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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. ^^^ quoting yourself; classy but so true. I think everyone gets the "Omg, I knew someone that died/crashed/got hurt on a motorcycle!" comment when they tell people they ride. I have crashed and now have people always tell me how I will again every time I tell them about motorcycles (regardless if I am going to be riding or not). Its amazing how prevalent motorcycles are, but how ignorant people are of them
  2. I like the idea of Wednesday closes versus Monday. I usually want to get out and work on the bike on a Monday if I have been working all weekend on it rather than Wednesday. Even if you did have a weekend trip coming up, why would Thursday or Friday be bad? If you had to ship a part for the trip, I would hope it was done well enough in advance that 1 day (Wed vs Thurs) wouldn't make a difference.
  3. Luckily I only have a speedy card because 10 cents off each gallon is way too valuable. Everything else I just ignore, and when places (like Sears) force me to tell them my address and telephone etc. I just lie and make up a new identity on the spot! Its actually quite a fun game, new name, new number, address where I would like to live, maybe even a back story if I am feeling adventurous! I take it personally because, well, I am a pregnant young girl. Personally, I don't NEED coupons but it is nice getting some money off items I will be buying at some point. And grandparents are there to spend money on the grandchildren and make them cute, its their job.
  4. I had a girl whose mom read the obituaries every day to be thankful of her being alive or something. I didn't understand it and thought it was just out of morbid curiosity etc. Also, this:
  5. Wow, fascinating. Another reason I don't own a credit card; can't trace cash. Then again, the coupons might be a good thing and save the parents money. Its amazing how predictable the human condition is as a whole: each of us are unique, just like everyone else.
  6. I feel bad for the girl and her family, not so for the guy. He had to have been going extremely fast with no form of protection to do that kind of damage to the truck and the bike. Is the shock broke on the truck? It seems to be lower on the drivers front side
  7. They carry it in 1 gallon jugs, I am asking about larger quantities. I was hoping that it would be cheaper to get it in a larger quantity since I will probably be buying a substantial amount. Also, my walmart uses the "price may vary by location" clause to its fullest and isn't actually the cheapest sometimes.
  8. I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get larger quantities of Rotella T6 for a good price. I used to be able to do the $20 oil/filter changes on my old car, but with my new one it requires full synthetic and the dealer wants $70 each oil change. So every 3-5k miles in the car and two bikes that will all be running Rotella T6, I figure I can get it cheaper if I buy in "bulk" sizes. Ideally it would just be cases of 5 or so gallon containers, but if the price point is good I might be able to spring for a barrel. Does anyone else do this? It wouldn't hurt if someone had a hookup for Purolator PureOne PL14612 filters either
  9. I'm not trying to defend them in the least, however, the Fin Feather and Fur in Middleburg is not open on Mondays either. Its pretty frustrating because I expect places like that (and service centers) to be open during the weekdays at a minimum. By the sounds of it, you probably got the parts you wanted since you purchased them yourself instead of them ordering the pads.
  10. Hey Brian, do you have an awd dyno available?
  11. Damn, you can really move. I think you would have fit in just fine with everyone there; I know I was petrified walking in only having met 2 or so people from the site.
  12. Haha, both of the pages have been taken down. If you type "camisole" into the search it sends you back to the home page
  13. Sounds interesting! If someone wants it, I could probably donate my '09 600rr frame (that is in 3 pieces). I wouldn't recommend riding it if you weld the frame up, but you could easily fab up some motor mounts for something cheap as a starter.
  14. How are the things listed any different from throttle bodies? Most throttle bodies have the same 2 steel braided lines going to them and are in the same rubber boots. I think carbs are pretty easy to work on in the scheme of things. If you are careful, taking them apart to clean isn't bad and synching them is incredibly easy (you can even make the tool, try that with a $500 PC/Bazazz). The hardest part is tuning them, which I don't do for a reason haha.
  15. For 1 billion euros you could own the company apparently http://www.gpone.com/index.php/en/201202136057/Ducati-for-sale-1-billion-Euro.html
  16. Bad timing for me , it looks like exactly what I want. I'm taking off my current hitch setup to migrate cars, and I still need to sell my gsxr, but if its still around by then I will be sure to hit you up.
  17. They pop up on WERA and NESBA boards a lot, look there as well
  18. I got some work done over the weekend, no pictures though. I mostly just dissembled things to try and salvage parts and hopefully sell them. I will have to end up doing some soldering to the main wiring harness to put some necessary connectors back on like airbox sensors and secondary injectors. I also need to get a few more large Metric sockets to make some tools. The tool I made for the engine mount adjusters broke, I need a larger one to remove the swingarm, and they changed the rear wheel around so I need the larger axel nut socket (used to just torque the axel and hold the nut). Other than that no surprises, and lots of parts purchased: -Airbox -Ram air tubes -Bad angle sensor -Cylinder head cover -Cylinder head cover bolts (there were 2 severely bent) -Used frame -Vortex rearsets -OEM clip-ons -520 sprocket kit (OEM front was rusted and seized as well as the chain) -Woodcraft frame sliders -OEM forks Plenty more parts to order and I need to get the engine out soon to get welded so I can drill/tap the new mount when the frame comes. My gauges are ruined and there are plenty of ideas floating around for some DIY custom ones (the most extreme would be a gps lap timer with accelerometer and logging for all of it), but we will have to see how motivated I am to put more R&D into it versus just getting it running. I also cannot get the steering stem adjusting nut off for the life of me, any suggestions?
  19. Upper case no wheel. I like the wheel, but it seems to have a parallax error in those images. Is his head resting on it, or is he biting it like the previous? Regardless, the sprocket looks more in tune with the font
  20. imprez55

    m4 rifle

    As far as I know its still M16/M4 mixed service, but M4 is colloquially used to define a carbine length (14.5 vs 20 inch barrel length) and I think you could make an argument for the addition of an adjustable stock as well.
  21. Irony? I do not have any, if they were ever even provided. The first time I watched it with a friend he said the same thing. Watching it a 2nd time I can understand most of what he says, but I also consider myself good with accents. I guess the same could be said for Brit trying to understand someone speaking ebonics.
  22. I apologize for the non-HD nature of the upload, but I will just leave this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pijxLWqiwaA
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