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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Yep, with all the political bs swirling around us right about now I thought I'd share this.....we all need a good laugh.
  2. Then raise ticket fees to cover costs, a two fold winner. It covers all the overhead of enforcing the laws and seeing it through to prosecution while sending a real message to violators, hitting them in maybe the one place that will make them sit up and take notice as well as adhere to the law. Personally I feel for Leos. Its a damned hard and mostly thankless job. Increasing traffic numbers, increased crime stats do not mesh well with shrinking budgets. Col increases make Leo's wages seem to shrink too. But if we are going to get only partial enforcement what's the point of even wasting the money on any traffic enforcement? Used to be a broken license plate light would elicit being pulled over. Now a person can drive without any taillights working and unless they are involved in a collision they never get pulled over. A neighbor has been doing that for about 6 months now, (works in Columbus) and laughed everytime we talked about it. He did just get them back working, but said he never got pulled over. Municipalities need to realize these small violations quite often lead to serious consequences down the road. More traffic and increased crime needs more officers with more severe consequences for violators imho.
  3. hope this isn't a repost..... Dear Wife, I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone. Your EX-Husband P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life! Dear Ex-Husband Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care. Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free! P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem.
  4. Helluva defensive lineman. RIP
  5. I finally found a good service manual for my old Kaw. Used it to troubleshoot the starting circuit, rebuilt the starter and now its cranking and starting right up. Money well spent! But I have found parts are not only hard to find but they are expensive. And not all are available, but doing ebay searches things have been popping up now and then.
  6. BS. I'm betting this kind of crap goes on most anywhere, anywhere there are 'dicks' for techs as well as ownership.
  7. LOL, I saw that clip and immediately thought of him and his camera fetish. LOL In this case tho, the camera thing was a great idea. What a blackmark on GM for them saying its all on the dealership while they wash their hands of any responsibility. The Corp is the one that can bring down the pressure to make the dealership take care of this atrocity imho.
  8. Before ripping and tearing into it, get a good service manual. Then determine if you can readily get parts for it.
  9. Welcome to the forum! Unless yours has had the motor replaced or reworked it should be an older 88, probably about 65 hp. Its an 88B motor. Probably about 70 ft lbs of torque. My '03 stock supposedly has about 10 more horse because it is counterbalanced with about 85 ft lbs of torque according to the book. I added a stage one kit and that should add 6-7 hp and more torque. All this is just numbers though, its dyno hp and torque that really counts.
  10. Cool, but a bunch of pics with no names means nothing to someone who doesn't know them.
  11. I'd like to know what kind of bike it was. With some bikes, even 2 people picking it up and tossing it into a trash truck would be a sight. I doubt if it was a scam, neighbors witnessed seeing it sitting there for weeks. I'm pretty sure they would have told investigators the truth.
  12. "Garbage collectors mistake motorcycle for trash" "ROANOKE RAPIDS, N.C. (WTVD) -- Right in front of Joseph Morning's home is where his motorcycle used to sit. "I had my motorcycle cover covering it, but the wheel was still showing on the bike. And the mirrors were sticking up from the bike, also. So you could tell it was a motorcycle," Joseph said. Over two weeks ago, Joseph's girlfriend, April Wilson, was leaving their Roanoke Rapids home when she noticed the bike was missing. "I was coming out to go somewhere and I happened to look at the curb and I was like, 'Something's missing.' I stopped and I paused and I'm like, 'The motorcycle-where is it at?' So I come down here to the curb, and I find where the mirror was broken off," April said. April asked her neighbors if they saw anything, and they told her that the city's garbage collectors took the motorcycle." http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/story?section=news/troubleshooter&id=8839520
  13. Yep, next time we should try this earlier in the summer.
  14. Riding and enjoying the ride isn't always how fast you go. 25 is pretty darned slow, but I did not see a speed limit sign. It almost looked like a residential area so the posted speed may have been pretty slow, say 25 or 30.
  15. They're probably already pieced out.....
  16. When they build those apartment complexes they usually put these metal strips in the adjoining walls, supposedly to help prevent sound carrying from one unit to the other. Imho, they do not work worth a damn. Best sound control is by turning the volume down although foam on the wall helps as does good insulation within the walls. Maybe try setting the speakers on some vibration absorbing material to help with the vibration.
  17. Good for you. I try and stop whenever I see a biker apparently dealing with a breakdown like that.
  18. Won't be making the ride, somehow screwed up my right elbow and now cannot even squeeze the hand levers....have fun guys.
  19. Surely you jest......."When is Election Day 2012?" "Year Election Day 2012 Tuesday, November 6 2013 Tuesday, November 5 2014 Tuesday, November 4 2015 Tuesday, November 3" http://www.almanac.com/content/when-election-day Looks like 'one of these years' is this year.
  20. Predicting the weather so far in advance is a crapshoot. I read somewhere those 'expert' weathermen are predicting the earth has gone into another cycle where our weather will be extreme-one way or the other, and much more arid. Ohio is supposed to have a much harder winter this year, a 180 deg swing from last winter so they say. I still plan on riding in to vote come Nov 6. Have done so for the past 5 yrs. course I don't have snowtires on the ol girl yet....lol After living in Michigan most of my life I have seen real snowfalls not the 'dusting' that shuts things down here for days. Up there 4' was just more snow to move so I could get out of the garage to get to work. Here 10" paralyzes towns and cities....
  21. Try those on with your helmets on. I had some goggles that went over my reg glasses and they hurt my head when I wore them while I had the helmet on.
  22. Well it looks like you made your decision. Hope you like your choices. I wear transitions in my regular glasses with carbon lenses. They do not seem to darken as much as my old glasses did with plastic lenses. For riding I wear prescription sunglasses which have all the 'ray' protection, plus they are polarized with carbon lenses. I just carry my regular glasses with me to switch to if and when I need them.
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