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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. He employees a 100 people, is a leader in his industry and is rich as hell, living in LeBrons neighborhood in a paid for 1.2 million house. Pool is almost done, paid cash for that too. The Tesla and Navigator are also paid for And he has a heart of gold and will help anyone anytime.He votes and does not riot. And did three tours in the sandbox. I did a great job.
  2. Typical liberal millennium response...."it's someone else's fault".
  3. Don't do it man. With no pool table you won't be any better than @TimTheAzn
  4. If they spent more time voting and less time rioting they might not need to riot.
  5. ...protested on the Berkeley Campus to end the Universities ban on political speech and activities on Campus. They kept it up for almost a year, peacefully doing sit in's, smoking weed, you know the usual hippie stuff....and they pulled it off. They won that right for themselves and every other student across America. Last night a bunch of fucktard millennials rioted to stop that political free speech on campus.
  6. There was less content, but it was of higher quality. Far fewer snake oil salesmen/booths. Overall the show was good, better than previous years. Most of the booths were of interest. Yes, it was worth the cost. And the stunt show was a blast, we loved it. Hookers and blow. Open an hour or two earlier Friday.
  7. I am certain I can set it up again next year.
  8. I am going to go out on a limb here and say you don't have a horse either.
  9. Jesus, is only January and we may already have the post of the year.
  10. Italians are serious about their time off. When we were there everything shut down for a few hours in the afternoon. We were told in August when it's really hot the shut down for half the day.
  11. Give him a pic of the spokes. It sounds really ghetto but I remember that conversation and you don't even see it.
  12. Congrats man. I have seen them in action. A very capable bike. Paging @ScubaCinci to help you pick out farkles.
  13. Yea, be careful of the exchange rate. It's all over the place right now.
  14. When you buy it from him. You are our only hope.
  15. So it's broke more than usual and will soon be back to being normal broke.
  16. Should have thought of this sooner...looks like he moved to Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/eurobikenight/
  17. Then there is this clip, complete with life sized penis.
  18. Here is a video on how to do the valve adjustment on a Katana.
  19. +1 We have a whole forum for that, which I pollute regularly. Politics has generally been left out of the other threads, especially this one.
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