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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. Have the bike tranferred into his name. Than have him sell the bike to you for $1 (per the title), and transfer it into your name. I actually did this with a bike with an out of state title.

    It's not the taxes that he would be paying when buying the bike, it's the taxes that are his friend would be paying to get the title in his name, before he could LEAGLLY sell it. There ARE ways around it, depending on how much of the info has been filled out on the title. I do NOT condone any such behavior, as I've had relatives get into some serious trouble, it seems the state wants their tax money from EVERY transaction!

  2. eh its a long time buddy of mine I just thought I would help him recoop alittle money on the bike since Id be paying next to nothing for it anyways.

    If it's that low of a price, I would toss in a few bux to get it on the road, but that's just me, and I don't know all the details. It does sound like it would be a good deal, even getting the title straightened out.

  3. eh its a long time buddy of mine I just thought I would help him recoop alittle money on the bike since Id be paying next to nothing for it anyways.

    It would be nice if you could come up with some sort of compromize with hime to get this resolved! I hate to see a bike sitting, or getting parted out when it could be on the road!

  4. If you don't want a giant fuck around then he needs to transfer that title. Why go through all that bullshit for the monetary gain of someone else?

    It's not YOUR fault he decided not to title it! I can understand the reasoning, since he apparently had no intentions of putting it on the street. Unfortunately, it sounds like that bike will likely end up being a track only bike for this reason.

  5. Im talking bout your eve work at your job "chase" all you and bambi seem to do is plug away on OR thats not really work come on look at bambi's post count theres no way he did that in 2 months on his off work time :D I got you chase people figured out

    That explains their ridiculous fee's also! So, I give Chase money to pay you guys to surf OR? I have done my part to support the site right there! :lol:

  6. Don't worry about it man, like i said i didn't mean to jump down your throat lol. I just think people should get all the details before they judge. And i thought maybe you were cutting down the op.

    And definitely, i'm sure there alot of people who resent us. It takes skill, and a pair of brass balls to ride a motorcycle. :cheers:

    It's all cool! I just wanted to make sure you knew what I was talking about! I try to be careful about the image that bikers get. ATGATT is another thing I do to try to pass on a "professional" image, that people make get the idea that we're serious about riding.

  7. your good jp. I didnt get that at all. in fact i did wonder if the guy had beef, but we did wait until there was a dotted yellow line on our side and no one was coming on the other side. we didnt even down shift or anything to get around him. He was cool and actually said he worked at some cycle shop in lancaster....dont remember which on he said though.

    I'm glad to hear that you were riding responsibly (I've never rode with you, so I had no way of knowing! Just from your posts I would guess that you are a responsible rider. I know I almost always try to not pass, and if I do, make the pass by the book, unless the cage is going way below the speed limit, then I get the pass done and over with, then slow back to around speed limit. The more respectful we are, the less we have to worry about nay sort of bad image. I'm glad bike don't have the bad image that they used to!

  8. A decent pair of gloves tops my list. All passengers should wear them. I've known several people to throw their hands out and do a deep rash on the palms of their hands. A rather permanent scar. I prefer the flip spin slide, or roll and tumble... but you never know...

    :plus1: on the gloves! Try to think of what your life would be like without the proper use of your hands. I can't even begin to imagine.

    I heard you talking a bit yesterday about defensive tactics when you go down, I'm just not sure how instinctive I will be should the worst happen. That kinda scares me!

    Yesterday should be a testament of how I believe in ATGATT!

  9. Have you syncronized the carbs? Made a HUGE difference on my Interceptor. Visually setting them was definately needed to get things close, but using a carb tuner and setting them precisely made things even better!

    For setting the carbs, i use my "calibrated" ear. It's something I've always been able to do on cars, setting timing and adjusting idle mixture on carbs, and I just brought that skill out of retirement (thanks to EFI, I rarely use it!) for use on the bikes! I won't claim that it's the best way, but it works for me!

  10. Have you ever seen their used bike collection? Massive, about as big as their showroom. Then there's an entire warehouse behind the main building where they keep a toon more used bikes and a bunch of the new ones... INSANE

    How are their used bikes priced? I wish there was someone in central Ohio that had a nice inventory of used bikes.

    One of my friends went up there to pick up a bike they bought from them on ebay, 68 Honda Dream. He got a good deal on it.

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