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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. I had a cop stop and put his lights on for me while changing a passenger side tire on 71 in an area with a tiny berm... Until he showed up, I had cars passing me at 80 mph within 3ft of hitting me...also had one stop and put on his lights and help me push my f150 off the road when it died at a stop light... Just saying.
  2. Maybe the star will be better, but don't get an rs1 if wind noise is an issue. Mine is loud as hell. I have to wear ear plugs or else the wind noise is unbearable on the freeway
  3. ... I'm completely opposite.. Can't wait until I can afford a different helmet... My bell sucks. Shit I've had to do diy repairs on the thing twice because the workmanship is so awful... You're crazy. Have you tried anything else to compare? I thought my $89 hjc was pretty nice, but once I got my shoei I realized the hjc sucked.
  4. It's hot as fuck here... I leave all my gear inside so it's at least cool putting it on... Rather put on gear that isn't preheated in a baking garage... Yall can keep that shit. My riding jacket, helmet, gloves, and tank bag take up so little room that I haven't needed to build a rack for them outside... Don't you guys have a closet or countertop or something? Or did you guys start a mud shack community since I left?
  5. I would take her if I was in Ohio... My dog is the nicest st sweetest dog ever. And she's the same way... Good genes and such a nice sog
  6. I would take her if I was in Ohio... My dog is the nicest st sweetest dog ever. And she's the same way... Good genes and such a nice sog
  7. Sorry I'm drunk... I think they plan to fix all 3 dogs. But honestly, I doubt it's the female that's the problem. They have two highly dominant males that are gonna fight wither way, but I'm just helping then find a home for this female. She's such a sweet dog and my dog is from her litter and he's very nice too... Good breeding... Sorry I'm kinda up so maybe I can answer better later
  8. The people I got my dog from are looking for a home for his sister. Shes a female, 2yrs old, has all shots minus rabies shot. She has given birth to two litters of pups recently, so her stomach is a little saggy. Shes a sweet dog and good with kids and other dogs. They are trying to rehome her because their males are fighting over her. Free to a good home, someone help her out please. She will make an awesome family dog, shes nice and relaxed and will get along great with kids or other dogs.
  9. the steering damper help out much? the bike feels fine to me, but ive never ridden a bike with a damper to compare
  10. Just saying... Careful getting sucked into the cycle of gf approval. Once you're stuck, it's hard to escape. I'll never fall back into that funk. You only live once, enjoy it. Don't let some bitch control it. Your comment about your gf flipping out and being on a schedule of when to get a new one etc... Been there. Just looking out for a brother run, run, run... Find one who supports you instead of one who manages you.
  11. Don't let your gf dictate your finances. I had one that did that shit to me. Ditching her ass was the best thing I've ever done.
  12. First bike was a 02 yz250f... No pics of it sadly First street bike was a 97 vmax
  13. Once you get gold or blue, let me know and I'm in for one! Even though I don't live in OH anymore lol gotta rep the OR family
  14. Also, comparing bites to deadly bites doesn't make sense in your analogy. Can a rottweiler kill a human? Yes. Not often or likely, but it's possible. That makes teeth a deadly weapon, therefore reacting with a deadly weapon is equal use of force. Your analogy is like knife attacks. Many people survive knife attacks, but if a suspect charges an officer with a knife, he is getting shot. Even if he doesn't feel he will be the 1 in X amount to actually be killed by a knife.
  15. Whatever guy. Go into denial about it all you want. You're on the defense because you think I said something negative about the breed, which I didn't. It is what it is, whether you believe it or not. That same mentality is what gets dogs killed when their owners set them up for failure because they believe it's all in how a dog is raised. Same mentality as people with pitbulls who take them to dog parks to mingle with other dogs... Sweetest pit in the world suddenly turns and attacks someone's dog and all the sudden it's "Omg look at that vicious pitbull"... It's irresponsible. I never said anything about your dog's temperament either. Instinct is different than temperament. Your dog is a watered down version of a true rottweiler? Good for you. Doesn't mean the breed in general is. Nobody said anything about Rottweilers biting more than dachshunds. I'm not sure how that even came up. You're making the same defense a person would make to the comment" Rottweilers are mean and bite people", however that isn't the statement I made, I said nothing negative against the breed at all, you just went on defense for no reason. I won't argue it anymore... You're set in your ways. But facts are facts, and dogs aren't inherently bad based on breed. But they do all have certain traits and do need to be managed in certain ways.
  16. Lol my bad. It was late... First time I typed it, it didn't look right, but the right word didn't come to mind so I just left it
  17. Disagree completely. It's not a stereotype, it's genetics. Certain dogs are bread for certain for certain jobs. Not every dog fits the mold, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Dogs bread for herding animals will often try to herd children by nipping at their ankles, terrier breeds are known for chasing smaller animals, etc... Rottweilers are considered a guardian breed, and have been bread to protect their family and domain, same as doberman and German shepherds etc. Your comment about pits isn't accurate either. "sweet" pitbulls fit their stereotype perfectly. They have been bread to be extremely people friendly, regardless of what the media tries to portray. They were bread to be dog aggressive, which is different than human aggressive. Pitbulls are historically so human friendly they were once referred to as nanny dogs. Argue it all you want and deny it all you want, but not breed is the same. You need to know the strengths and weaknesses of a particular breed before you own one. My dog is the nicest dog in the world, but because he's a pitbull I know not to trust him with other dogs unsupervised. You cannot undo hundreds of years of breeding. It's not just "how they're raised" it's how their managed. Don't put your dog in a position to fail. If an intruder broke in here, my pit would lick them to death. Regardless of what you may believe, there's a much higher chance your dog would go on the attack when confronted with an intruder. Rottweilers specifically were bread to herd and guard cattle.. They were also used for protection by people who were traveling in the 1800s. They were then adapted to police work and are used throughout the world for police duties and border security. They weren't bread to sit around on a couch... If every dog was made equal, why do you never see golden retrievers used as guard dogs? Why don't you have huskys used for boar hunting? Certain dogs have certain traits, they are bread certain ways. Have a read www.dogchannel.com/dog-breeds/guardian-dog-breeds.aspx
  18. As much as I love dogs and think cops fuck shit up all the time... The dog lunged at the officer and got shot. Clean shoot. The only one at fault is the dogs owner. Rottweilers are known for being very protective of their family. I don't blame the dog or the officer, just the owner. Me and my gf were approached by two stray pitbulls the other weekend. I grabbed my gun immediately to be ready. Luckily for the dogs they were nice and sweet and just wanted to steal my fishing bait. But if one had lunged at me or my gf and I felt threatened for her or myself, I would have shot the dog until it was no longer a threat. Dogs can do serious bodily harm if they really mean to
  19. Yea... If you wreck once or twice per year, you're a fucking idiot rider. Guy was probably making that shit up anyways though.
  20. Damn, if this had been for sale in April I would have bought it for my girl ... Looked at a newer one that wasn't near as nice and was a grand more...
  21. Part A says flooded AND barricaded, part b makes you liable for emergency costs (if convicted for part a only) , part c sets the 2k limit and part d relieves your insurance company's liability to the state.. Whether they would cover the vehicle or not is probably company policy based phoenix.gov/fire/safety/onthemove/motorist/ However, maybe there's another law somewhere that rolls those posted flood areas into the definition of barricaded or something... Idk... We have one right by my house with a sign that says do not enter when flooded
  22. Yep. The above comparison to a hair dryer is pretty accurate lol
  23. Odd... Reading the actual law it states barricaded road ways... I would fight that ticket for sure. A. A driver of a vehicle who drives the vehicle on a public street or highway that is temporarily covered by a rise in water level, including groundwater or overflow of water, and that is barricaded because of flooding is liable for the expenses of any emergency response that is required to remove from the public street or highway the driver or any passenger in the vehicle that becomes inoperable on the public street or highway or the vehicle that becomes inoperable on the public street or highway, or both.
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