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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Thanks for the clarification Uncle Punk. We'll get it sorted out just fine now.
  2. That hotter than hades Coshocton ride was my intro to group rides. The front of the fast group went at a pretty good clip if I remember correctly. I certainly don't think it would be a good idea to carry that speed this ride. That was more of a "small group that you ride with a lot on roads that you ride a lot" pace.
  3. I plan on riding at "The Pace" with reasonable straightaway speeds, fun in the corners & pretty much the speed limit in towns & villages. This would be prudent considering the attention a group of this size will probably get. I don't really want to be the point on the end of the spear, carrying the red flag if you know what I mean.
  4. For those that might care: I checked & only station "B" at McConnelsville sells premium. Nelsonville is pretty early in the ride, but I think all bikes should go the 80 miles or so to Logan on a tank of fuel. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. Nelsonville Speedway + BP next door look bigger/better. Looks like they might not have premium at a couple of the Malta stations.
  6. I'm with Will on this. Whats up Doc?
  7. I have memorized the route. If we stick to the plan I will adjust speed & line depending on conditions found. In light of the recent rash of crashes I would guess that we have some riders out of the 80 or so going that would not adjust their speed & line appropriately on 555. I would be ok with whatever others decide about the route.
  8. Thanks for offering but I am traveling light.
  9. I have a friend meeting us in Lodi. He'll be on a red CBX.
  10. I'll be at 82/83 @6:00. That should put us in Lodi by 6:30. I'll be rolling straight south on 83.
  11. I can. I go right by there on my way. I'll be leaving the house at 6 though. Picking up a new member in Lodi.
  12. I was assimilated. Resistance was futile.
  13. I prefer accuweather brand weather. Right now at this very moment it says nice temps & no rain after today until May 11th in Logan, OH.
  14. i never gassed from cosch, J can you mark it up on google map? A. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Village+Marathon,+South+Whitewoman+Street,+Coshocton,+OH&aq=0&oq=village+mar,+Coshocton,+OH&sll=40.274051,-81.873255&sspn=0.026358,0.066047&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=Village+Marathon,&hnear=S+Whitewoman+St,+Coshocton,+Ohio+43812&ll=40.272666,-81.875771&spn=0.00659,0.016512&t=m&z=17&cid=4294092948924926599&iwloc=A 390 South Whitewoman Street Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-1977 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Village+Marathon,+South+Whitewoman+Street,+Coshocton,+OH&aq=0&oq=village+mar,+Coshocton,+OH&sll=40.274051,-81.873255&sspn=0.026358,0.066047&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=Village+Marathon,&hnear=S+Whitewoman+St,+Coshocton,+Ohio+43812&ll=40.272666,-81.875771&spn=0.00659,0.016512&t=m&z=17
  15. Doesn't make much difference to me. You easties wouldn't have to sit beside the road & wait on us northies. (There are at least 2 of us that are riding.) if we all gas up in Coshocton instead of Millersburg. I always wondered how that street got that name.
  16. Why not everybody just meet up at Marathon on Whitewoman street in Coshocton at 8:00 AM. Kickstands up at 8:30.
  17. Millersburg has me leaving the house by 6:00 am with with no complaints. If not Millersburg, then where? You easterners have to come pretty far west anyhow.
  18. ^ Route looks good Doc.
  19. 71 in a 55. That's almost legal lol. Glad you just got off with a warning. I saw a lot of sheriffs out today. I think I was in Coshocton county. Didn't get the chance to talk to any of them though.
  20. Just got back from 200 miler (83,60,541). 60 between 62 & 36 was pretty crappy with gravel & recently finished construction. South of 36, route 60 turned nice. Might want to consider this for next Saturdays feeder ride. ie- 541s pretty sweet. 83 was debris free like usual.
  21. I will meet up with the other riders at Millersburg Speedway. We may have to allow some extra travel time, what with all the trailers we'll have to pass.
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