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Everything posted by imprez55

  1. imprez55


    Post says deleted, was it found?
  2. I have never heard of this until just recently. Apparently certain companies have better additives than others and therefore it is better for high end engines. All I have heard it referenced to is cars but motorcycle engines are quite demanding. With no references to it from motorcycle manufacturers, this whole thing does not seem very believable to me. Another problem is I have never seen the majority of these retailers in any of my NEO travels. What are your thoughts? Ever heard of it, only use it? http://www.toptiergas.com/retailers.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_Tier_Detergent_Gasoline
  3. Does it still work with the tank off? When you say "doesn't crank", does nothing happen besides a click from the starter relay? If its possible try to upload a video of starting it, sometimes that helps
  4. What are you trying to do and what are your restrictions (space, $$, etc)? The 7x10 is a small machine, the only way I would recommend it is for space issues (and you can do better than $500). If I were to get one from hf, it would be the 8x12.
  5. I've seen a couple of those, they seem great if you buy the right one. Let us know how it goes. Btw, this guy has a whole (terribly formatted) website comparing a bunch of different styles of these "spy" cameras: http://chucklohr.com/808/
  6. I am a perfectionist on how my bike feels to me, I don't care what the angle is or anything. If it feels more comfortable to me to have something offset from the other side then so be it. For street, I set the clip-on half way between the best feeling for full tuck and slab. I almost guarantee you this is a different length, as some one rode one of my previous bikes and thought their left arm was more outstretched (I 1-hand on slabs commonly, so the left might be set closer to full tuck). So I guess my answer is kinda? I want it to be perfect, but you can't measure comfort.
  7. What are you planning on reloading? I have the Lee classic turret press with the pro autodisk. I would recommend staying away from kits for the most part because generally they include other things you don't need (to jack up the price) and lower quality additional parts. If you buy just what you need, you can usually get to the same price for the kit as the price break they give you is negated by the unnecessary extras. I searched for a long time for what press and what manufacturer I wanted and here is why I picked what I did: turret - I wanted to produce 2 different styles of rounds, long range accurate rifle and plinking pistol. For the pistol, quantity is everything because you can go through so many in a day and the progressive presses were just too expensive. Single stage would be best for the rifle, but I am not going to buy two presses (at least right now, I'm not even reloading rifle yet). The turret is the best of both worlds; like you said you can go to single stage if you want but it also increases the speed of production by a substantial amount. Lee - They are the best bang for your buck. They are very affordable, and if you know what you are getting, also very durable and well made. I would recommend to always spring the extra few $$ for the "classic" or "pro" versions as they are more heavy duty and better made. Dillon, RCBS and Hornady are usually much more expensive, sometimes justly and sometimes not. A single stage O frame is going to be pretty much the same anywhere, a little blue or green paint doesn't justify $100 or so more to me.
  8. Its not their emails anymore, once they get yours. You can use a bot to spam cl, then once people respond they have the actual email instead of a coded one (if they for some reason don't have the software to crack the code). Then they can sell/spam on 1000's of throwaway addresses
  9. Maybe these "urbanites" should be taught something about guns and gun safety. If they realized that gun != bad then maybe they wouldn't have such a problem hearing them go off. If its not a safety issue, then its a non-issue tying up resources that I'm sure could be better used somewhere else.
  10. imprez55

    Moar Fear

    After reading the article Casper posted about the false flag stuff, I thought this would be appropriate: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45307778/ns/us_news-life/#.TsM6wcNCqU- It talks about Pfarrer's book, which I am sure there is another thread about somewhere, but this seems like a little more like an interview with him
  11. By the wording "in another state in accordance with the restrictions of that state.", couldn't Wisconsin and Illinois say that their restriction is that you cannot carry so it still wouldn't apply? With the same logic, "may issue" states like CA and NY could do the same and prevent it? If so, I don't see this as being too drastic of a change from the status quo. It seems like the states that wouldn't weasel their way out of this, already have reciprocity with the other states.
  12. I have as well. I bumped the bike while I bent over to pick up a tool and the rear stand (it was only on the rear at that point) bent and dumped the bike. I grabbed it on the way down so it hit softly, so there wasn't anything but a small scratch on the fairing. I bent the stand back and have used it for like 2 years since then with no problem. If you are going to buy cheap, then be careful because you get what you pay for.
  13. Looks like I'm not going to be able to make it now either , have fun guys
  14. Do you have any other TV's to test the source or cable?
  15. Hmm, that's actually what I was planning on holding off on, mainly because that is what will demand the most for resale. I figure the suspension in new bikes (looking mainly at '07+) is good enough to help build my skills for a while once I get it tuned a bit. I know I will be able to find used AM suspension set ups eventually. I might just have to wait around until I see something I can't pass up on (like the '07 gsxr600 above!)
  16. Dayum, there did you find a deal like that? A price with that new of a bike would definitely be the best of all the worlds. One of the main reasons I want to track the gsxr is because its newer being an '07 so I should get more usable years out of it. I am certainly leaning towards buying one that has only been slightly upgraded. If the modifications are those that I would prefer (frame sliders, vortex/woodcraft rearsets/clipons) then it would leave room to upgrade the more specific parts how I see fit while still not losing the cost effectiveness of buying used.
  17. He was in a parking lot! How inconsiderate and irresponsible
  18. That is exactly what I said in my post, you are correct (I can do sarcasm too!) Not once did I agree with anything relating to Guy Fawkes, I was simply trying to give a different perspective. I did not take magz's statement to necessarily be condoning any plots/actions, but rather playing devil's advocate and saying its all a matter of perception. Therefore the link you made seemed to be making a connection that I did not see as originally intended.
  19. I don't have tv, only because I don't have a digital converter box. I get it free currently with my living situation, but I also don't feel deprived. I liked it as a noise in the background while doing other things but I don't see a real need for it (except seeing a few shows that I really like, such as Burn Notice). It also gives me all the time in the world to waste on here
  20. Maybe you are misunderstanding the statement. I do not agree with "extremist muslims or 9/11 bombers", therefore they are terrorists. However, they have a following, meaning they are freedom fighters to someone at least. Our country's history is based upon the same principal. Just because I agree with the "terrorist" plans that formed America, does not mean I have to agree with all radical/fanatical terrorist organizations
  21. Haha, I certainly have a lot of experience wrenching on bikes (never a lot of track or rear suspension tuning) so I'm not worried about missing out on that, in fact I have done all the above on the 600rr alone. I understand the point though, the knowledge is helpful being specific to a bike. I do have pride that I built my 600rr from a true basket case, so much so I might even have to retract my previous statement about not having a personal attachment to the honda. As much as I am alright with laying it down, it will certainly be hard to let it go. Hmm, so many options
  22. I don't have either, but I did learn from a recent thread by NinjaDoc about the Drift line of cameras; just another option
  23. I used to make up some nitro mixtures for r/c stuff. I know I have a recipe sitting around a bum hdd somewhere around here if you still want it (based off sunoco pump gas). If you're looking for a learning experience and are going to play around with acetone mixtures, I have a list for you (I would suggest ~10% castor at all times to keep it 2-stroke friendly though). These are all just things I have heard are in various other racing fuels and things I have picked up from chemistry: avgas Benzene Hexanes Hydrazine Methanol Methyl tert-butyl ether Pentane Propylene Toluene Xylene etc. (many organic solvents fit the bill because of their highly flammability and low vapor pressure) I'm not sure if you are trying to experiment on your own or what, but everything listed is very dangerous; not just for their flammability but things like benzene, toluene and xylene are carcinogens as well so don't let them touch you (fun fact: DMSO, another solvent, will readily be absorbed into the skin, and then you taste garlic). As for legitimate, tested 2-stroke recipes, I cannot help
  24. Like the mod in the link, I plan on making at least the headlight and taillight in removable "pods". they will be fiberglassed pvc (or similar) openings in the track plastics to allow the street legal parts to be installed. A simple bar end mirror and some jury rigged turn signals and I should be all legal. Obviously you have much more experience at this, is there a reason you would advise against doing something like that? I was planning on using the money from selling the stock plastics to fun the purchase of the track ones. Makes sense, I usually have a pretty good idea of what I am getting into (from experience haha) but there are always hidden problems that I might not see initially, though this doesn't necessarily sway me from buying. Why would you say to? (besides to buy your bike of course!)
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