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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. There are something like 6 shows about cake. With all the terrible cable channels I got to think that someone would pick up AMA. FUEL, G4, ESPN 8 (The Ocho), something...
  2. You mean this one? May 5, 1945: Japanese Balloon Bomb Kills 6 in Oregon 1945:: A Japanese balloon bomb kills six people in rural eastern Oregon. They are the only World War II U.S. combat casualties in the 48 states
  3. Seems like an 883 alternative. These will be sold worldwide. I doubt US sales will be very strong, but overall Honda will sell a ton of these.
  4. http://www.mda.mil/system/system.html
  5. Interesting choice for an inexpensive cruiser/bagger. Would you ride it? The standard CTX700N ($6999), and the CTX700 ($7799), the latter with a bikini fairing separating it from the naked variant.
  6. Assuming NK could launch a missle (nuke or otherwise) at the US, our missle defenses would destroy it. Other countries are not so well protected. If they are close to nuclear missle capability, I expect there will be international intervention from the US, China, and many others.
  7. It makes sense for someone from the nether-region to join a site for local motorcycle riding. Seems legit.
  8. You are all just jealous of his golden dutch penis
  9. What's preventing police from getting on the radio before every routine stop and saying 'He's got a gun?' That way they can defend any actions despite how wrong they are. They can lie and their partner will swear to it in court. It's a perfect plan
  10. The term 'ball ammo' is used in the military.
  11. Standard fmj. Non hollow points.
  12. Are you speculating or saying this actually happened?
  13. Fleeing is illegal, but does not justify the use of deadly force. When a chase puts the public in danger, CPD policy is to break off the chase to end the danger. This policy was not followed. To minimize the potential of public danger, another CPD policy is to limit the numer of chase vehicles to 2 unless specific orders call for more than 2 (there were 59 vehicles involved in this chase, more that 2 were not authorized). The people killed were the ones who created the situation. However, through a series of not following proceedures, misinformation (like shots fired), and a few really stupid moves, the Police were the ones that escalated the situation into a shootout. While the poeple killed were not the most upstanding citizens, police are not judge, jury, and executioner. Police are here to serve and protect the public, even the ones you may find unsavory. If you follow the details of the actual shooting, the police basically encircled the vehilce and shots were fired (by police)...creating a crossfire. MANY POLICE VEHICLES WERE SHOT, BY THE POLICE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CIRCLE!!! An officer seeing bullets tearing through his car, would likely be inclined to return fire, escalating what is already a huge clusterfuck. It's really surprising that police weren't shot and killed by friendly fire. Scary.
  14. So...the 2 people killed were not armed. Mike Dewine is saying Cleveland police are out of control and lack leadership. A local congress woman is calling the police murderers. This should get interesting... http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2013/02/cleveland_police_chase_and_shooting_scene.html http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/cleveland_metro/East-Cleveland-Councilwoman-calls-police-chase-shooting-murder
  15. Magz, The thing that bothers me most about you and people like you is you consider your self some kind of of expert on topics where you've barely scratched the surface. That attitude breeds ignorance and prevents any REAL comprehension. You've proven this many times. ...tried to tell a thread full of former military personnel that you understand the mindset of people serving in our military because you have a cousin in the Navy and you talk sometimes (but not for a long time) or some horseshit like that. Your understanding of the mind of military personnel is based on the stories that your killer robot cousin chose to tell you. Great, that paints 0.001% of the picture, but just skip to the part where you consider yourself an expert and refuse to accept any new information from people who have lived it. Ignorant. The comment in this thead about snipers not having courage is another example of ignorance. You know that a sniper can hit a target from a long distance. OK...fantastic...that is 1% of being a sniper, but you've already convinced yourself that you know it all. Snipers display more courage in sniper SCHOOL that you will in your whole life. Just applying to sniper school take brass balls. Being in hostile territory, behind enemy lines, by yourself trying to evade detection to take out a target to untimately save more lives...few men have that kind of courage. Shut your mouth and LISTEN to people that know more than you. If you're lucky, you may just learn enough to put together an INFORMED opinion. And you may just understand why people think your UNINFORMED opinions make you a bad person.
  16. It doesn't take an abundance of courage to post a-hole comments from your cozy chair behind your keyboard. You should find some active military personnel and share your opinions face to face...that would take some courage.
  17. You could stretch it all the way back to 2004. IMO stretching swingarms is for poseurs...unless its for drag racing. And a gs500 is generally not a drag bike.
  18. That's pisising away a lot of money. How much does that add up to in a day, month, year? That would be a payment for a sweet motorcycle.
  19. I haven't consumed caffiene, on purpose, in over 10 years.
  20. The "If it saves just one life" arguement is a dishonest attempt to tug at heart strings after a disaster. It's an emotional arguement that frankly contradicts the constitution. It's dishonest because it's attempting to use a national tragedy to gain a political advantage. If the true intent is to "save just one life" they should be just as driven to outlaw swimming pools, motorcycles, and fire.
  21. The Volunteer School Marshall concept was discussed in some earlier threads (I believe those were limited to school employees, not including neighbors). I think it would be the most effective action to deter and minimize any future disasters like Sandy Hook. It's a very American approach to solving a problem in a 'We The People' kind of way. Volunteer Marshalls would not need to be considered law enforcement. If police cannot respond for 10 minutes...their ENTIRE mission would be as a first responder to provide armed resistance to keep a potential criminal at bey for 10 minutes. I still do not like the idea of teachers carrying in the classroom. I prefer a small group of anonymous (like Air Marshalls) volunteers with access to a weapons safe in a secret location. This would also be the most cost effective solution to our cash strapped education system. Several groups have already offered to provide free weapons training to school employees. You would still need a couple of strategically selected weapons, perhaps a helmet and vest, and a gun safe. I'll bet gun owners and concerned citizens across the country would be willing to donate to puchase this type of equipment for their local schools. Shit...I would donate a gun safe to my kid's school. Of all the ideas I've heard, this would give the best results, IMO. Just the notion that a School Marshall was present would be a deterrent.
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