymanufacturing.com/CAV15/CAV15MKIIinstructions.html
  9. He will be a good track student, he picks a good constant line, doesn't grab the brakes on every street corner entrance so he has some boldness. He needs to get to the track to understand and end some of his misconceptions that need to be taught and aren’t internet folklore. The top MotoGP riders are wrestling around 200+HP bikes and they are smaller than him so he will be fine getting where he wants without his size limiting him. I don't think I have ever come close to touching a knee on the road on a street ride nor have I ever touched the stock peg feelers with my current bike. Touching is such a foreign concept for the street than I wish it wasn't something that people worried about because it is a poor measure of speed. There are a lot of good track coaches on this site & good people willing to help someone that shows an open mind and willingness to learn.
  10. Uncle Punk

    she is home!

    https://www.colorrite.com/product/kawasaki-candy-thunder-blue-1499.cfm Love the new 300
  11. Listen to the "Get to the track" advice. When I stated earlier it looked like you didn't need any help it was because you were riding within your limits and not making mistakes. There are a few things that we could have worked on to make you safer but you didn't seem like you wanted to go faster than the pace you had picked for yourself. It's hard to help coach people on the street because sometimes they need to slow down to get faster while working on getting some fundamental basics correct. Most people don't want to go slower once they are around guys going fast. Not only were you riding mistake free but you also made a sound statement that you didn't want to ride with the faster guys because you thought it might get you into trouble. I regret being the peer pressure that led you to abandon your logic but these things led me to believe you weren’t going to get into trouble. With some more experience I don't doubt that you will be a good rider and as you just lived through this event you now know that you don't need a faster bike to get into trouble. The bike you currently have is capable of keeping up with the front of the fast group at any normal street ride given the right rider. Get to the track and become the right rider.
  12. I do feel really badly about talking him into staying with us instead of going back with the other riders. We live a few miles from each other and I was going to bring him home the back roads instead of getting on the highway. Dave and I split up putting him in the middle so we wouldn't ramp up the pace together up front. Dave was doing an excellent job with a great pace all day long and we should have kept it that way. When we got to 148 we switched spots, I went up front and Dave went to the back. In a previous life between motorcycles I spent quite a bit of time on 148 and have easily been on it well over 100 times, I really wasn't going at a great pace but I did know the turns so I might have been going too fast for the new guy. I followed him all day up to that point and he didn't need any help so I thought he would be okay. The guy that helped pick the bike up before I got back to them figured the bike was not going to make it out of there because the clutch side clip on was broken completely off. My Ventura bag not only carries gear but I have tools, duct tape, electrical tape, zip ties, etc... In it so we put that bitch back together, rode out to the highway and all the way home one handed. Damn do I hate highway riding. Glad you are alright and hope you can ride with us next year. Fuck you guys this is my first O.R. ride this year that Jinx wasn't on that involved a crash. http://maps.google.com/?ll=39.90439,-80.964286&spn=0.000002,0.001974&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=39.90439,-80.964286&panoid=Klhzx-pZk5RiKh6oVqMiDw&cbp=12,270.44,,0,7.34
  13. We met the biggest leprechaun in the history of the world and he could ride a motorcycle very well. I got to decorate a motorcycle like a christmas present. Got to see a car burn to the ground on the side of the highway which meant we didn't get home until after dark. The new guy gets mad props for riding three hours with only half of his handle bars attached.
  14. Home with the most amount of highway miles on this bike since I bought it all in one day.
  15. We had a 50cc Ruckus on the scooterific river run last year stuffed with a 150cc motor. The damn thing is too fast for the steering geometry so it's scary as hell to ride. Just about the most fun on two wheels ever.
  16. CBR, the other guy lives in Grafton & I work there.
  17. I met you last weekend & you're out riding with the Doc already, way to jump right in. Do not believe anything bad he has to say about me. Oh yeah, motorcycle riding is dangerous.
  18. SP2022 > Sigma hands down not even close. Everyone has different experiences though. 100% of the Sigmas I have shot or been around have had some sort of failure, none of the SPs have. (Own a SP2022) I'm not a huge hammer fire fan but like the Sigs best in that realm of options. I hate 1911s & I've carried one for four years, I don't like the M9 much either. I've stated all that to say this, you're the important one in the decision not our opinions. There will be plenty of people who will have different opinions & experiences than mine, just like we don't all ride the same bike. That covers what you asked for now for what you didn’t. Buy a Glock, any Glock & if you can’t bring yourself to do that buy an M&P & fix the trigger.
  19. Taxes, taxes, taxes, pay them first. I was once fined $2,000 for a $0.69 State sales tax quarterly bill.
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