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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. 1 chopper in an area with no speed limit is different than a bike on the ground. The chopper pilots normally are already trained when they apply and have several hours of flight time.
  2. Baffles punched out lmao. My guess was this bike has been treated like a fat old hooker already. Offer less I bet he takes $1,000.
  3. My first bike was a Honda cbr 450f 1976. Rode that for a couple months and bought a 2000 suzuki intruder 1400cc. Rode that for a year and traded it for a 2007 cbr 1000rr. I'd buy the bike you really want and respect that right hand control.
  4. Bottom line, pay what you want to pay. If your willing to pay 3x the value do it. If your willing to pay half offer that. It's what you really want to pay. I'd offer a little less then my top dollar and go from there. For my top dollar I'd 1. Find out the real reason he's selling it. 2. What's the value nada and kbb. 3 how much its going to cost to drive how ever miles to get it and come back. 4 subtract cost to pick up from value there's my offer. But that's just me. If he thinks he can get 9 at the dealer then he probably won't do less than that. Also make sure you can pay the maintenance for a Duc. Have you priced how much that'll cost to go to a reputable Duc tech?
  5. I think it'd be more cost effective to buy closer. Because he's also going to have to pay two way for gas which will come out of his total profit. Where's as he can spend a little bit on gas to the dealer and wait for it to sell. If he's not desperate your not going to get a great deal after time and money and wear and tear to get it. If you jump at the first deal you see you'll probably feel screwed in the end.
  6. After seeing the pics I'm guessing it needs re jetted due to pipes and maybe air filter mods if he had it warmed up. Offer 1k worst he can do is stand firm.
  7. Did it have stock or aftermarket pipes? May just be a bitch to cold start if its carbed and needs jets.
  8. The next time that I go out I'll definitely seek more help. There are guys there that have a lot of knowledge about racing and are willing to help. One guy followed me around for a couple of laps. I thought he wanted to get around me coming onto the straight so I got to the inside coming out of a corner. He passed me slowed down and signaled for me to drop behind him so I did. We went around and he was pointing out the braking markers he uses an turn in points and that helped. Then he followed me for another lap gave me a thumbs up and was gone. When I came off the track I tried to find him but it was lunch time and everyone had switched out of their leathers so I couldn't find him to thank him. Then he switched back to the fast group so I didn't get to see him due to being on the track when he was off. It was pretty intimidating at first with some of the guys that that were there and the amount of money some of the guys had. But after having lunch with them it helped break the ice and start talking to them. They had some cool stories. I did get my suspension set by Evan of Evan Steel Performance the same guy that built bikes and worked on bikes for Holden and Yates last season. So that was pretty cool with how much knowledge these guys were willing to share.
  9. OR wouldn't let me put my pictures in the post from my phone so I went to my album and just copied the url. Guess that's the wrong way. Lol.
  10. http://www.ohioriders.net/photo_popup.php?e=vB_Editor_QR# The first 2 pics are the ones I took at the track day of my crew chief on my bike.
  11. cOoTeR

    My crew chief.

    From the album: zx10r

  12. The facility promo video. They took their prices off the internet so I can't show you that.
  13. Here's a guy from another day with a pretty good run.
  14. Here's a video from this weekend. It's the only one I've found uploaded so far but I'm not in it. I'll dig up so onboard shots from another day so you can see the track.
  15. This was my 2nd time on a track but first time alone (not in a group) and on this bike. Also people will be able to see how poor my positioning is, movement on the bike and how inconsistent my throttle control, braking, bliping, and entry/exit was. Some corners just flowed and had a great rhythm then there'd be a set that just felt all wrong. I kept hitting the apex's early either I was anxious or distracted by the apex markers that were out for the cars. I was going slow enough that I could tighten up the turns and had plenty of track left I could have used to get a better drive out of the corners but I was worried about getting in peoples way. But as my friend pointed out most of the guys there were WERA racers some with AMA experience who would have no problem getting around me whenever they wanted to. The coolest part was Mike Bartz who used his membership to be able to get us on the track as guests invited me out for next month also. So I guess I didn't do too bad. Wanna talk about envy? That guy has a private garage at the track that I saw 2 track cars in and at least 6 bikes. I'll check the membership rates to see what they are running now just to give you an idea how much this guy is spending so he can do stuff like this.
  16. All very true but remember the Trooper and cop who got in trouble for 150+ mph a couple years back. I doubt any agency really wants the liability of a 185 mph capable vehicle.
  17. I wonder if they've ever tried to pull a bike over with that and the guy taps his helmet a couple times then takes off. That'd make for some interesting chase/gopro footage.
  18. Yeah towards the end I felt the front getting squirrely and it even felt like it was washing out a couple of times. My first thought was chop the throttle tighten up on the bars and hit the brake. But then I remembered that's a bad idea. Took a deep breathe and backed off the throttle a little and relaxed. The bike did the rest. I had a friend following me with a go pro but I think he was too far back to see what I did wrong. He got a couple of laps of me and said he would send the vid to me. When he gets it to me I'll post it up so everyone can see how much I screwed up the lines.
  19. I got a call Wednesday asking if I was interested in doing a track day at Independent Motorsports Ranch in Willcox AZ. The track was designed as a private track but after starting the owner realized it would be too expensive so he made it a members only track (with an initial fee over ($10,000 plus the yearly membership). When it was built they designed the straight away to also be a runway and the tower doubles as a control tower so people can fly in. That should give you an idea of how nice the place is. I thought about it and decided for the price ($155 including lunch) why not. I called and found out it was limited to 20 riders and was an "open" track day. Now that kind of worried me because my only track day was about 2 years ago and I didn't want to be holding people up. I talked to the guys organizing it and they said it would be ok. I got there and was surprised that there was no tech inspection. Then at the riders meeting I found out that I was going to be riding with members of Aaron Yates team and Jake Holden's former team. There were also a lot of local big names that own dealerships and sponsor a lot of Arizona racers that were going to be out there. So that was a little intimidating and cool at the same time. Then they asked if any had not been to the track before and I was the only one who hadn't. Man did I feel out of my league. They said that's fine and several riders volunteered to show me around the track. The track said they would only allow 8 people on the track at a time so that helped calm my nerves. They decided to run 2 groups fast and a slow group. The fast group started the first half hour then we went out. The first couple of laps were intimidating because every corner seemed to be decreasing radius or blind or on a hill. I was trying to learn the track and remember everything I.had learned about body position and turning and braking and soo on. But I started to smooth out. The first session went pretty well and with only 8 people out and a 2.75 mile track and 22 turns I had plenty of room. I only got passed twice even though I was way slow. The second time out it all started to fall together and I started to feel how awesome that bike is. I went into a few corners and felt like I was going in too hot. I just took a breath relaxed and dipped in and the bike did the rest. The throttle was smooth. I do need to change the gearing. The bike was running in first and second through most corners. Hitting the straight that bike just shot off and pulled like crazy down the straight shifting up into third about 130mph. Then going into the tight corners it just stuck. Going through the chicane was a blast with how light the bike felt going side to side. The race mode on the display was great with the large gear indicator.
  20. I just did my first track day on my new bike and first one in about 2 or 3 years today. I forgot how much fun it was. Be prepared to get addicted. Also know when to stop pushing it. My first track day I laid down my 07 cbr 1krr because I thought I could give it a little more doing "just one more lap". The problem is I'm the type of guy to push the line but on a bike you don't know where that line is until you go over it.
  21. You know what they say when you think the bike can't make it just give it gas don't let off or it'll stand the bike up. Lol.
  22. I don't see how any of it matters. Unless you were actually the one dipping the stick in the squishy instead of your "friend".
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