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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. They are no longer making V2 superbikes I agree that the V2 has pretty much reached it's performance limits. Twins are very good on the road, but 4 cyl have an advantage on the track. Any further advancements that could be applied to a V2 could also be applied to the 4 cyl. And the 4 cyl will be capable of higher rpm.
  2. Very few 12s or 13s were imported because there were a lot of left over 10s. This was due to mixed reviews...mixed because it was heavier than a sportbike, and doesn't have all the creature comforts of a sport tourer. Even the mixed reviews, said it had excellent handling and an amazing motor. The VFR12 is easily the best handling and fastest of all the VFRs. Yes it's heavy, but you'd never know it over 15 mph. The weight actually gives it a ton of traction. I can get on the throttle earlier on corner exit than on any bike I've ever ridden...and that's without traction control. When they came out I didn't particularly like them , but 2 miles into a demo ride I knew I'd own one someday. The biggest flaw of the 2010 VFR1200 was the MSRP of $15,999. Add another $1,800 (gulp) if you wanted hard bags. The closest comparison is the BMW K1200s/1300s, and the Honda is more capable with noticeably better build quality.
  3. I have plenty of WV routes. I agree with Seneca rocks and Canaan Valley. You can also ride up Mt Storm and cross into Maryland, some nice B&Bs up that way. Very cool that Shannon likes going on motorcycle trips.
  4. Right, unassured clear distance is for following to close, but it's possible an officer could interpret it differently.
  5. No worries. Years ago (before cellphones) someone pushed me off the road on I480, and almost wrecked me. It put me into a road rage like I've never experienced before, or since. He got off on an exit about a mile later, I followed him parked my bike in front of his car...blocking him from getting off the exit ramp. He wouldn't get out, so I dented up his door pretty good with my boots...in front of about 10 other cars. Later (after calming the fuck down), I realized he had no idea he cut me off. I'm actually surprised he didn't get the police involved.
  6. Probably the wrong thing to do, but I might have stopped for a quick conversation with the driver.
  7. Looks like they they finally improved their build quality.
  8. Sometimes I'll hold the door open for people that are far away, just to make them run a little.
  9. I already have plenty of soul (for a white guy). Last time my bike had soul I had to hire a Lemon Law attorney.
  10. I can't see myself buying another non-Japanese bike anytime in the near future.
  11. Tracy, Before a ride ask if anyone would mind following you for a few miles and giving you some feedback. I've done this for lots of people (some on this board), pretty sure UP has also. After just a couple miles of curves, I guarantee I can give you some pointers that will have you riding smoother, safer, and more confidently by the end of the day.
  12. CNN, the media, and the Democrats are trying so hard to pin this Russia thing on Trump.....Hahahahahah http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/26/politics/trump-tweet-obama-russia-collusion-obstruction/index.html
  13. When I started wanting to be a serious rider, and not someone who happened to own a motorcycle...I was lucky enough to ride with some highly talented, sensible riders (CORE). They were many levels above me in those days. They could ride much faster and make it look way easier. I picked their brains every chance I got about body position, lines, suspension, etc. I'd ask them to follow me and critique. I used gas stops like a 10 minutes riding lesson. IMO that was the best way to learn how to correctly ride a motorcycle...I never quite did get the track day bug.
  14. The speed of the ride leader, or other riders in NO WAY should affect your speed. Your speed should be based on your skill, confidence, and how you prefer to be riding that day. End of story. If I'm content following the rider in front of me, I'll stay there. If not, I may pass in a straight, or the next time we change roads. If I want to chill, I'll either drop way back, or let someone know that I'm going to split off and do my own thing. In any case...I am riding MY ride.
  15. Here's an example of HD love of sportbikes... Years ago I was at a Buell rally, talking with a Buell insider at a campfire over beers. He was telling me about a very heated conversion during a HD/Buell marketing meeting about whether or not HD would be able to sell Buell leather vests to sportbike riders. The argument went something like... "We're Harley, we know what motorcycle riders want, and all riders want leather vests." "They'll laugh at you because you have no fucking idea what you're talking about."
  16. I think some Air Force pilots carried a version of these. Doesn't it all fit in the butt stock & float?
  17. Tpoppa

    2.1 miles.

    Yeah, must have been a special circumstance. Typically they wouldn't want to alert the target if the chances of a kill are low. That takes a lot of skill and a little luck.
  18. Tpoppa

    2.1 miles.

    I'm actually surprised they took the shot from that far.
  19. Tpoppa

    2.1 miles.

    Wow. Had to be a .50 cal.
  20. I disagree. It could only work if the 2 companies operated completely separately. HD management hates sport bikes. They view them as beginner bikes, and step toward selling them a Hog when they're ready to step up to a "real" motorcycle. That's how they viewed Buell, and MV. HD being able to successfully manage Ducati would require a major shift in the goals of HD's management...who hate change. It ain't happening.
  21. Ducati three patch leather vests?
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