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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. What annoys me is the lack of personal responsibility and accountability. People blame their problems on all sorts of things - race, weight, social status, financial position - everything is something or someone else's fault. Bullshit. Stand up and be responsible.

    That's the best thing I've read in this thread! THAT is exactly one of the biggest problems today. Nobody takes any personal responsibility. I'm gonna stop there with just agreeing with you, not ranting on about personal responsibility (which I've had my share of not taking it!)

  2. listen to beck most mornings just to hear what he has to say on the latest...

    The thing about Glenn Beck (I do listen to him) is that a lot of the stuff he says is written by his staff. I bet he goes over it before the show, too. I don't think he would say anything that he didn't agree with, but as with the President, he has his stuff written for him. His radio show is more really what he thinks than the TV show, as the radio show is where his heart is.

  3. Oh, I understand that articles have been written to their audience for a long time now. This is where technology has become a bit of a double edged sword.

    I have to ask, is more information availability REALLY better? With all of the swine flu reports, people are scared to death. Should they be? Probably not a whole bunch more than the regular flu.

    Basically, if everyone was to research the topics that they read about and get all sides and all views, the way things are reported wouldn't be such an issue. It's only because most people (myself not excluded!) are too lazy to do all the research on everything we read, so we take the spin and are possibly ill-informed.

  4. put a ducati nameplate on a "slowshiba" tisk tisk

    Easy now! My AMD based Toshiba is pretty decent. Well, after in removed quite a bit of the crap they had installed when I got it, anyway. It has slowed after using it for nearly a year, but that's how windows goes. Time for some cleanup, in other words!

  5. Oh boo fucking hoo.

    If you have to explain the fact that you're not "gangsta", maybe you should look at how you act, and the image you project. Maybe people are getting the wrong idea about you.

    I'd say you're more of a race baiter, FWIW.

    I reply with:

    Actually throwing your two cents into a discussion without adding anything to the discussion is attention whoring.

    Have a nice day.

  6. whoops... forgot to answer that part, sorry :p

    everything you can think of. anything as harmless as a festival coverage to as important as election stories.

    I don't get to do it myself much anymore, but I have a staff of reporters who know how to "write to order."

    For example, sometimes we run the same story in different editions of the paper (nowadays... we run different editions based on the internet user's ZIP code or other demographics we can gather). The urban center of town will get something slightly different than the wealthy suburbs. Same facts, just rearranged to appeal to that demographic. Or sometimes we will withhold stories for one area of town, that we will provide full blown in another. It's bidniss as usual.

    It's not always executed perfectly, either. sometimes the wrong version will run in the wrong area and we will get pounded with negative feedback from readers/viewers. Ever notice how local TV news stories are really short? like 20-30 seconds per topic? it's because it's a general broadcast to all audiences. The less we say, the less chance we have of offending one segment or another.

    Interesting to say the least.....

    I think you defined exactly what's wrong with the media today, they don't want to piss anybody off.

  7. Ok, question on the whole czar thing...

    Are these "czars" any different than regular cabinet members? Is czar just a wording thing that has everyone pissed off? Would it be the same as calling them "Directors" of whatever they're overseeing? Are they a new level in the president's cabinet, in addition to the "director's"?

    I really don't know, that's why I am asking!

  8. :nono: It's still a qwerty keyboard but it is set up a little differently and a different size and I was also engaged in conversation with visiting family so only half of my attention was devoted to the thread.

    Wow! Half? That's a lot of attention for youto be using! lol

    My wife read this thread, and she said she understands why I had a headache yesterday! LOL It was actually a sinus headache, but it was funny.

    The more I think about the topic, the more it wouldn't bother me to have my kid watching this. I only have one (stepson) in school, and he's only first grade, so the damage control at home if he were to watch it, and there be anything in there that we disagree with would be minimal.

    Really, I think it's a good idea for the president to encourage the students, making a speech that's directed to them. When I was in school, I felt SO disconnected from the adult world, even in high school. As long the president keeps it to encouragement, and away from political, all will be fine.

    Lastly, you and I don't have to like the president, but we need to respect the office of the president.

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