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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I never even spoke to the guy during the ride. I showed up as the group was rolling out & rode sweep until I was asked to lead. He seemed serious in that thread. He said a few things to the effect of he was going to find me sooner or later. It could have been a case of internet muscles.
  2. The one guy actually wanted to fight me because I was leaning into corners and wouldn't stay in a tight Harley formation.
  3. That ride/thread was my first OR encounter. After that, I thought OR was pretty much all dbags that didn't know how to ride. IP convinced me to stick around. So I went on an WV ride with UP which was way more my style. Some of the guys that were on that first ride never came back...too bad
  4. I'm not one of the OGs. I just showed up one day with my MotoGP Street Fantasy
  5. I just found out another friend passed this morning
  6. In a "stream" is there a away to see each thread only once? Not each time someone posts?
  7. I find that lots of riding gets me in shape for lots of riding
  8. Down 10 lbs since Xmas. 10 more to go. The plan is increased physical activity and foods that are high in protein...lots of tuna, salmon, & chicken.
  9. Helmet and Snot. I get it now. If you know any Cleveland metal bands...I know the guys from Keelhaul, Ringworm, Incantation, Not So Good ole Boys, etc.
  10. We were just discussing this yesterday. IMO, they deserved to lose their jobs. Yes, they will all get their jobs back with back pay. Basically an extended paid vacation.
  11. I used to have some business contacts that flew into Cleveland 3-4 times a year. That was around 1999-2000. They insisted on a trip to the E-Den every time.
  12. What is/was your band? I've seen Hed PE, I believe they were opening for Soulfly. I know many of the Cleveland metal bands that have had some national exposure.
  13. So...this park allows kegs and anal?
  14. Toledo used to be a test market for fast food chains, not sure if it still is. There were places that only existed in a few cities.
  15. The Mudhens park is downtown. It's a pretty good place to see games.
  16. I graduated from UT. I really like the school, the city ehhh.
  17. That's not really an excuse for not going. It's more like a reason for being 3 minutes late
  18. Another job lost to NAFTA
  19. Tpoppa

    Well, I tried.

    Almost certainly someone left it there. Those counters really don't make errors unless the bills are in terrible condition.
  20. Pick a date. Start a thread. I'll bring my A game.
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