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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Let's review. I referenced overall homicide rates. You said specifically "mass shootings." I asked a reasonalbe question. Jim, I do believe you are talking in circles, while presenting no useful information whatsoever. So I'll ask for a 3rd time...what exactly are you suggesting? I am open to seeing what you have to say, but if you can't articulate your ideas, then stop wasting my time.
  2. Ok, and how are you trying to do that? And out of curiosity, why are mass shootings (which are a very small percentage of homicides) any more important than innocent people getting killed in other ways?
  3. Umm, remember the Brady Bill? That was in effect for what, a decade? It was also shown statistically to have no impact on homicide rates.
  4. Jim & Jim, If there's something you feel should happen just say what it is. I'm open to hearing different points of view. If you are suggesting some gun control measure that could have an impact...what is it?
  5. Incorrect, but thanks for trying.
  6. Are you suggesting something or just bitching?
  7. What is my way? I don't support restricting rights of hundreds of millions of people based on actions on the most despicable elements of society. Thats not how we base rights in America. I don't support restricting 1st amendment rights based on despicable elements like WBC or Jimmy Kimmel. I don't support restricting 2nd amendment rights based on actions of some shitbags that want to kill Innocents. Rights aren't and should not be based on the lowest element of society.
  8. Are you trying to suggest something? In my FB feed, I see some people are fearful and suggesting restricting rights via some kind of gun control measure.
  9. How's that Jim? Not sure what answer you're looking for.
  10. Without knowing the shooter's motive or reasoning, that's a very difficult question to answer. It's like asking how to prepare for a random car crash on a highway.
  11. I've read a handful of things about this guy that could explain a motive, but none worth repeating here. Sources that pop up after a tragedy are often unreliable.
  12. I tend to agree with this. I'm not sure what "more" means just yet, but assembling a bunch of guns and ammo near a big concert seems very calculated. It seems like more than he just "snapped."
  13. That chart appears to be representing the numbers as percentages. They don't add up to 100%, but I wouldn't think they should as murders are committed with victims & offenders that aren't white or black or the race is unknown. I agree the numbers don't seem to tie back to the FBI stats. How those numbers were determined is not obvious.
  14. Well, I already covered that in the Larry Elder video. This was just a bit a perspective, because you know...racism...it's everywhere apparently. And not just a tool the media & the left use to try to manipulate people into being pissed off and voting for democrats ... and what about that racist Trump?
  15. I think they're are decent for the price.
  16. The chain conversations were also kind of pricey. The only ones I ever saw were made by EBR...so not sure if those can still be had. Not sure if there were other companies making them.
  17. Most private employers have rules about conduct. 1st amendment rights have nothing to do with those rules even though many people incorrectly interpret them that way. Your employer can fire you for things you say or do at work. They can also fire you for things you post on social media outside of work hours. They key to the 1st Amendment is "Congress shall make no law." Trump saying sonuvabiches should be fired, or employers actually firing you for things you say or do is in no way threatening 1st Amendment rights. 1st Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
  18. So much has changed since these protests began. They have been wildly successful, assuming the goal is to irritate the people that support the NFL by watching games and buying merchandise. I am very curious to see what happens to NFL TV ratings for the rest of the season. I suspect the opinions of the league and team owners will rise and/or fall with those TV ratings. While they may care about some other things, the league is mainly about $$$.
  19. No. What people say at their jobs is not a free speech issue. I'm sorry if you've misinterpreted the 1st amendment.
  20. Perhaps you should read this. This isn't really a free speech issue. We all.can get fired for things we say and do at work.... http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/27/politics/first-amendment-explainer-trnd/index.html
  21. I think Steven A Smith is mostly an idiot, but he nailed this one.
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