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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I love winter threads. Oh, and bread makes me poop.
  2. sv prices are all over the place. Doesn't seem to have any ryhme or reason. Thats a very cool bike.
  3. A brave man once said " stupid is, as stupid does "
  4. The 1993 fd-rx7 had a 3 rotor, if memory serves right. A friend of mine had one in HS.
  5. Still have to watch out for the random mini van, and jackass that has no idea where they are, and crossing over double yellow!
  6. sounds like alot of trouble to me. I'd just ride the damn thing =)
  7. I see what you did there... sneaky sneaky...
  8. I'm totally mindblown. A fantastic thread in the middle of winter. I have nothing to add. Everythings been said. I will leave you with this..
  9. oldschoolsdime92


    good lookin scoot!
  10. Reservations made. Granda080 and I are in.
  11. I'll get lapped by the caboose!!
  12. I think the decline may have something to do with the fact that people are cutting costs where they can. 49 bucks would get me quite a ways in fuel!
  13. Just let me know when you guys are going to go...
  14. I'm all ears. Just get with me if you guys are interested.
  15. Thanks man! My price is "obo", and I may potentially trade for a gen 2 sv, v strom, or something of the sort.
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