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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. wife beaters, cheap beer in cans, sunburns, body odor - what's not to like? Jr. likes going to the Brickyard every year, so we'll probably go to this, too.
  2. might be simpler (more easy?) to set up a Twitter feed...even though I'm not a big Twitter fan. how often will the flavors change? i love Graeter's ice cream, but wouldn't wanna be bombarded with constant alerts.
  3. I was going to go with "Southener" but he didn't have one in the chamber...
  4. almost as cool as the weedeater handle shotgun...
  5. jblosser

    G*d dammit

    I try not to curse - it's lazy, it goes against biblical teachings and the way I was brought up, but... God damn it all. Found out in a special meeting at work this afternoon that a good work friend decided yesterday afternoon to kill his two dogs, set his house on fire, and kill himself. Had smokes with this guy every day, had not a clue that anything was wrong - pretty happy (it seemed), go lucky kind of guy. I wish he could have found the courage to reach out to someone - maybe he'd still be with us. Finding it difficult to realize he's gone. God damn it. Semper Fi, R.I.P. my friend, I'll miss you. ************************* just felt the need to vent. If you're feeling like you can't go on, reach out to someone, anyone, call one of those hotlines, do something. Someone will listen to you, someone can probably help you, someone wants to help you.
  6. your #1 is what i was going to say, one of the things i actually retained from an MSF course years ago: "You have two sets of handlebars, the ones on your bike and the eyes in your head." Told to me by a mid-50's female instructor who could whip her Electra Glide around like those Japanese gymkhana cops you see on the You-Tubes...
  7. why don't you introduce yourself and find out? i know, wacky idea - talk to your neighbors and stuff.
  8. Is your best friend and/or the boss married? Actually, doesn't really matter, does it? Two consenting adults, correct? Keep your mouth shut around your wife (good advice in general, anyway), your buddy will tell you whatever he wants to volunteer.
  9. if Chuck wasn't wearing that sweater he might have had a better chance versus Bruce...
  10. the government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. geez.
  11. spring/fall time change is a good time to spend 10 minutes and $5 on batteries and change them all out in your smoke detectors.
  12. this is nothing new, the copyright laws have been in effect for a long time. seems like the bar owners in the article either don't know the law or are trying to get something for free. if the bar has a jukebox, the licensing is normally covered by the vendor - if you look at one you should see an ASCAP or BMI sticker on it somewhere.
  13. Not bad for entry-level at all. Good looking out, c-dub! +rep
  14. ...what the others have said - let it charge a time or two then you'll be fine. No need to close apps, they suspend if they're not being used or doing something.
  15. soooo, what would you have bought if you could have? I personally really like the cts coupe, but cannot convince myself I need it...just yet...
  16. Chaetophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaetophobia Chaetophobia is fear of hair. Sufferers fear may be associated with human hair and / or animal hair. They fear people / animals with an excess amount of hair.
  17. sounds like an awesome thing for an employer to do.
  18. m$ security essentials, AVG, plenty of free software that works as good if not better than norton. if i had a non-work windows box i'd go with AVG. At work we mandate McAfee - ugh: "Hey, I found something. I'm not gonna do sh1t about it, but thought I'd let you know..."
  19. that's your decision as their father to make, but i'd ask them if they want to go, and bundle 'em up if they do. they're only kids once - they won't die from a little cold and rain. if Jr. wants to go out tomorrow night, he can, otherwise he's going to help man the door - which means he'll be tired of that in 5 minutes and hit the begging trail.
  20. scam. tell your buddy to save his money. grammar, punctuation on the FAQ page would get a D in 6th grade Engrish class. Not professional at all.
  21. had mine since they came out in July, absolutely no issues at all.
  22. if you get stuck, just open a terminal (ctrl-alt-T) type "sudo rm -rf /". that'll fix it. /nah, don't do that.
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