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  1. what

    Fun Podcasts

    I listen to these as background noise from time to time at work and while I'm doing other things. If anyone has any other recommendations, post them up. It's winter, what else is there to do? Last Podcast on the Left: A fun take on true-crime, the paranormal and conspiracies. Think Mystery Science Theater 3000 mixed with in-depth research about serial killers, aliens, government conspiracies and the occult. Very NSFW unless you're wearing headphones.
  2. You've just implicated yourself by admitting to prior knowledge of a crime.
  3. Well you guys consumed a lot of some type of plant leaf that's for sure.
  4. I wouldn't discourage someone from going down to the gap with limited riding experience so long as that person understands their limits and that mental exhaustion is a REAL thing and it will mess you up fast. I went to the dragon with very few miles under my belt and survived the roads just fine, but mental exhaustion caught me and I ended up turning in front of a pickup and getting into an accident. To be fair, the road went from a 2-way to a 1-way street with 2 lanes with no warning signs, but still... if my brain had been functioning like it should have (story of my life?) the accident would not have happened. Learn how to recognize when you're riding above your pace and learn to recognize when your brain is telling you it has had enough. These are essential skills for anyone riding a motorcycle. Know when you need a break, "pushing through" is a bad, bad plan. I would almost suggest that a newer rider take the 2 day trip down on back roads. Things get progressively twistier as you go south so it would be a good exercise for acclimation. Trailering down and jumping in with both feet on the dragon seems more dangerous. Hey now why's it gotta be white?
  5. Lots of people with tiny hands I guess.
  6. what


    The altitude out west will take it out of you for the first day at least. I was toast after 3 or 4 runs at the Santa Fe ski area back in 2015, the summit being at 12,000 ft. Ohio has made me weak.
  7. I may be heading down the 16th myself... May hook up with you guys for a couple days if possible. I will for sure be down on the 18th. I will be leaving on the morning of the 22nd so my riding days with the group will be on the 20th and 21st. If anyone else is planning on or thinking about heading down early let me know and maybe we can split costs on room and board. I'll be trailering and unfortunately (as of right now) won't have room for an extra bike on my trailer.
  8. Hope it continues to help me learn/progress like it did this year. First bike I ever got knees down on and felt comfortable at-speed through corners. Subtract the 40-50lbs I plan to lose by June and we'll see what happens. @RidersDiscount - Thanks for the hot deals Mike. Pair of XXL Sorta-Rossi-Green gloves on the way.
  9. Crap I was thinking green since it's close to Yellow Bike's color. At least it would put us on equally slow footing.
  10. Here's the hard bit - what color is the fastest?
  11. Nah, it was the SMX-2, so in their lower range (I think $80 when I got them). I didn't think they would do anything to fix the issues (finger/thumb material wore through to a large hole within about 2 months of use along with the stitching coming undone) and it was less trouble to just wear my cheap gauntlet gloves. The first pair of SMX-2s lasted almost 2 seasons, the second only a few months. Sadly the gauntlets are starting to wear out so I'm looking at getting a better-armored replacement. I'll PM you for details.
  12. I've had the same problem with 3 pairs of A*... @RidersDiscount How does RST sizing usually run? I have big hands...
  13. It was the same at the columbus electric karts. $50 for 3 races, $6 for a license and about $4 in sales tax. Each race was 8 minutes. The gas karts were $60 total for 3 races, with each race being 10 minutes.
  14. something. something has happened.
  15. In the southwest you watch out for rattle snakes, brown recluse and black widows. Most of the scorpions aren't any worse than a bee sting, Mexico is where all the nasty scorpions live. Coyotes are tiny and are skittish. Mountain lions are probably the most dangerous warm blooded wild animal in the US besides grizzly/polar bears and moose.
  16. We were timing with a stopwatch. Press go when we pass point X, press stop when we pass point X again. Not accurate down to the millisecond but I would say accurate to the second.
  17. I don't doubt I'll hit a wall in the low 1:40's. I plan to find out where it is exactly
  18. 6 seconds is a lot at a point. I shaved at least 10 seconds just by getting on the CBR. I think 6 seconds is an achievable goal coming from 1:45/1:46. I've got a good idea on areas I need to improve to make up the most time so if I focus on those problems this season I bet I can make pretty significant progress.
  19. I'd be happy to break into the 1:39's by the end of the year. 6 seconds seems doable in a year.
  20. I hate facebook. It doesn't seem to have posts in chronological order anymore and just keeps repeating shit I've already seen over and over again as I scroll. It's harder to read through than reddit, which is saying something.
  21. Some people ride, others trailer. If you're trailering, it's probably closer to 10 hours from Cleveland, with gas/food stops and traffic. It's about 8 hours from Columbus all-in. One of the years I rode down I made it back to Columbus from DG in just over 5 hours so... if you're lucky and a little throttle-happy you can shave time off.
  22. This could turn into something pretty crazy. @Danimal - recalling our talks down to DG... First: https://www.yahoo.com/gma/navy-pilot-recalls-encounter-ufo-think-not-world-160503613--abc-news-topstories.html Pretty significant revelation from the US government pretty much confirming that they are actively engaged in investigating UFOs, and may have some recovered "objects." Second: Third: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/tom-delonge-hints-pentagon-ufo-disclosure-beginning-article-1.3705817 This ties into what DeLonge talks about in the above video and the timeline he mentioned... they appear to be sticking to it, which is both really weird and surprising. When I first saw this interview with Tom DeLonge on Joe Rogan's podcast it seemed pretty likely he was bullshitting but... apparently not all of it? I'm curious if this is something that will fall flat or if we start seeing more information slowly leaked into the public space to "acclimate" people to the idea that we aren't the only thing buzzing around in space. Also makes you wonder, if there is a program in place to disclose this to the world in general, how long have they been putting little truths into sci-fi pop culture to get people used to things that may in fact not be far from reality? Not to get all tinfoily or anything. I will say the crowdfunding aspect of his business has me wondering if this is one big cash grab by a few people using their former positions within government agencies to shore up trust. This is more likely than anything else, sadly. I guess we'll see.
  23. it's open to anyone. i'll be trying to organize at least 1 kart day per month this winter.
  24. Great time at karts with @JustinNck1. Hopefully more people can make it out next time.
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