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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. <insert "teach dad how to jump up high and throw elbows" lame joke here> +3 to the Gamo - I have one; sounds like a .22, not a "bb gun". break barrel > pump
  2. could be a great father-son project...can't really put a price on that.
  3. I got out yesterday for a couple of hours, and may again today depending upon the weather radar.
  4. your safe's good for at least 30 minutes, no? I'd imagine that even if a round managed to go off, the wall(s) of the safe should slow it down quite a bit, plus you'd be outta the house by then.
  5. starts in January. Race in Indy in March. If you haven't been, you should go.
  6. re-run, but nothing else is on, sooo... thanks!
  7. any firearms i <might> have had were lost in a horrible smelting incident, Mr. Government Agent Man... ...and any that <might> have survived were locked in a safe that tragically went overboard when my boat hit a large wave on Lake Erie...
  8. before the tragic smelting incident i would check, check again, and then check a third time any gun i was handling - mine and especially someone else's. drop mag, rack, rack, rack, pinky check.
  9. the "hot now" sign had just come on at the krispy kreme and this idiot caused the officers to miss out. he (the lawbreaker) is lucky he didn't get rodney king'ed...
  10. 1 of the 3 people in your OP is nothing like the other two, and I ain't be talking about her plumbing... 1 was full-on 'tard, the other half 'tard, both were/are immature/argumentative, and the other is Ninjagirl/chick/whatever. this is a guns and motorcycles forum, and womenz are very much in the minority here. So, when one comes along that likes the same things we (men) do, we get excited. And if they play along, ever-so coyly, then it's just that much better and fun. If you work in IT, it's very much the same thing - if a female comes along that isn't completely homely, us server jockeys get quite excited. Think Big Bang Theory, but slightly less dorky and also less smart, but more well-adjusted. It's all in good fun, and spring will be here sometime soon.
  11. this thread could alternately be titled: "why trying to ride waaay faster than your ability is a bad idea"...
  12. 'cause he's a banker and he wants to fight off bank robbers?
  13. Shells and cheese is my guess...
  14. mix in some sketti, evening = perfect. /the jello goes without saying.
  15. it's that time of the year. Delaware County (click) Franklin County (click) this public service announcement has been brought to you by "updating sshd configs on 300~ non-windows servers" and "taking a break to prevent carpal tunnel/repetitive stress injuries".
  16. i recently celebrated Diwali with my co-loafers - the food's spicy, but not inedible-spicy, if you know what I mean... since we're an Oracle shop we have a lot of Indians; and with the exception of one now-departed woman they've all been incredibly nice and willing to absorb the 'Murican culture...and I've learned a lot about their culture(s) also. all in all, great people.
  17. see if he's interested in a GSX 650F to work on...
  18. happy for you that your pup is back in fightin' shape! :trophy:
  19. 8 giveaways and the Stillers only lost by 6? Wow, The Clowns are bad - and I root for The Clowns. Let's face it, with the exception of The OSU and Mount Union, football in Ohio ain't that great.
  20. Delta is on my list of places that consistently is excellent.
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