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Everything posted by what

  1. Not a good track for slow bikes judging from that video...lol. Will probably try it out next year at some point.
  2. It's all part of the ritual. This track day has been foretold for a thousand years.
  3. http://www.sportrider.com/first-look-yamahas-new-fz-10-sp-has-updates-weve-been-waiting-for Of course, then we'd have matching bikes before long.
  4. I'll be up north this weekend, but with a trailer... May go out Sunday though if saturday is the trip north.
  5. I won't argue. I wouldn't be going except work told me to.
  6. That was an option. Didn't want to do it unsupervised for the first time though. Broken chain, no thx. All flights to jersey were cancelled today so I'm currently in the way back seats of some shitty dodge SUV crammed with 4 other grown ass men driving down 70... we had to stop and buy a roof rack for luggage because we couldn't fit all our bags in the car. Only 6 more hours of driving! United airlines sucks ass.
  7. Pretty sure the stock chain on my street triple is DID and that effer has 24000 miles on it. New DID chain and JT sprockets sitting in a box on my couch right now. Not sure where here to go to get it out on though :|
  8. May be interested in warmers. Traveling for work until the middle of next week but planning on heading up to the Cleveland area the weekend of the 22nd.
  9. I'll be in Jersey. Have fun and ride safe.
  10. Jim, how often will you be at the track? I would leave well enough alone and let everyone else convince you to go with sport touring tires if you hadn't mentioned wanting the bike to be your track hoe. If the answer is once a year or so, sport touring is fine. If the answer is once a month or more, I would not recommend ST tires. You will find their limit on the track if you aren't riding a grandma's pace. Worst case you buy a set of track wheels and have some sticky rubber on those for track days and some good mileage sport touring tires as your mainstay. I can't imagine eBay rims are too expensive for the fz6.
  11. I've never had any leak issues with my Bell.
  12. Q3s can be had for like $240/set, so if you're looking for a good deal the Rosso's probably aren't a bad choice. As a streetable track tire though, you'd be hard pressed to find better than the Q3's for the price IMO. That said, I had Rosso II's on my SV and never had any complaints. I'm curious how they would perform oranges to oranges against Pilot Power 3s considering they are both in about the same wheelhouse mileage-wise. The problem I'm having with the Pilot Powers on the track is with the transition between the 2 compounds. I notice a little bit of wander when I hit the compound seam. At full lean they are grippy enough for me to get on the throttle pretty hard and not feel any squirm, it's just that damn seam. I've never had any issues with them on the street though.
  13. got my new JT sprockets and (gold) DID X ring chain from @RidersDiscount, debating on how best to get them installed. Mike assured me that the gold chain added horsepowers over the silver or black.
  14. Awesome. Let us know how Nelson is. I'd love to run some days there if they start doing them on the weekends rather than Monday/Tuesday like Mid-O...
  15. I just tossed in the 3 people I know will be there. /shrug Now that you have your new track bike, no excuse for you not to show up, @Tonik.
  16. Good. Already had a couple people drop out, we need to refill the ranks or this will turn into the unofficial @what @TimTheAzn and @jacobhawkins track day.
  17. If you guys want BBQ do Ray Ray's. https://rayrayshogpit.com/
  18. Sorry I forgot to add this, but I'll put it up for your next trip through New England: https://alchemistbeer.com/ Heady Topper is rated one of the best IPAs in the USA. #9 on this list, it used to be #1 https://www.beeradvocate.com/lists/top/ All the Lake Champlain pics made me homesick.
  19. Q3. Most confidence inspiring tire I've run. I don't like the Pilot Power 3's on the track. Have had a couple "moments" with them. Never had anything but crazy grip with the Q3's. Pilot power 3's are good on the street but are more expensive than the Q3. Might have slightly more traction than the old Q3 in the wet. Q3+ should be on par with PP3 in the wet. ***If you plan on tracking a couple times per year, don't run sport touring tires. So Q3 or Q3+
  20. what

    Nailed it

  21. I get back late tomorrow night and then leave for jersey early Saturday morning. Yay travel.
  22. Lets make it easy. If you are trailering take 77. If you are riding, take 16. Or whatever other route you want. It's your trip bud, plan it yourself. Take some initiative. Hell, map out a route on Google and post it up and ask for opinions rather than asking someone to play travel agent for you out of the kindness of their heart.
  23. 70 east to 77 south. You're magically in Charlotte. Or take the time to plan a trip on nice back roads. Like everyone has already said.
  24. Looking like I'll be heading down early and then moving down to Suches around Thursday to help with wedding stuff.
  25. Hoblick set up the suspension on my SV and the bike cornered like a dream afterwards. Both the duc and triumph are undersprung for me but he did his best with those too. You could take it into motohio... or maybe ride up to the next track day at mid-o and see if anyone will set up your suspension for you there.
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