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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. That far in advance??? LOL, I have found that whatever they predict now will end up being nearly the opposite so far in the future. But there's always maybe....
  2. ohiomike

    iPhone 5

    Progress ain't all that Brian. And horse and buggy's aren't the plague either. Like I said.........for some its a necessity or just what they want, no biggie to me. And 'reveling' in the old days ain't bad either. You make it sound like a Tombstone or something. I don't need it, so? Ease up there son
  3. Let us know how those recipes work for ya.....
  4. Grayling is beautiful this time of the year....
  5. I called Allstate a few weeks back for rates, and they could not beat what I am paying with State Farm.
  6. ohiomike

    iPhone 5

    Oh I can see they have a place for some people in some situations. Plus there are those that don't care about the cost, they just 'want it'. I have no problem with that, nothing to me. But I come from a time when there were no cell phones. No internet, no laptops, no desktops. We all got along just fine. Now they're here, and for some they are tools. Or just fun. LOL, I was told by my daughter in law that we 'must be the only people in the US that don't text'. Now that made me laugh. I have used one. They are cool. I have been on rides with people who pulled them out to use as a GPS...'You are here'....and it was very helpful. But not necessary by any means. I was riding long before any of these techie things were ever around. Learned to read maps, tell directions by the signs of nature, dead reckoning, all that bs. But it all has a place and for some it has become necessary I guess. They are cool but something I will probably never own.
  7. ohiomike

    iPhone 5

    Never could understand the craving so many have for these types of phones. Spending $100 for a cell almost chokes me, course I only use it as a phone....no texting, no ie access.....only a very occasional gps use....and the prices on these new tech devices is staggering, imho. While shopping for a laptop for the daughter I asked about those Ipad things, all the different notepads, and found many to actually cost more than a laptop while doing far less. Guess I'm just an old fogey.....lol
  8. Seriously? Hard to believe the 27 is harder to conceal...I bought this holster a while back that has diff angled belt holes which allows it to be worn at a crossdraw position. But my 23 silhouettes too much if I try it much anywhere else. Anyway I want to stay with a .40....got lots of ammo for that cal. and another .40, a Taurus Millenium.
  9. After riding through Dayton on 75 a few years back, and following a semi through the curves, I hit a big chunk of iron that the truck had straddled.....!whew!, made the whole bike jump while going over 70 mph....now I stay way back behind traffic. Course on 2 lanes its a different story. Glad you didn't take a spill....
  10. When I worked at the VA Hosp I watched them dig bf holes, then dump brand new appliances in them, never been used appliances that had been donated by local business', all because they had no need for them at the moment. They buried them because it was against govt regs to sell or give them away.
  11. Ok, so for any of you asian/mexican/whigger gang bangers its got 2 clips. For the rest of us, it has 2 mags.
  12. I found middle of the week was the best time to ride the Smokeys.......man I am fighting the urge to just load up and ride down......told the wife the other day I was going, and she said, 'oh yeh?'....which to me is a green light....haha. Ride down, through the mountains, back up the BRP to I 64-W and scoot back home. 3 or 4 days there and back....I've got a ride I want to attend on the 22nd back in Battle Creek, a benefit ride for a kid crippled in a car wreck. After that tho.............
  13. Man we haven't been there since 1974. Guess its been a while....lol
  14. yeh, paperclips.....lol ok, mags....my bad
  15. for a G-27 in the same condition, which is excellent. Comes with 2 clips and sights I added- GL-113 AmeriGlo classic style 3 dot Green/Green Less than 50 rounds have gone through this handgun with zero issues.
  16. I might like to make this ride....pof course everytime I say this the weather takes a dump on the day's plans...., but I don't think there will be a group I can hang with....me too slow
  17. ohiomike


    +1 on Grimm..........
  18. ohiomike


    Wow, only 2 pages til the pirate bs started....lol Well I watch it, seems to be as good an entertainment as there is anymore on TV what with all the reality and 'intelligence assaulting' poor excuses for comedies permeating the boob tube anymore....although I suppose they are in some ways entertaining to some as well. Haven't seen the season opener yet tho, but its on the dvr waiting...
  19. They're saying its going to be a real humdinger, and an early -hard- frost
  20. The Toshiba I was referring to had an Intel chip in it, not an AMD. We dl'd some things on it for her before shipping it off, and its the first laptop I have dealt with that didn't have the cursor jumping all over, doint its own thing, whenever you touched the thing....like when you are lightly resting/touching your hands on it.
  21. Imho, once you've ridden the dragon....-yawn-......you'll find there are lots of better roads to ride down there.
  22. Just bought a Toshiba 15.6", 640gb hd, 6GB DDR3 1333MHz for under $400 out the door, from Staples.
  23. I hear ya.....not sure how anyone could forget. And the repercussions continue to this day.
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