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Everything posted by jblosser

  1. "...come on safety pin, POP!..come on baby, POP!..."
  2. I always get my technology information from a local tv station news reader... ...with all due respect and stuff. and it can't be worse than Bob.
  3. back in the day all ya needed was "smoke this, drink this, take your clothes off" and/or a 'lude. allegedly.
  4. no front brake, only back. front brake = front end washes out = no fun. if it's too steep for you to ride down, I suppose you could walk it down, backward, using the front brake.
  5. What we pay to the agency is probably 10% above what we'd pay a "real" employee - but the contractor is probably getting 60% of what the agency is collecting (they have your benefits (maybe) to pay for, their staff, etc.). Example: I needed a Senior level Windows Administrator. Hiring straight away, the person is going to be getting +/- $85 - 90 large plus very, very good benefits. Going through an agency I'm paying $48 large for a 6 month stay, and 10% of his starting salary if I want to keep him at the end of the contract. We (my team) just discussed him this afternoon, we're keeping him. My guess is he's getting $35 + benefits (6 months) through his agency. Our salaries are such that we aim to pay people 95% of the going rate for a job in that market in base salary. Our goal is to make that pay go up to 110% with profit sharing. In a good year you might make 130, 140% of "what you're worth"; in a bad year you'll do no worse than 95%. One of our divisions had a stupid good quarter once (up 90% from year before) and the other division all kicked @ss. My profit sharing check that quarter was 280% of what it was supposed to be.
  6. Being forced to lower standards in order to meet the CRA guidelines (assuming you ever want to open another branch), and then forcing Fannies Mae and Mac to buy that crap was "all part of the process", too. Everyone deserves a house, don't they?
  7. It's "rent to own", and it's how we hire anyone in IT. It costs a lot of money to hire someone ($20k~), and it's worth paying a slight premium to an agency for 3-6 months to ensure the FNG knows what (s)he's doing and that they fit in with the team.
  8. intentional? foiled by the pb rule...
  9. If it's in Russian, and it's a guy in black shorts/socks rolling around on the floor, contorting himself, punching air, and being a general delta-bravo, you can find it at LiveLeak.
  10. ...I just wrote some nifty script to parse Squid logs - so if you find yourself in need, lemme know... (Trying to implement Palo Alto and the router monkeys are in need of some facts/figures). There are 4 main areas of IT: -Support: fixing sh*t -Maintenance: keeping sh*t running/up-to-date (backups, firmware updates, patches/service packs, Windows updates, etc) -Operations: extending features to new things (e.g. giving a new employee a mailbox) -Projects: giving the Business new features The Business will want you doing Projects. The nature of IT will mean you're by necessity focused on Support, Maintenance, and Ops. Trying to find the time to do maintenance (which has to be done or else...) when The Business wants all the new "Gee-Whiz" crap implemented is difficult at best, impossible at worst. IT is a cost center, i.e. you're not making money for The Business, you're spending money. IT should enable The Business to make more money and/or allow the employees to do their jobs more efficiently. IT should be a "trusted advisor" to The Business - where they have ideas, you have ways to help them, your ideas are trusted (because of past successes), listened to, and acted upon. DO NOT over-promise. One missed deadline, they'll be upset. Two missed deadlines, they'll be really mad. Three, you're asking "paper or plastic". If you think something will take you a day to do, muliply that by 2, and then that result by 3 (within reason). Under-promising and over-delivering will keep 'em happy.
  11. jblosser

    first gun

    As others have said, try before you buy if possible. Dale and Todd at Delta Epsilon are good people. Ignore the "9mm is no good for defense". 9mm > 0mm, just as .380 ACP > .0 ACP and 22LR > 0LR. Sounds like a man phone. He's done, make him a sammich.
  12. Take it to your local Radio Shaft and tell them you need to get it activated... "Radio Shaft - you've got questions, we have blank stares..."
  13. Sorry for the lateness of my reply Mr. Magley - Jr. and I went to dinner, then the local H.S. football game, where we froze our asses off as we got soaked... Is your question "why was he lying?", or "about what was he lying?"? If it's the former, perhaps to cover his and his subordinates' complete and total incompetence, or that his backing of the so-called Arab Spring didn't garner him the adulation in that region that he desires. If it's the latter, he told us for two weeks that it was some obscure film on Youtube that inspired a random act of uprising, when in fact it was a planned terrorist attack; and various departments knew of "something" coming and yet did nothing. Not <my> quote, Dear Leader said that Wednesday or Thursday on Jon Stewart's show. Yup, ignore our best ally, tell them they should go back to the 1967 land agreements, don't even bother to meet their Prime Minister, when he's on U.S. soil. Meanwhile, Israel's (and our) enemies in the region are progressing toward nuclear arms ability. Great policy - just ignore it. Not when 1 in 7 people are on some form of public assistance, no. Not when the eligibilty requirements keep expanding, allowing more people to become dependant upon the Government for help. Not when benefits are advertised in Mexico. Not when benefits are freely given to non-citizens who have no legal right whatsoever to be here. The express purpose of the funds was to grow US business and to lower US unemployment, and much of it was instead given to "green" firms that promptly go bankrupt, or was sent overseas and created non-US jobs. A major factor in the downgrade was the $trillion+ deficit budget. His party controlled both houses of Congress until the November 2010 mid-terms. Dear Leader proposed and got passed $trillion+ deficit budgets '10, 11, and '12. We cannot continue to spend, spend, spend. You don't do that personally, neither do I. We sure as hell shouldn't stand by and watch the dopes in D.C. do it. Upon further looking, it appears relatively steady the past few years. Still <way> too darn high. I would vote for someone else (Johnson, Paul, Goode) if I weren't tossing away my vote. Romney has experience in the business world and in government - as a governor, not a back-maker in state legislature. Is he better than Dear Leader? Yes. imho. Can't we get back to worrying about Big Bird? 'Cause that's important.
  14. LOL...Obama lying about attacks in Benghazi...hilarious LOL..."when 4 Americans get killed, it's not optimal"...hilarious LOL...no time to meet with Netanyahu, attend intel briefings - but plenty of time to meet with the Pres. of the Muslim Brotherhood, party with Jay-Z, Beyonce at a fund raiser, go on Letterman...hilarious LOL...welfare/aid payments up 32% (now at $746 billion, more than S.S., Medicare, or Defense) during this regime...hilarious LOL...stimulus money sent overseas...hilarious LOL...US debt rating cut from AAA...hilarious LOL...Debt to GDP at 104%...hilarious LOL...etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum...hilarious
  15. ..."it's for sale, YOLO" ..."fuck it, it's not for sale" ..."it's for sale again" Make up your head, woman! /free bump Still lbts glws ***edit: just saw "gen3's daddy" :lol: +rep assuming pb rule not in force
  16. you forgot "...often compared to a Pringles can..." mebbe you just didn't wanna overwhelm her?
  17. jblosser


    My bicycle is bigger than a damn Smart Car...
  18. Damnitall, no more 24 hour Barrett-Jackson channel... What will we do? OK, they had about 5 hours/week of racing, I'll give 'em that. As long as they show motocross, I'm good. That and F1 are/were the only things I watch on Speed, and someone will pick up F1. ***edit: Looks like Kritz already found F1 for me. Thanks!
  19. jblosser


    ESPN and Helmet2Helmet are reporting that Mike Holmgren is history effective immediately. He'll "retire" at the end of the season. Joe Banner will take over as CEO.
  20. whois world-wear.com yields, in part: Same registrant and contact info as javelinsurgical.com, which is another ESL (Engrish as a Second Language) site. I'll repeat: cheap crap from East/Southeast Asia is my guess. If the fellas here say 'go with AGV' then I'd listen to them.
  21. world-wear is headquartered in an apartment building in Brooklyn. cheap crap drop-shipped from China would be my guess. from the 'about us' section, Engrish not be our first language:
  22. Hellmutt lives in Piqua. Hellmutt's a pretty big boy from what I gather. Hey Hellmutt, can you maybe do the world a solid and take of this loser for us? Thanks in advance, Society.
  23. day-umm! note to self: keep mouth shut on the bus.
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