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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. It looks like someone gave it a liquid nitrogen bath & whacked it with a hammer. I wouldn't think that the tire would have much traction even before it cracked, being so brittle.
  2. Very nice Nivin. The hand held telescoping camera mount was great.
  3. I can't make it Saturday but definitely want to ride Sunday if the weather isn't rotten. Distended bowels should not be a factor.
  4. If Saturday's ride is Epic what's Sunday's going to be? Semi-Epic? Anybody got any plans for Sunday?
  5. I'll be riding the dentist's chair this Saturday. Have a great ride.
  6. Sorry for your mishap. Heal fast. I don't believe that mold release is the culprit with new tires anymore. The problem is that new tires are particularly slippery until they have gone through several heat cycles. Cold tires will always offer less traction than warm ones but new cold tires are the worst.
  7. Get leather jeans with built in armor.
  8. I got pulled over on my bike in Woodsfield because someone called in to report me passing over a double yellow line way outside city limits on Route 800. I did not recall committing the alleged crime so I did not get a ticket. I'm pretty sure that if I would have fessed up I would have gotten a ticket.
  9. I don't know if you are north or south Dayton but I grew up in Bellbrook & here's my 2 cents. Sugarcreek township Stewart Rd. Lower Bellbrook Road between Bellbrook & Xenia. You really need to get rural (northern KY) to do it right but if you must remain local these roads are ok. Ride safe.
  10. You high mileage on sport tires guys; What pressure do you normally run them? You low mileage guys; What pressure do you normally run them? I'm a medium mileage guy myself (4 to 5 k a set) & I run owners manual spec (36 /42) when I have to slab it & adjust to lower pressures (32/34) when hitting the twisties. I've run mostly Michelins (2CTs, Power Ones, Power Pures) but currently have a set of Dunlop Q2s that are working out well.
  11. No downside to using the clips unless you have a Ducati Monster or similar. I use the clips on both of my CBRs but put the quick disconnect on my wife's Monster (due to the fact that the battery is a pia to access).
  12. Welcome. Hope to see you on some of the rides this season.
  13. Good news there. Now, North Olmsted should do the same. They say it's in the name of safety but when those cars that they pull over have to get up to speed & merge back into traffic it's not exactly safe. The huge lumps of traffic that the police create by merely sitting there are not exactly safe. It's ironic that the only time you can speed with impunity through North Olmsted on 480 is when the weather is bad. You will rarely see a cop out there in bad weather.
  14. I wear an REI 2 piece (generic gortex) rain suit over my normal riding gear. I wasn't very impressed with frog togs. Gloves are aero stitch waterproof over mitts. Boots get rubbed down with snow seal. I've stayed relatively dry & comfortable on some relatively long rides through some frog choker rain with this setup.
  15. Back in the day a friend of mine rode his 305cc Honda Dream pretty much straight through from Colorado Springs to Dayton, OH so I would hope a 650 would be sufficient for touring. Then there's the issue of wants vs needs & acceptable level of comfort. For some, anything less than a Gold Wing is too small.
  16. I just used my new RK chain tool yesterday for the first time to install a 520 EK ZZZ chain on my RR. It did the job as advertised. The instructions were rather vague on how far to flare the ends of the pins. After some Internet digging I found that EK recommends flaring the pins to .224" to .236" for optimum function. The pins are .212" from the factory. Just thought I'd share this little tidbit of information.
  17. Has anyone here ever been passed by a motorcycle club?
  18. I admire your tenacity. Stick around.
  19. In 20 to 25 years I'll be 75 or 80. Can't say what I'll be riding but it won't be anything with forward pegs & tassels on the handlebars. I've got a friend that still rides at 88 years old. He's got a couple BMWs.
  20. Made 6 passes of West River Road (local/ Valley City) today. 4 on the rr, 2 on the little monster. Then I had to wash each bike & lube the chains on account of all the salt dust. Spring is just "around the corner". Woo Hoo!
  21. Maybe riding season will start soon & these little issues won't bother you so much then.
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