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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Selling Ducs at Harley dealerships would go together about as well as orange juice and toothpaste. See Buell.
  2. I live in Ohio. I never wear my seat belt. I always wear my helmet.
  3. That sounds like it. It seems fine now, but it is a 7 year old battery.
  4. It wasn't hissing or boiling, I've heard overcharged batteries do that before. It was definitely an electrical hum and just when it was connected to battery tender. It seems OK now
  5. So battery on my VFR was completely dead. My fault. I put it on my battery tender and it was making a high pitched humming sound. It didn't appear to be taking a charge at first, but after a few hours it started charging (and the noise stopped). I let it charge overnight and now it seems fine. Anyone ever hear a battery making noise like that when on a charger?
  6. It was like being bitten by an angry kitten. I survived.
  7. I was bitten by a pretty big snake once. I was some kind of python. It's really not that big of a deal.
  8. If only your arguments were as valid as you think they are... you'd really be onto something.
  9. Which person is responsible for putting the more guns in the hands of citizens than any American in the history of the United States?
  10. I fail to see how California is a "micro-example." It's the intellectual model for liberals in the US. Seriously flawed, but the model none the less. Not allowing guns in government building is relatively uniform. It's the case in most states. It's not really any different that business or individuals choosing weather to allow firearms in their workplaces/homes. It's a very weak example to try to counter point the blatant hypocrisy of the CA senate.
  11. Here is everything you need to know about Gun Control laws in the US: California has among the most restrictive gun laws in the country. The California Senate (including Diane Fienstien) are responsible for many of these restrictive gun laws In 2011 the same California Senate voted 28-8 to exempt THEMSELVES from these restrictive gun laws http://joeforamerica.com/2017/01/california-senate-exempt-gun-laws/ Clearly their lives are more important and than the lives of the citizens of the Peoples Republic of California
  12. It contradicts your premise that the availability of firearms equals violence. What was your (revised) point again? In the United States you can make the argument that large concentrations of liberals cause gun violence. Statistics tend to support that argument.
  13. Right, like Switzerland where gun ownership is basically required by their government.
  14. I'm actually eating popcorn right now.
  15. I used to have the same problem. I used to have a rotating stable of 2-4 street bikes. Some fell out of favor after a couple rides, some I kept for 30-40k. Now 2 is my absolute max, and they have to fill different roles
  16. Nice Triumph. Let me know when it's for sale
  17. ^^ There's certain lines I won't cross...unlike double yellows. I cross those all the time.
  18. or at least the reception...open bar?
  19. Next year I may try some light/med adventure riding.
  20. Choking implies not competing. That was not the case. GS has 4 potential all stars and 2 former MVPs (still in their prime), they're tough to stop. GS will be there next year, the Cavs need to add a top tier player to be able to win. To do that someone has to go, and I hope it's Tristian Thompson. I don't care if he gets offensive rebounds during the regular season, he is just not a valuable player in a match up against GS.
  21. Before the trip I made a ton of beef jerky and dehydrated bananas, and brought some spiced tuna. That's pretty much what I ate at gas stops.
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