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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Here's an uncut version from the front of the 1st group, looking back if this works. http://youtu.be/LE6Q7OJglG0?t=2m12s
  2. By the way, did you enjoy Juarez?
  3. Thanks but no thanks Pauly.
  4. Big thanks to those that were helpful here.
  5. Welcome from N. Ridgeville.
  6. Welcome from N. Ridgeville. Common meet spots for NEO rides are Bolivar & Millersburg. Also you can catch some good rides with the riders that meet up in Newark. Roads are way too linear & way too populated for proper riding up here.
  7. Best of luck Will. I enjoyed the couple times I got to ride with you.
  8. Misunderstood. I will consider. Thanks.
  9. Actually, I was looking to show up at the track with one 500 mile street ride on a new set of tires but now I think I'm just going to buy two new sets, ride one set until the weekend before the track then spoon on the other new set. Thanks for the offer Brian, but I'd be apprehensive about running slicks on the street.
  10. I'd post a wtb thread but it sounds like I should meet the sellers in a well lit public place.
  11. 190/55/17, 120/70/17s.
  12. Thanks. Next question: What's the best source for takeoffs.
  13. How worn can tires be and still pass tech inspection? I need new tires now & want to ride mid Ohio 7/1 & 7/2. I would like to do some street riding between now & then. Advice please.
  14. This type of thing is exactly why I never exceed 70 in the straits.
  15. Our group started the ride with 8 but 2 stayed to help after the crash which was pretty early on so most of the ride was with 5.
  16. I've got video from my helmet cam facing rearward on 93, 56, 691. I'll post it up when I get a chance to sort it out.
  17. Will, It was great to have you along with us. Looking forward to future rides.
  18. Thanks for staying back to help out. Hopefully next time will be crash free.
  19. I hope all goes well. I'm glad Dave's injury is fixable but I know that surgery is no fun at all.
  20. Thanks everybody. I think a good time was had by most. Wishing those that were injured a speedy recovery.
  21. This should be fun. Plans still as planned.
  22. I will bring multiple copies of my abbreviated EZ read route instructions for those that are directionally challenged that want to lead a group. Plus painters tape to tape them to your tank. Low tech but effective.
  23. Approximately 90 riders/ 6 groups =Approximately 15 riders per group. That's going to be tough. I would hope a few more would step up to the plate for lead/sweep.
  24. Sounds good Tim. Udell, rather than do a ride by at Circle K, I will just stop in for a few seconds. My friend Andy with the CBX is meeting us there. I'll already be gassed up & ready to roll when I get there.
  25. I'll be there & am good to lead the 1st or 2nd group out. Who wants to ride sweep for me? The other volunteer for leading a fast-medium group has been mysteriously quiet. Are you still riding Dave?
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