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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Glad to hear you made it ok. Too bad about the bike, but they can be replaced.
  2. ohioriders.net Overview ohioriders.net has 1100799 traffic rank in world by alexa. ohioriders.net is getting 999 pageviews per day and making USD 4 daily. ohioriders.net has 31085 backlinks according to yahoo and currently not listed in Dmoz directory. ohioriders.net is hosted in United States at SingleHop data center. ohioriders.net is most populer in UNITED STATES. Estimeted worth of ohioriders.net is USD 2920 according to websiteoutlook http://www.websiteoutlook.com/www.ohioriders.net
  3. ohiomike


    Man, I feel your (Browns fans) pain. Being a longtime Lions fan I know the feeling seeing your team do badly. But hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel. If the Lions can turn things around, so can the Browns.
  4. Those KZ900's were fast. A buddy had one, w-o-o-s-h...............love to have one but still have to get my old 750 on the road first.
  5. I've got one of those! Bought it in the 70's.....its silver but looks the same! Excellent 10 spd. Heavier duty than the old Le Tour, great buy for someone......... GLWS
  6. I see more 900's on craigslist than on kzrider.com.
  7. I certainly feel for you. When I worked at a VA hospital as an aide years back I witnessed crisis' like yours more than I care to remember. Everyone handled theirs differently, but the recurring thing I remember is how family members held it together which seemed to be so uplifting to the rest of the family. I was witness to many tho that had to excuse themselves from the crowd so they could let it out in their own way. Part of this was usually religious, but also a physical 'blow', you know, where they would cry, or talk, or be silent, scream, punch something.....whatever was their 'relief valve' so to speak. Find yours and let off the steam, the emotions, that pent up rage at being helpless to fix things. It does help. You and your family are in my prayers and I do wish you all nothing but the best.
  8. $300 for a Harbor Freight table-good enough for me.
  9. Yep. After hearing his involvement in getting the AFL and NFL together, his involvement in getting TV contracts going with pro football, I found out he really was instrumental in helping football evolve into what it is today. I really felt for the Cleveland fans when he snuck off to Baltimore, but also felt good for the Baltimore fans who had themselves lost their franchise in their move to Indianapolis. But now Cleveland has their Brown's back, Baltimore has the Ravens and Indy has the Colts. And Detroit has rid themselves of a cancer called 'Millen'....now that right there is the biggest POS (GM) poser that really deserves a big-
  10. Probably died of a heart attack after seeing so many nasty naked bodies. We went once a few years back, NO MORE!
  11. They were probably texting....... bwahahahaha
  12. Yes, no matter what he was riding. Very tragic.
  13. I had mine done about 10 yrs ago with ArmorThane. Lifetime warranty. Better than anything else on the market, but not sure if anyone around here sells it.
  14. Where I come from it was an equipment issue, and had to be remedied within a certain number of days or they would simply revoke your registration so the next time you got pulled over the vehicle was confiscated, you were ticketed and jailed because of failure to comply. Then you either fixed it or paid storage fees until you did. Guess I'm surprised they would not make sure you corrected the problem before allowing you back on the road. Weird how things can be so different depending on the locale. Good luck with your dilemma.
  15. Call Terrell Pryor, I hear he has a line on this badass tat guy in Columbus.....
  16. Yep, I have to say, OSU got one helluva coach in Meyer. I have always liked him and his results. Him being here should only bring the level of quality football in the B10 UP! as well as OSU's. Hard to believe I am saying that. I always admired Tress too. Thought the guy had more class in one finger than many others did totally as well as him being an outstanding coach. How many college teams can say they could improve their coaching from a level Tressle attained? This might be one of them.....
  17. Hey man, wasn't trying to be a dick about it. I just look at it like black and white. I agree, some cops are dicks whether state bulls, county mounties or local yocals. Leo's have a tough job. What kind of person they are might depend on the time in their shift that you interact with them. After a day of dealing with dickwads someone totally different might pay for it. Its not fair, but its life. Back where I come from they were always writing tickets for tinted glass. I gave up doing it years back-got tired of the hassle. Not sure if $115 is hi or low, but compared to some of the other tickets prices I hear about it sounds about like the norm.
  18. Why? Because they give out tickets when the law is broken? That's easy to remedy-Obey the law and eliminate getting pulled over and giving them a chance to be a dick to you.
  19. Yep, probably an equip violation of some sort. If I was Leo I sure would want to be able to see in a vehicle's window.Nothing like walking up beside a vehicle for whatever reason only to find yourself on the wrong end of a gun.
  20. Before I moved to Ohio I always pulled for OSU as long as they weren't playing a Michigan team. I looked at it as rooting for a Big 10 team plus I always thought OSU was great in and of itself. Nearly 5 years after living in Ohio and listening to the OSU fans, their attitudes, their total disregard for anything other than OSU.....OSU never can do wrong......everyone picks on them because everyone else is jealous has sickened me to the point I now find myself continually hoping the worst for OSU football. Funny tho, the basketball fans are a different animal, and I still pull for the Buckeye basketball team to win like I used to do for their football team. Guess I'm not the only one feeling like this. Many local OSU alum say they are totally fed up with it all and have stayed away from the football games.....just because of the fans there, not because they dislike OSU or OSU football. Sad that you all have to come down on Michigan for taking on a powerhouse like Alabama (and yes Hoke was instrumental in getting the game on the schedule, it was not scheduled years in advance) knowing to even be competitive they were going to have to play a near perfect game especially considering they have someone playing qb who has no business being in that position-thanks once again to RichRod) instead of giving them some credit for doing so. Imho I do not think anyone playing yesterday could have done much better vs the Tide.
  21. Leo's want to be able to see in a vehicle from the sounds of it. He stated he couldn't. To me that pretty much sums it up. You got off how many times for the same offense, 3 times?, and got off every time. You knew you were illegal and did nothing about it and got approached a 4th time. Who's fault is that?
  22. Want to predict which series' will be canceled? Just list the ones that are the better shows. You can almost guarantee they will be on the 'cancel' list while idiotic shows like 'American Idol', or some of the inane 1/2 hr shows that are really an insult to a person's intelligence, they are the ones that will get picked up.
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