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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Glad you are ok. Glad you don't have tire tracks from a certain yellow & black cbr across your midsection.
  2. Home OK. Thanks gentlemen.
  3. How was WV route 20? Just curious as I'll be riding WV on a multi-day ride in a couple weeks.
  4. Thanks for the report. Nice pics. Reminds me I have to get me one of those mile munching bikes and the time to use it some day.
  5. Sunday at noon at kfc Newark it is. Have a great ride today.
  6. Tim, If you're still riding Sunday I'll definitely be down.
  7. Very sorry for your loss. Dogs are family & when they've got to go it really hurts for those left behind.
  8. Check out google maps & switch on the terrain feature. Hilly areas have twisty roads. Flat areas not so much. That's why most group rides originating in NEO are 300+ miles. One local road with a few curves is West River Road, running north from Valley City.
  9. Never broke one in wrong. The only guy I know personally that did had a seizure.
  10. Lets all get together for a group ride. All 7500 of us.
  11. Did you hear about the conspiracy of motorcycle manufacturers to prematurely wear out engines & sell more bikes by advising easy break ins. A co-worker decided he was going to do a hard break in on his V-storm. Next thing I hear is that his engine mysteriously seized up. Luckily the dealer replaced it under warranty. I suppose that under very controlled conditions (ie dynomometer) a hard break in will work. I never had any problems with breaking in bikes per owners manual.
  12. I have Woodcraft sliders (have crash tested; no complaints). http://www.woodcraft-cfm.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?search=action&category=FS13
  13. jschaf

    255 Closed

    Thanks. Sorry to hear this. I was just down there 2 weeks ago & the road was pretty clean at that time.
  14. Welcome neighbor. I like the long spirited southerly rides myself. My schedule this year seems only good for 1 or 2 a month. (Got to go to Columbus today so I'm going via Coshocton & Newark). Hope to meet up with you on a OR group ride sometime soon.
  15. How fucking narrow are the roads you ride on anyhow? The standard lane is 12 feet. My bike requires 2 feet. This leaves 10 feet for clearance & car. I don't mandate "the required" 3 foot clearance but if the car driver does & is driving an average size car (ie; Ford fusion is less than 7 feet mirror tip to mirror tip) they can have their 3 feet & not cross the centerline. Sharing the road is a 2 way street. I only dick with people when they are being a dick.
  16. I'll agree with one of swingset's points there. It really sucks when bicyclists (usually the ones in the flaming jerseys) ride two abreast knowing full well that a vehicle is approaching from the rear and don't go single file to let the said vehicle pass. I ride bicycle a lot & always ride in a lane position that will let car drivers pass without crossing the centerline. It's the courteous thing to do. I love it when I'm on my motorcycle when passing the arrogant "two abreast" guys. I just maintain speed, keep about 1 1/2 feet left of centerline & hold the horn button in from the time I'm about 10 feet away until I'm about 10 feet past for a nice dopler effect.
  17. Power Pures now due for replacement after over 4k miles. No real complaints except that they were super slippery when brand new. Once scuffed in they were sticky & predictable. Will be putting on a set of Q2 Sportmax's on in next week.
  18. Welcome to the site. Nice roads down your way.
  19. jschaf

    Good lord!

    Full review is in current Sport Rider mag. It's definitely a looker. Sounds like the traction control would be quite the assist for speedy corner exits. It seems that Ducati emulated I4 engine performance with the new oversquare design. Nice bike if you've got the monies.
  20. Depending on route I may be able to ride a partial on Saturday. I have a to be in Columbus by 2 pm is the only thing.
  21. I would if I could but I can't so I won't. The weekend following is looking good for me.
  22. My 1000rr doesn't seem particularly low in torque or peaky.
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