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Everything posted by Mattsn2o281

  1. Mattsn2o281


    Fucking great show, along with weeds, are probably my 2 favorite shows at the moment. There was another show on hbo or showtime about to brothers from i think boston, ones a half ass gangster and the others a politician, and i cant remember the damn name, but i was sucked into that show last season, it was really good, and i think irs 2nd season should be out now or getting ready to start.
  2. Sick.... Anyone want to put a team together? i bet it can be done in around 29-29.5 hrs... Ive made from tampa fla to columbus in my srt-4 in 11 hrs 47 mins which is 1152 miles on the dot, and that was really just crusing at 80-90 with a few sustained high speed runs through georgia and kentucky. so i'd think that 2750 miles would be doable with 2 or 3 people and the right car. i dont however think that a m5 is the perfect choice for sustained high speed coast to coast, it was made for high end autobahn runs with plenty of gas station stops lol...
  3. Yes i would, i would rather have someone with a high horsepower car tell me exactly how it was driven then to blow sunshine up my ass and say it was babied. just my thoughts though...
  4. Dont bring me into this asshole . You do know your shit when it comes to rice rockets, but from what i've seen, Rob ain't exactly a retard when it comes to cars, and he knows his shit when it comes to fabbing shit up. Thats all i have add, now go dream about beating mustangs. just remember, it all starts with a dream....
  5. Mattsn2o281


    So you beat stockish mustangs? Dig race for $50? all mine has is a cai and exhaust...
  6. There's the kicker, never worked for an automotive place, have the school, didnt bother with ase's like a dumbass, but i have been building cars since i was born lol. i know my way around a car better then most, and can diagnose a car within a few minutes, but everyone's like, sorry, we dont see any real expeirence... Rick, i have heard horror stories about ups and fed-ex and the like, especialy on the transportation management side, so i dont know about that, but its always an option. Jason, you have a pm. Thanks guys, and ill look into ntb and mr tire.
  7. Mattsn2o281


    Wait.... This kid lost to a fucking focus? In a fucking new edge GT? And he's crying like a lil emo bitch about everyone being mean? 2 words.... End. Yourself. You really have failed at life, really, where you're at now, that deep dark place that has you so messed up, theres just no coming back. I mean, you lost to a fucking FOCUS. Before you do kill yourself, Can you have mommy and daddy sign your car over to me? I need some parts, so yeeeeea, that would be great, umm k? Thanks...
  8. 86%. I always sucked at the electrical stuff, hell i barely passed the labs in school. The question about how air enters a cyl its really a combination of atmospheric pressure and the suction of the piston as it moves down the cyl.
  9. Its a 360 if that makes a difference...
  10. Circle track is an endless money pit, trust me on this, i ran a street stock and a ump modified for a few years. its fun as hell, but will be rebuilding the chassis and suspension on a weekly basis, and it gets real old real quick... Did i mention how fun it was though? Lol
  11. Rick it sounds like you went through something similar, You think that didn't let you make more informed choices on this issue?
  12. As long as you pay something on the car, they could care less. hell i think up untill i picked up SRT-4 in 04, i had never paid the full tax on anything, and that was around 18 cars or so ago. You really paid absolutly zero, and i think its rediculous to have to pay tax on something thats already been taxed to hell and back by the previous owner. If i can avoid it, i will never put down more then 100 on the title. but thats just me.
  13. ^^^ beat me to the punch... And i'm sure you get or hear plenty of calls about sportbikes evading arrest or failing to stop, Or how about the numerous accidents, yet you still ride??? Lets face it, You deal with the shit part of society everyday. Whens the last time you heard it come across, the police band that someones pit is playing in the living room with their 5 yr old giving him piggy backs? Drop the stereotypical bullshit man, My aunt has a cocker spaniel, its by far the meanest fucking dog i have ever met. but it was beat since it was a pup, and treated shity from the word go. Oh, and no disrespect meant man, just think of what you see everyday. thats all i was trying to get at.
  14. I think i have been able to see a bit more then a lot of you, having lived in a nice upscale area ( granville) growing up, and having moved back recently from one of the shittiest parts of Baltimore, MD. I lived straight up in the fucking ghetto, no 2 ways about it, i saw the absolute worst shit you can imagine, up to and including not being allowed to leave my apartment for 25 hrs by police force due to a triple homicide 2 doors down with some dude still holed up. Rape, murder, drugs, theft, shit that was everyday life. Yet i met some of the coolest motherfuckers i have ever met in B-more, and had pretty much zero problems directed my way, aside from a few odd looks as to what the hell my white ass was doing there lol. I felt more at home there then i did in granville, and to be honest, i met way more shitty people in the upscale confines of suburban america then i did in the "hood". That said, Yea people will always question what they dont know about, and the sheeple will tend to fear difference. There really is no way around it, untill people learn to drop their preconcived notions of one another, this shit will go on... My 2 cents.
  15. Damn it i need a 360, what the hell are they going for now anyway?
  16. Seriously, i can get these made at a good price. lol. Seriously. And +10 on the hoodie idea.
  17. I have a killer background in transportation management, I have been there at the beginning of a startup operation, i have led a terminal through a strike with the teamsters, and have solid knowledge of the 2 most common operating systems most transportation companies use, and I am certified by the NTHSA as far as drug screening and background checks are concerned. I started as a dispatcher, and ended up leaving as the operations manager, all within 3 years. I know my shit when it comes to transportation lol. I have also been a bar manager, i've bartended at several different places, and went to school, Univ of Northwestern Ohio, For automotive high performance. So i have a farily solid background in several areas... But i am having one hell of a time trying to find a job thats not either a dead end, factory work, or fast food. If you guys know anything that i might be a good fit for, or if anyone knows of any openings let me know. Help!
  18. So you cut off a bike, and are trying to say a bolt on srt-4 was keeping up somewhat with 2 sportbikes? Were they ninja 250's? because anything 600cc and over and all i have to say is.... buses. My big ass on a 03 gixxer 600 WALKED away from a stage 2 srt4, and put 7-8 lengths on it when it sprayed a 125 shot. So in conclusion, you fail. You have absolutly no business trying to run bikes untill you are putting down over 450whp in that skittle, and fucking zero reason to be trying to race with your head up your ass. bullshit you cant tell how fast a bike is coming up behind you. pay some fucking attention!
  19. Still looking for people? Not real fond of honda's, but sound like decent pay for knocking out a few upgrades. is this position going to be around for a while?
  20. Honestly man, I have more fun on a lowered bike on the street the a stock height one. They handle different, but not really so much in a bad way, and once you learn where your lean angle limits are, corners are just as fun. Lowering is easy, dog-bone on the back and as long as the bike will allow it, raise the forks up through the triple clamps roughly the same amount, and readjust your suspension to your liking. I'm sure there are plenty guys on here that would give you a hand with it, as seen above. Bikes are so much easier to work on then cars, its ridiculous, once you learn the basics and have someone show you the more complicated stuff, there isnt a bike out there you cant have torn apart and back together in a day...
  21. Well i dont know what i did wrong, but i just wasted a 20 oz of dew damnit. it doesn't work...
  22. He has some great points, and it is great he can be that positive with possibly only months to live. Thanks for sharing that!
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