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Everything posted by wantahertzdonut

  1. I would like to ride but it's been below freezing in the morning for the last 2 weeks. The temp itself doesn't bother me but I do worry about ice on the road and the thousands of white knuckled slow as a snail braindead drivers I have to deal with on I-90E brake checking each other going toward Cleveland. Those fucktards ALL need to be retested. I don't understand how there's an accident each day. I do intend on riding in tomorrow.
  2. The old Honda CBR250RR is nothing like the heap we are getting now. The RR had an inline 4 that put out 45hp with a 19,000rpm redline. Japan/Australia only with some that made their way to Europe. There's also the GSX-250R, FZR250, and the ZX-2. All similar output, engine configuration, and performance specs. Dual disc brake front/single disc rear, full fairings, mid-300lb weight. MUCH better than our 250's. All made in the late 80's to mid 90's. If he can find one, buy it and bring it back. He can turn a serious profit if nothing else.
  3. Depends on who you are really. The Goldwing is in my eyes in a class by itself. Cruiser and touring bike go in the same category for me too. I can tour on a cruiser, and cruise on a tourer. But I'm nitpicking.
  4. If I had to have a cruiser, I'd ride a Goldwing. I'd have to do something about this variant, it's a little too HD Bagger for me. But not bad. GL1800's do ride nice. I jumped on one with my girlfriend directly from my SV and had about 2 minutes till I got used to it, and had a great time. Not easy for a beginner to ride, but much better handling than you would think. I don't know where those 900lbs go once you start moving.
  5. Anyone know of any gravel roads in or near Cuyahoga County? I'm doing some rust proofing of my truck this weekend and part of that includes driving on a dusty road to make the oil stick inside the body panels. Medina and Lorain are fine too. Just looking for something I can drive for a mile or two and kick up some dust.
  6. Gotcha, cool. I wish I had the funds to buy a second so I could track it exclusively, or I'd be down your way this weekend!
  7. PM me when/if it sells. I may put mine on the market but not really sure. I know there's a guy on the Aprilia forum in eastern NY looking for one, if that's any help. I told him I may sell mine but I can't convince myself to actually go that far. His username is craiglawless.
  8. About tires, buck up and get some decent track day rubber. I had some decent street tires when I started out (BT16/20's) and went through 3 seasons absolutely terrified of my speed through turns. At the end of 2011 I got some BT03 take-offs and knocked 16 seconds off my times at Beaverun. And felt much more comfortable. For 2012 I bought Pirellis Rosso Corsas and love them. The price was right and installed at a Motoseries trackday. For my pace they're all I need. So to the OP, get good rubber and you'll be better off. You'll feel much more sure footed and be able to focus more on learning. Ask a friend to lend you an easy up. Borrow anything you can for your first day to minimize your expenses. Add what you need as you need it. Bring tools, water, snacks, gatorade, and a couple beers to share around at the end of the day. It's a great way to make friends. Sign up for novice too. Motoseries' instruction is top notch, STT's novice is hit and miss in my experience. NESBA has great intermediate instruction but I only rode with them once.
  9. And why was her 4-year-old kid still awake?
  10. Maybe, but that front end is worth a lot to someone with an 88 or 89 VTR250.
  11. They're cool, but hefty and thirsty. I think they'll hold their value fairly well too. I would enjoy a streetfighter's one myself. I looked at a few but couldn't find one that was spared gaudy mods or had too many miles for the price. They all seem to get Power Commanders too. I don't know much about them but seeing a power commander on a bike is a turnoff to me.
  12. I don't know if this is a usual problem or not. I've only seen CR's doing shoulder checks for the reasons you state above. As far as I'm concerned, what is behind me doesn't matter until it gets next to me. I haven't had a problem getting help when I needed it unless I was out with STT. It would be nice if the CR's would make it known where they're pitting so someone who wants help would know where to go. Sometimes you just have to get in from the track and get out of your suit, but you don't want to have to wander around the whole pit area trying to find someone for assistance. I've spoken to CR's, and other riders too. I think almost everyone is happy to help and critique.
  13. I can agree with that, I have no problem letting traffic by because I like to see other people's lines/brake points/turn-in points. But at the same time many people may just get mad and then crash trying to keep up. I thought passing rules were pretty open in A group. At least in Motoseries, they describe A group as "open practice" which to me means going full tilt as if you were racing. Is that different for other organizations?
  14. I'll have to check the video when I get home. It may have been Mike (the guy that runs the timing) since we usually pace off of each other. He's riding his friend's red CBR but doesn't go 100%. If I was in view, it may have been him. I know there was one guy in a black suit that was very tough for me to pass, he'd block my lines and walk me on the straight. I had to use the maneuver I described earlier and got him on the outside of T13 going onto the front straight. But it was a little closer than I would have preferred as he started coming up on my right toward the exit. Fortunately I carried enough speed to get away from him and was already accelerating while he was setting up to roll on the throttle. I looked for him afterward to ask if it was too close but couldn't find him in the pits.
  15. I may have been but can't remember specifically. I think there was one bike that I was slowly closing in on during the last 2 laps of the session, but I wasn't exactly close, nor did I catch what bike it was. I was sort of in my own world for most of the group. I ride a yellow SV, yellow helmet, blue/black/white suit, #55. Was I giving you trouble?
  16. I'm in the same spot. I ride trackdays and am about a mid pack I rider. But I'm ok with the passes in the mixed last session with the A guys. Yes, some are close, but I ride an SV so I'm used to getting passed, especially on straights. Generally I will wait for a lap or two in order to make a good clean pass. I'll watch the person's line, and if they're consistant, pass at a point where I know I can overtake them with corner speed, because it's highly unlikely I'll get them on the straight. Another trick someone mentioned on here, was if you're having trouble getting around a screamer/parker, give them a gap so you can carry your usual amount of corner speed into a turn where you know the S/P guy is going to be slow. That way you can pass them on the outside without incident. I've had some bad/forced passes put on me, but none really worth approaching anyone about it. I have seen a few people consistantly put bad passes (close, inside, in I group) but it's really not worth getting a hot head over. I see it as long as there isn't contact and the passer gets away quickly, all is well. At leat twice this past season, I have approached people to apologize for what I thought might have been a bad pass I put on them. Both times they said I was fine. I think one's perception of what is close is different from another. Some people are just slightly slower TRMN8R mentioned, and it can get tight. But I also have to remember, it's a track day, take a hot pit.
  17. I saw something about that on Yahoo the other day. Who the fuck is honey boo boo other than some girl with a really fat mom?
  18. Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. I'm certain facebook is ruining the world as we know it. I look forward to the day it folds and people actually get back out of their house.
  19. Remember Josta? I think that was the first pop with guarana and the other shit. Jolt was just lots of sugar and a little more caffeine. And all you bastards are lucky caffeine does something for you. I drink a cup of coffee or a can of red bull, I can go take a nap. I've been drinking Red Thunder which is Aldi's generic Red Bull. Tastes about the same but has a ton of vitamin B. It actually works for me which is shocking. And at $3 for a 4-pack, I can actually afford it. Their Gridlock (fake Monster) mixes all too well with Sky cherry vodka, too, and costs half as much. $4 for 4. ~edit~, CSC beat me to Josta. That'll be annoying. I don't mind getting ID's for booze, but everything else is getting annoying. And Hansen has a little what goes around comes around with this suit. Anyone remember this frivelous lawsuit Hansen filed against a small Vermont microbrewery about 3 years ago? http://www.illinoistimes.com/Springfield/article-6521-a-corporate-monster-v-ldthe-vermonsterrd.html
  20. For what it's worth, I have an 05 SV650 with some Givi saddle bags that I ride 2-up and have gone for day-long rides through the hills on multiple occations. Both me and my girlfriend were fine with it. I ride it every day to work and I wouldn't hesitate to ride it across the country. I also have no wind protection or plastic. Enough power and great handling with great fuel economy. I rented a modern Bonneville in Honolulu last year and found it to be a wonderful 2-up bike and we rode all day on twisties, in traffic, and sweepers all over Oahu. I'd happily own one of those. I felt the power was fine. Get some saddle bags stiffer front springs and you'll have a cool mini sport-tourer. And although I haven't sat one one, I imagine a Moto Guzzi V7 is very similar. So those would get my vote for what you're after. Usuall when I rent, I get an HD Heritage Softtail. It's not bad but I would never want to own one. I wouldn't try pushing it as there is zero front end feel. Of course, I still try and ride it like a sportbike which it isn't. Comfy for cruising, too plush for twisties for my taste. But they're fine bike for what they're designed to do. Rent one and see for yourself if you want to try a big cruiser, they're usually $150/day.
  21. I refuse to pay for cable tv, and discovered videpoass this year. I'll be getting it again for next season. You see EVERYTHING, and you don't have to endure 20 minutes of Progressive Insurance commercials every hour. I believe AMA has a streaming option, I need to dig through my emails for it. Not sure if WSBK has a streaming option. If they do I'll buy that too. I'm sure it would still be less than a year's worth of cable, and I'd see all I'd ever want.
  22. Hopefully the act will get struck down by the SCOTUS as well. If nothing else, I'm tired of hearing the debate! And Am I the only one who snickered a little when they read that line?
  23. Does anyone know what happened to the guy that went down in session 5 on Saturday on the HawkGT? We were wondering what his condition was and if anyone was able to get his car and bike home since it appears he showed up alone.
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