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Everything posted by what

  1. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I don't plan to just stay on the dragon. I won't be doing the 400 mile loop down in to GA on the Grom but anything else is fair game. I want to go back to that BBQ place in Gatlinburg for sure. Looks like a good bit of fun roads to the NE of the gap/Gatlinburg as well. I'm down to just explore this year. Your motowife not going with you?
  2. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Yes. The Triumph is going away soon and I don't have any other street legal bikes right now.
  3. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    I'm just excited to get my (by then, hopefully around 14hp) Grom down in the tight twisties. I should have a few race weekend under my belt on the bike by then so I should be pretty comfortable on it. 2 things left to do on it... Probably going to get it ported by Kerr and I might as well swap in a more aggressive cam while the top end is apart anyway. "Cheap build" is out the window at this point, lol...
  4. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Who is planning on booking a cabin at Fontana? if nobody else I may try to get one of the cabins down near the parking lot that we have used before. @max power have you spoken to anyone at Fontana yet?
  5. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    Will be booking a cabin soon at Fontana, June 6th - 9th. So far our group is @jacobhawkins @kbrok @DerekClouser - maybe @ShortyMoto - maybe
  6. I've been up that way for the last 2 years. Not a bad area thus far.
  7. Right, I was just making the observation. I'd guess it's some variation of the engine used in the CRF/XR100 and the kickstarter adds to that.
  8. need that 50cc for indoor kart track racing next winter.
  9. yep looks like the nsf100. wonder if it's the same engine as the xr100. Looks like there's a kick starter crank with no kick attached in the first picture.
  10. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    If you guys will be at Fontana the same weekend as us we might as well just book there. June 6-9. @DerekClouser - you and Shorty interested in this at all?
  11. trigger warning bring Isaac mini racing, he'll learn a lot.
  12. I've run summit a good bit on iracing, it's ok. Always go into a track day with a goal or set of goals in mind to work on. Turning laps helps with those goals and is good practice, but I'm finding the challenge of putting those things into practice against other people with something on the line. Yeah, you can go out during a track day and push hard with people like you're racing but it's kind of a stupid thing to do. Racing can get dicy and some things that fly while racing could get you kicked off the track by most track orgs. I'm not advocating being unsafe, I'm just saying there's a pretty big difference between challenging yourself and being challenged by others. Light competition at a track day is fine but I wouldn't want bring the same mindset I have during a race onto the track with 30 random people on it.
  13. A track is a track. I like the layout of Mid-O a lot, the only gripe I have is with the surface being slick in the cold/damp. With that said, I like Road America and Laguna's layout a lot as well. Summit I'm less fond of but I'd like to try it out. I have no doubt that I'll have fun at Pitt but it's too far and expensive for me to make the trip often. My focus this year will mainly be on racing anyway, it's more fun for me right now than just running laps.
  14. I think a few of us will be going to Pitt this May if we can get the time. I haven't run with N2 before but I can't give Tim shit for refusing to ride Mid-O if I never go to Pitt/Summit/Wherever. Come out and observe how things are run now?
  15. what

    2019 Gap Trip.

    You talking the weekend of the 8th/9th? I was thinking of staying in Townsend again because of the location of the mini thing (drag strip about 1.5 hours from Townsend, 2.5-3 hours from Fontana) but I'm not opposed to swinging by to say hello.
  16. Joe Rocket, not speed and strength. I don't buy that trash! (joe rocket is trash)
  17. Jacob and I ran a STT day in November and they did a good job all around, tech was strict and so were the CRs on track. From what I saw, their N group was pretty controlled too, it seemed like they broke into groups and followed the coach and each group was running a different pace. Mid-O instructors on here, I think the only one might have been @rusty but I don't know who is still teaching there with their new rules - nothing that affects the riders, just the CRs. Rusty will let a person know when they are doing stupid shit and how they suck at riding and should ride more like him. He means well, russians just show kindness in a different way, mainly hostility. 😂
  18. Not sure on textile but there were 1 or 2 ttr110s last year in stock moto.
  19. Wear gear you don't care about smashing up. Your brand new $1000 carbon race helmet might not be the best choice for minis if you care about having to replace it. My leathers went from a hard bumpy texture to a nice supple tanned-hide texture on the outside, thanks to lots of abrasive track surface treatments. I've got my new bell star for street/track and my old one for mini races.
  20. Starting a seasonal mini racing thread because everybody hates us and we should stay in our hole. Here's our hole. Also, looking like a pretty large grid this year with a lot of cool stuff happening with the organization, along with some possible new classes. @MidgetTodd time to bust out the grom/Z and blow us all up.
  21. Goodbye shitbox sound maker, hello unlimited power. New ECU and Injector soon. Maybe new cam too.
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