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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ^ maybe he turned the camera off for a reason lol i woulda tried to handle it like he did, walking away to chill out and collect myself, but if that dumb bitch ran up on me like that and tried hugging me and shit like she did to him, she woulda got knocked out cold...im sure the last thing this guy wants is her dumbass running up and hugging him after she almost kills him and totals his bike
  2. white one for sure....try to haggle him down $500 if thats a deciding factor....but the white looks a lot better than a boring red one like every other honda on the road
  3. gotcha...your post is very misleading, you made it sound as if the pan was leaking my mistake i suppose
  4. penis pump? absolutely, works like a charm. tire gauge? not yet
  5. oil pan on mine is getting pretty thin in one spot...i think i could push my finger into it, but im just not touching it...come spring time, gonna clean the salt off, sand it, and put a heavy coat of POR15 on it glws, the price isnt horribly bad, and its a nice truck...i think 12k is more reasonable considering the pan is leaking
  6. they have... http://www.google.com/search?q=christina%20national%20anthem&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=nws:1&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wn i dont care that shes getting older and put on a few lbs, i would ravage christina aguilera! forget fergie, she looks like a dude and she pisses her pants like a toddler and i really dislike the packers, i would have rooted for anybody to beat them, but it just so happens im a steelers fan....sucks that ben gave them the game
  7. yea, you said he had a family notary so im sure hes fine
  8. you're both actually wrong. justin - while most banks will notarize it with only the seller present (they have done mine on several occasions), this is not the legal way to do it, and the BMVs are cracking down on it. a friend of mine bought a car and we had a mobile notary come out and he notarized the sellers info, and my friend forgot to his info on it....went to bmv and my friend filled out his info and the lady said that he needed to have the seller present. i asked her about this specific circumstance where the sellers info had already been notarized, and i told her ive done it this way before with my bank, and she says while a lot of banks will do it, it is not the legal way to do it and they wont accept it at the bmv. she then wrote on the title making a note that the seller needed to be present. we spoke with her supervisor who confirmed the same info. so while the seller "can" get their info notarized without a buyer present at some places, this is not the legal way to do it. if you do it this way, when buying just make sure to fill out your info completely before going to the bmv, and vice versa for sellings, have them fill out the info before going to bmv jst2fst - that guy is a fucking idiot...thats what notarys are for, if you didnt need it notarized then anyone could steal your title, sign your name on it, and then sign their name and turn it in and get a title...it doesnt work like that, both parties have to be present for a title to be notarized
  9. been there done that..... buy it back, replace the tail light, get it inspected. you can beat out the fender with a hammer if you want to make it look a hair better, but its not necessary as long as its functional, and legal, you will be fine. the fender just needs to be enough to cover the wheel, so it cant throw debris onto cars behind you, so as long as your tire isnt hanging out past the fender, you will be fine pay them $50, get inspection, bring receipt for tail light, they will issue you a rebuilt title. if you wanted full coverage again, its no problem. my mustang had a rebuilt title and i carried full coverage on it the entire time i owned it
  10. yep, if i decide to answer, its always through the garage, and only if i "might" be expecting somebody
  11. sad to see such a beautiful dog die like this....i woulda shot him also, soon as he came in my house attacking my dog like that, it woulda been over stories like this are the reason i dont answer my door unless i know the person on the other side
  12. ive never heard the powerband referred to as a part until now lol....those CL ads make it sound like an upgrade, like a power commander or something lol...so i googled it to see if maybe there was a company that made a part called Power Band, figured maybe it was something like the PowerNow and PowerNow Plus carb things....then i found this http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101018175025AAEHPs7 i gotta say, i am thoroughly shocked lol
  13. i dont miss street riding so much....my next bike will be a track bike, although i havent decided if i want a track bike or a drag bike...eventually ill have both, but i think im done with the street....i miss riding, but i enjoy myself at the strip or offroad so much more than on the street ide love to get into track day riding, but i just dont have the funds right now since im still in school...maybe some day
  14. another bad one is the retards who type "Camero"
  15. i would assume so, since its listed as a "production" bike technically....therefore, whatever its produced with would be "stock"
  16. on a stock bike? ive never seen a stock bike run 278mph...what did i miss?
  17. i think of sapphy every time i catch your avatar out of the corner of my eye as im reading threads
  18. obama is a clown almost didnt catch the source of the article lol...i was thinking
  19. for that kind of weight, i would think a trailer with a good surge brake would be alright, instead of wiring up trailer brakes ive pulled a trailer that was about 10k loaded and it had a surge brake and nothing else and it did just fine find an old 16' trailer on craigslist with a surge brake and call it a day...you could put at least 4 bikes on it, maybe even more....hell we pulled the same trailer with a 1995 f150 with an I6, with a 4 ton truck on it....wasnt a great ride for the truck, but it pulled it just fine...you wouldnt have anywhere near that on your jeep, so i imagine it would be fine. like someone else said before, check your weight limits before making a decision...ive over loaded before and done fine, but im not sure if i would trust it on a regular occasion, but for a weekend a month or whatever, it wouldnt bother me
  20. yea we were all shocked....guy i work with has been there for 30 years and says this is the first time that he remembers it ever closing....ice storm 2 years ago where power was out for days and it was like a crisis etc, we were still open...we didnt even have any power and we were there working in the dark with nothing but a couple generators powering some spot lights....unloaded and carried the boxes everywhere by hand instead of the belts...sucked lol (we have 10 miles worth of belts in our building)
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