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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. Don't think the world is going to end because you can't find neutral.

    99.9% of the time on the street, you'll never use neutral.

    There's no law that says you have to park it in neutral, despite what the MSF instructors insist on. Just make sure that when you are parking in gear to remember to pull in the clutch or else you'll be going places you didn't want to go when you start it up.

    It's only when you discover neutral when you were looking for second on the road when it's an issue. We've all done that before, just don't flip out when it happens.

    On your 250, you pretty much HAVE to start the bike in neutral! The clutch on my ninja 250, and all others (before 2008) that I've seen, you have to put it in Neutral! At least (as Likwid stated) they have the "positive Neutral Finder!"

    I rode the Nighthawk when we took the class. I don't plan on ever riding a 250 Nighthawk again! It was pretty easy to deal with for the class, but it was not exactly comfortable for me! My wife rode the Suzuki GZ250, and she had troubles with her feet getting caught in the shifter, she even dropped it once because of it, and had a nice large bruise to show for it! She got right back on it after cussing, and saying the f-word more than I've heard her say ANY swear word, and finished the class!

  2. I DID manage to get the fuel problem figured out, it was the filter, don't know why it took a while of running for the problem to show up, but it's fixed for now. Fuel pump is back in the loop also, I just need to put a filter back inline, since I just took that one out.

  3. Ugh, I'm getting frustrated with this bike! Today I tried sync'ing the carbs, and THAT was a bust! I'm pulling them back off and setting them with a feeler gauge, and fixing the (minor) coolant leaks at the same time. I think they were WAY off, making the syncing job go to the toilet.

    On a side note, the bike started smoking BADLY out the exhaust while idling for a long time. Definately oil smoke. I'm hoping that it's ok after I get the carbs straightened out!

  4. lol nah my boss is a guy and it was for our quarterly party and he wanted to give back to the employees.

    I thinks I need a job like that!

    Seriously though, I like how things go where I work (most of the time) but for 5k bonuses....

  5. Global warming is a gimmick. End of story.

    Being green IS good. As stated earlier in this thread (sorry, I'm too lazy to go back ana see who said what) air and water quality is MUCH better than in the 70's. I was born in the early 70's and remember living down the street from a factory, and the smell was horrid! Now it's barely noticeable (probably since most of the manufacturing has gone to Mexico, or china, but that's a whole other topic) when I've been back in that neighborhood.

    I see nothing wrong with being green to save a buck or two, but when it costs more to be green than to not, someone had better get to work on it, or I will choose not!

    I use the compact flourescent light bulbs. It took me a while, and moving into a house that already had several, before I made this move. If you buy the right ones, they put off nearly the same light as an incadescent, using much less electricity.

    More fuel efficient vehicles, I see no problem with this either, as long as people buy them when they would be buying a new vehicle anyway, and not spend any more for the vehgicle than they would anyway. Hybrids are pretty close to a loss, dollar wise, when compared to the equivalent non hybrid. People need to quit listening to marketing, and politicians and think for themselves!


  6. I keep :beathorse: this post :lol:

    I have the oil leaks pretty much taken care of! The primary culprit was the clutch pushrod seal, I shoved a small o-ring inside the seal (since the shaft shouldn't be spinning much, anyway) and that took care of that one, the other one was the stupid oil cap! I overlooked the fact that it's supposed to have on o-ring on it! As long as I got the right size o-ring on it, all should be good for oil leaks!

    Next task to accomplish is replacing a few o-rings on the coolant tubes that go to the headsm 1 per cylinder, that are right under the carbs. I think I need to do this before the next step, in case I need to remve the carbs.

    Next, I need to sync the carbs. I haven't had any luck with finding Hg to refill my friends sync tool, so I think I might be heading to the Iron Pony to get a whole new set. I need to do the Ninja, also. And Chevysoldier can use them for his Yammy.

    From there, I have a fuel delivery issue that I THINK I have nailed down to vapor lock. The fuel line runs right next to the rear cylinder head. After riding for 20 or so miles, it runs out of fuel. I think it was starting to do it the other day while I was riding (not as far) so I reached down and squeezed the line a few times in the suspect area and it seemed to improved a little bit, or at least didn't get any worse. That one will have to be verified when I get to ride it further, and can deal with problems. Until then, longer trips will be on the Ninja.

    Once riding weather is gone, the bike is getting taken apart, engine rebuilt, maybe suspension upgrades, and paint! I think I've found a way to get paint that will work with the system we use at work. All I have left then is for someone to airbrush on the Hon-duh logo and writing, since I can't find the decals for it.

    Stay tuned, as I will update more as I get stuff done!

  7. Lockhart Phillips sells a ton of turn signals.

    Some are original replacements.

    Some will replace originals.

    Some are just special.

    They have both single and dual filament bulb types.

    The dual filament is for having both turn and running lights.

    You would have to run some extra wiring for the running lights.


    Somewhere on that website you can download the catalogs.

    WOW! 70.47MB download for the sportbike catalog!

  8. no pic AND no phone# = SCAM

    good CL rule to go by.

    You know, I usually THINK that, but I bought both of our bikes on CL, and NEITHER had pics, or phone numbers! Although, when I emailed them, I got prompt replies, and good info. This was followed by phone conversations. I guess I'm just lucky there! I also reccomend using an email address that is spam-filtered when replying to CL ads.

  9. On the Ninja, I was thinking of wiring in some resistors and diodes to make them function at a lower brightness as running lights (like the dimmer filament of a dual filament bulb) then they would flash normally when they're used for turn signals. Or I could change out the socket (not a particularly easy task with the way the flush mounts are made) for a dual filament socket, and run a 1157 or whatever bulb has the proper wattage. My main reasoning for having the bulb dimmer for running lights is heat, since the bulb comes pretty close to the lens on the flush mounts.

    The Hon-duh has running lights by default.

  10. Get the Gell cell from wal-mart, prolly about 60 bucks for your bike and will last 2-3 years

    Sorry, but for 60 bux it had better last more than 2-3 years!

    The Ninja has the original (as far as I can tell) sealed (guess AGM) battery in it. That makes it around 5 or 6 years old. I can't verify that, as I've only have the bike since April.

    When I got the Interceptor, the battery was trashed, I bought a regular lead acid for it, $45 through Carquest (that's who we get most of the car parts through for work, convenience for the bike battery.) I'm thinking that next time I will be getting an AGM battery, as they do seem to be better.

    For the cars, I will get nothing other than Interstate. We HAVE had a (very) few fail, but they stand behind them. I think they're worth the price premium. Actually, I'll probably check with them for AGM batteries when I need another bike battery.

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