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Everything posted by ohiomike

  1. Anyone else want to make an offer? I am not hard to deal with, just when someone screws with me.
  2. So? Are you the post police? You're ' is bullshit. If you are not interested in buying it for whatever reason then stfu. You want to be friendly about it and let me know about pricing, then pm me. That's cool. Don't come in here saying 'hey everybody, you can buy it cheaper somewhere else. That is chickenshit.What a dick
  3. Thanks serpent. I appreciate the consideration, something SimplySix and ChrisKnight might observe. I have the receipt right in my hand so I know how much I paid. Either of them could have just pm'd me or made an offer. If all they did was come in to shit on my for sale thread then they can both stick it where the sun never shines. I do appreciate your consideration though.
  4. Ok, that one is similar and is about $64, so make an offer.
  5. At least compare apples to apples. None of those in your link showed to be legal for installation within a wall. Big time difference in the jacketing of the cable. I bought one of those Dayton style and there is no comparison.
  6. simplysix says he is giving away free hdmi cables
  7. So, might take some time for a return on investment? !0 yrs back I had some 15" Chevy rims blasted. Think they charged me $10 each. Maybe I should just sell this baby.....
  8. We were down in CHilli at the Canal St. Smokehouse enjoying smoked Prime Rib.....ummmmm.....never felt anything rumblin down there, cept maybe my stomach.
  9. I recently picked up a large sandblasting cabinet and dust collector. I have about $500 into it and am thinking about hooking it all up and doing some sb'ing on a business basis. Not so sure there is a big call for sandblasting so am doing some checking and thought of OR first to pose the question to. The interior size of this cabinet is about 24Dx40Lx24H so you can fit some substantial sized parts in it. Are there outlets locally that do sandblasting (I am in Circleville so 'locally' is relative...lol but I consider Columbus to be local....sort of))? Is there really enough of a need for sandblasting to justify? thanks, and Happy New Year to everyone!!
  10. Hmmm, guess those people who rebuild the batteries don't know as much as you then. Just picked one up and thats exactly what they told me to do to get the most life out of them. Its also funny that I have been doing that all along with those same batteries and they lasted well over 10 years of very hard use. But maybe its just the way Milwaukee batteries work. Oh, and my 19.2V craftsman works the same way, so I guess its not just Milwaukee. But you are correct on one thing tho. Going the route of rebuilding old batteries is nearly as expensive as just buying another drill driver. If its craftsman or something like that. Dewalt or Milwaukee's cost more.
  11. Just picked up a nice sb cabinet with a filtering system on it. Inner space is about 40" long by 24" high, and this thing is not made of light metal but is built like a tank. More like a commercial cabinet. Have been thinking about selling it, but not sure. Have to look see if I have the room up in my barn for it. But I have always wanted one like this....
  12. Wow, hope you have a reliable fire station nearby and have some escape procedures in order for the day when you burn everything down. I started reading this all and man, you have created a real mess. Yours is a prime reason why trained educated electricians are needed. Screw the code violations, you should be more concerned with all the fire safety issues you have created. So you have a properly wired and installed 200A main breaker panel in your house feeding a 100A sub panel in the same house. Because of voltage potential it is required that the sub panel be fed with 4 wires. 2 hots, 1 neutral and 1 ground. But thats not the worst of it. You then ran wire sized for a 200A panel out to another 200A panel you are also using as a sub panel, and only ran 3 wires out to it too? That is a total waste of money and very illegal and very unsafe. If both sub panels are utilized to 80% of their capacity you are looking at a total failure of the main panel which could turn into an instant fire. The only way I can think of for you to make this even halfway safe is to take a #6 stranded wire with green insulation and run it from the main panel to the 100A sub. Add another ground bar to the sub and move all the ground wires along with the green #6 to the new ground bar. Then take out the bonding screw in the sub panel. Is the wire going to the 200A sub panel copper or aluminum? For the aluminum to be rated at the same amperage as the copper wire, the aluminum wire has to be 2 sizes larger. Feed the 200A sub with wire that is terminated onto a 100A breaker in the 200A main panel. You must also run 4 wires to the 200A sub panel. 2 hots, 1 neutral and 1 ground. If you have only run 3 out there, once again, run a #4 stranded copper wire with green insulation out there and do the same with the ground bar setup as you did in the 100A sub. Do not set any ground rods at any of the sub panels. Set at least one at the main panel and run a #4 bare copper wire from the main panel to the ground rod. I doubt if any electrical inspector would pass your wiring setup even the way I explained, but at the least it would be safe. There is a reason why the NFPA (National Fire Protection Assn) is so involved with writing and updating the National Electrical Code. Guess why? Fuk up electrical installations and you create extreme fire hazards. And people die. Dying in a fire has got to be one of the worst ways to go. Hope its not you.
  13. Vintage audio equipment....gotta dig it. Those ol rms numbers the old receivers 'claimed' to put out were way under rated. I have a 2238 Marantz that claims 38 per channel but really its more like double that, and my 2265B Marantz will blow most any of the 'new' speakers out there unless you are spending $thousands$ for a pair. And vinyl played on a good turntable cannot be beat for sound either. The other day I had our new Pioneer 1021 receiver (800 amps) tuned into a local station run through a couple of 3 way floor speakers and it was rocking pretty good. I went into the other room and turned on the 2238 to the same station, ran it through a couple of similar speakers and there was no comparison, the Marantz blew the other away in sound quality and quantity.
  14. Yep, Cam sure skated while others got hammered. Its all about da money//\\....errr the game.
  15. hob, I have one, had it all summer. Maybe I lucked out, but mine works great. I did rerplace the front wheel clamp for a drive on 'Bike Pro' wheel chock. Just ride ride up and on it, wheel chock has a lock on it so it locks the front tire into place. But I do strap it down too. A buddy has had his for a few years with zero problems, and he has a bike like yours. He just built a couple of wood steps to put on each side of the table to step on when he gets off his bike. Just 2x4's with a 2x6 on top of it. Table seems stable enough and is great imho. Got mine for $300 too. I just need to make up a small jack to lift the bike up while on the table.
  16. Yep, let those batteries run all the way down, then re charge them. Not sure about the Lithium batteries though.
  17. Just buy one that doesn't have the gap in it...
  18. Its not just having it stolen and having to replace it, you are responsible for that weapon and if its stolen and used to shoot someone it can lead to all sorts of legal crap to have to deal with. Its just plain easier and safer to keep it locked up when its not on your person, and then if its stolen and used in the commission of a crime your ass is better covered.
  19. Mine doesn't have any gap either, so maybe you are just unlucky.
  20. Yep, lock them up, label them as terrorists because they refuse to conform. That'll do it, that'll show em. Casper is right on, the door is open now.....
  21. Looks like your re mod project in your workshop turned out sweet!
  22. I'm looking for a nice 30-30 just for some hog huntin...
  23. All's well and good as long as there is no wreck or anything. That's when things start getting tenuous.
  24. Guess there's a pretty good population of them right here in southern Ohio. I was at a gun shop over in Lancaster talking to a guy who hunts them down near Tar Hollow, but he was not letting me in on where exactly.
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