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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. check your python location (which python) to make sure line 1 is good save the text as whatever.py chmod +x whatever.py ./whatever.py
  2. ^^^ jst2slow doesn't screw around... go big or go home. sounds like someone's giving up on a go-kart project.
  3. best gift i've seen yet. +rep to the young'un
  4. Gen's present to herself - a "candy came"...
  5. is all the fail happening from only one machine? gpresult /r (i think), see if the security group membership(s) look right. you said some users work but new ones don't. maybe try 'no work user' on 'working user's' machine. if it's only one machine, using the fqdn of the server might work, if so an ipconfing /flushdns might/should fix.
  6. on the advanced tab you should be able to check effective rights for that user or group. you really should only dole out rights to groups, unless you only have one person accessing a share. you do know that there are two places to assign rights - the 'permissions' is who can see the share, and the 'security' tab is where rear/write/execute etc. is assigned. not trying to be condescending, just making sure you know. you said you tried unc and ip, stick with unc - that's what dns is for. as the user, try a Start, Run, \\servername [enter] - can the user see any shares on that box? *edit - may also want to check if uac is enabled on the server. that can cause trouble. don't dabble much in the windows arena these days - thank goodness.
  7. nope, didn't go away. in 2004, when Ohio's concealed carry was initially passed, 'journalists' could request a list of all licensees from the local sherrif. this was amended in 2007 to forbid the release of lists; 'journalists' can now only view the lists, and are not allowed to take notes. Ohio House Bill 328 was introduced in 2011 to require a court order to view the lists, it appears as though that bill went nowhere. the relevant section of the law is (2)(a) at 2923.129 (click)
  8. please to refer to post #2...or tell us what bike you're lookin' to fit this on.
  9. figure out the part number, then use google shopping - 10 minutes and you oughta be able to find a decent price.
  10. In case you're cheap/frugal: free NRA membership ($25, then you get a $25 BassPro card in the mail) same thing I posted up a few years ago, but no duffel bag this time.
  11. HBD (one day late) Todd!
  12. ^^^^ probably 'cause the speedometer is off from the factory. GLWS.
  13. couple o' bastids in this here thread...
  14. not sure how this sentiment is "attention whoring" maybe he's a man of faith who is trying to bring some peace to himself (and to others) by imagining that the victims are in a better place, and that his faith is not without merit? some believe, some don't.
  15. bastard... ...tried to +rep, ducking peanut butter rule. i'm going to guess '65 - Smith started at 401754 in '65 up through 712250 in '68, when they started placing an 'R' at the front of the s/n (federal regulation).
  16. Cheaper Than Dirt suspended sales yesterday also.
  17. serial # and diamond grips (assuming original) puts it somewhere between '57 and '68.
  18. open the cylinder, you'll see the model number stamped on the frame near where the yoke pivots. 1st dibs on purchase.
  19. Section (B) of the referenced code above states "...with the intent to facilitate the unlawful concealment or transportation of a controlled substance." to my untrained-in-the-law-brain that means if I "intend" to transport anything other than drugs (...a controlled substance), I'm clear.
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