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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. ^^^^ one of them eye-talian bikes, duke somethin' or another.
  2. jblosser


  3. good thing we don't have to register them in Ohio. there is the nics check, though...
  4. the outcome in either is the same...death...design intent doesn't matter. you stated that the founding fathers envisioned the 2A during the time of flintlocks, thus implying (or perhaps i'm incorrectly inferring) that you think that were the founding fathers to draft the bill of rights today that they wouldn't bother with the 2A, as citizens have no access to "sr-71 blackbirds", et al. i was trying to point out that the SCOTUS agrees that the 2A is sound, even today, even though citizens can't go toe to toe (successfully) with the military. *edit: BPEL just croaked, I has to get back to work and earn my keep...
  5. person + bullet(s) + gun = murder = ban the gun person + alcohol + car = murder = not car's fault what's the common factor in both scenarios above? @Mr Magley: You've stated numerous times in this thread that the 2nd amendment does not apply to today's realty vis-a-vis taking on the government and its superior firepower. I would point you to the Heller and McDonald SCOTUS decisions.
  6. dammit, was gonna blast the crap outta you...
  7. is this where 'cock' came from? and if so: immature male chicken (cockerel) named after body part, or body part name after immature male chicken?
  8. is this what Cheech is always talking about? dude should just quit cold turkey.
  9. eff ford, the company - they as much told me that, so i have no use for them. too bad, they're making some nice cars.
  10. so, according to idiot state rep./caller on the radio, this bill legalizes randomly shooting people? i'm not so sure i support this bill... my derp bucket's nearly full.
  11. here's an idea - might not be fireproof, but toss a padlock on it and it would slow down a crook:
  12. wiener. thingy. pecker. john thomas. johnson. mini me. etc., ad nauseam.
  13. with all due respect, Mr. I Represent Ducati, you're doin' it wrong, to wit: "Well, the R model is the most awesomest bike evar, the differences are worth waaay more than we're charging. I would have been on one like stink on sh*t, but we're selling them so fast that we can barely keep up..." very nice bike, you done well. can't wait for h-d Brian's epic 'ultra glide build thread' a year from now...
  14. the Canadians won't give up on the NHL - there's nothing else for them in the winter (Spetember-May) except ice fishing, drinking beer, snowmachines, fighting with Native Canadians, and getting knocked up at 16. Well, there is the Canadian Football League, but that's about it. the players and the owners can both go suck it as far as i'm concerned - and my boss's boss's boss owns the CBJs. if you want hockey action, come to The Schott this weekend, Friday @ 7 and Saturday @ 8: tOSU vs. #5 Miami of Ohio. Always a very large crowd (mostly obnoxious Miami fans, who drown out the obnoxious tOSU fans like me and Jr.) and a 'spirited' contest. Obviously not NHL-caliber action, but unlike Nash et al, the players give 100% every shift.
  15. Church of the Most Reverend Midget Todd?
  16. just thinking out loud here: to be a little more in-line with your tendency toward non-violence, your Pop could search out the barn swallow nests in the eaves of his home and barn, and the rafters and cross beams in the barn, and as soon as he sees nests appear either water them until they disappear (they're made of mud), or simply remove the nest. best to attempt removal before the swallows are breeding, so early spring (i would guess). or just go with the .50 cal. as BTD suggested...
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