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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Thanks for serving and Welcome to the forum! Good luck in your endeavors!
  2. I remember watching a TV show some time back where a man's wife had been shot and killed by some asshat who was caught and arrested. As the police escorted the shooter through a public area on his way to jail, the woman's husband was on a pay phone along the path the police were taking. As the group passed the husband, he dropped the phone, whirled around, and shot the shooter dead in his tracks whereupon he dropped his weapon and raised his hands. I can full understand the husbands plight and reaction because I would do the same. This road rage situation might be similar-the biker was cut off by the pu driver, maybe nearly killing the biker, who knows. This biker has had this happen enough over time that this time he snaps, and says 'enough'. Surely not justification in a legal sense, but in the bikers mind, 'who cares, this sob pays' type of thinking.....almost like temporary insanity kind of stuff. After driving and riding up in that area or anywhere in or around Columbus I can sure see how this could happen. Very heavy traffic counts full of drivers obviously not paying much if any attention to the road. As I understand it, both parties are at least partially at fault with the biker getting hammered the hardest by the judge. The most intriguing part is seeing whether the biker, an apparently idolized OSU football alumni, gets what's coming to him legally, or whether this all just becomes a footnote.
  3. Gotta keep that battery from freezing. Trickle charger is a must.
  4. Rain and a high of 58 for Saturday says cold n clammy at best.
  5. For shitsngiggles, who is riding up from down around Circleville way?
  6. We bought our last pillows from JCP, but after 5 yrs its probably time for replacement.
  7. Yep, find out the exact angle the stairs are set at and split the degrees and cut the two pieces at that angle. Try a couple of scrap pieces first to get the exact cut.
  8. I have to leave the house bout 9:30 myself, so am looking at the weather intently. I used to ride down into the teens with dry roads, but now, at my old age, 50 is freezing! and not so much fun. Like Bad said, if you can't enjoy.....and basically I ride for the fun of it, not because I have to.
  9. Recently we have been shopping for a new(er) car. Using the internet, I started calling dealers about cars on their internet sites. After finding many 'no longer for sale' I was told that most of the dealers only update their sites 'occasionally', some once a week, some even more infrequently. I'm sure bike dealers are much the same.
  10. ohiomike

    iPhone 5

    I thought that was one of the big selling points I heard on some of the I5 commercials....
  11. I do know they came in a 12 ga version. I've got a couple of barrels for mine. One is modified 28" and one is a 26" improved cylinder. The action on the ol 20 is smooth as butter. Never used it with slugs tho, mine was just a bird gun. I always used the Mossburg as my deer slayer. That Mossy was near indestructible too. Had to have it re blued while I re did the stocks because of 'accidents' when out goose/duck hunting with it. Like wearing waders and tripping and falling down with the gun under me on the railroad tracks....lol. Those stones played hell on the ol girl.
  12. Spare the rod, spoil the child...........rings true although not every kid in every circumstance needs a spanking.
  13. helmutt, I have an old model 37-20 ga, and love it. Have kilt many a partridge (ruffed grouse) and pheasant with that shotgun. My fav.
  14. I use an old Mossburg 500 AB with a 24" slugster barrel and have had phenominal success with it.
  15. Sounds like they're not sure whether he fell of jumped from the roof of the house, patio or garage, and they're not sure if he killed the woman or not. And he was fighting with 2 other men there. "Police unsure how 'Sons of Anarchy' actor died" http://tv.msn.com/tv/article.aspx?news=761963
  16. Can't believe now we are getting the rain......when we needed it earlier in the summer.
  17. hhhmmmm, my accuweather forecast for Newark Oct 6 says- rain, not as warm hi-66, low 47
  18. I hear ya...............I have all I need......I have all I need........I have all I need......
  19. That ceiling is bad azzed looking. Cool
  20. I've got a little over 12k on mine this year, so far. Its ez to do 'round here.
  21. So, how many miles a year do you put on your bike?
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