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Everything posted by what

  1. Probably more the time of year than the price, I don't think you're far off in that regard.
  2. I swear your windscreen changes every time I see the multi.
  3. somebody's in trouble.
  4. Pretty sure this "bump" is it. We hit it at pretty close to mach retard, which is probably what made it so dramatic. If I remember right, it's a little roller with a dip on the other side that you wouldn't notice at the posted speed; It's hard to make out on google. Could be wrong, never done that road before. It launched us pretty good though. Fun fun. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.4564761,-81.7013334,3a,75y,88.92h,98.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOpmTJmuh2QJ2WbAwL7DuYw!2e0!7i3328!8i1664
  5. I came here to say essentially the same thing.
  6. The UK is the only place in Europe that drives on the wrong side of the road, as far as I know.
  7. Home with the trailer safely in the garage. @Danimal's tire has taken up residence in the back seat of my car and refuses to move until it's at deal's gap. Good riding with @durk @B-Mac today. I'm just happy I can now keep up with @jschaf... I think I found the Triumph's limit today pace-wise though. I was WOT in 3rd and a few times in 4th for a good portion of the ride. Also... that jump... lol. Wish I had my GoPro running for that one... Jim, you were completely airborn, so much so that I was looking at the next turn under your tires. It felt like I left the ground; whoever was behind me would have to confirm. I'd venture a guess we all grew wings on that "bump".
  8. Let me know, I still plan on riding tomorrow and if you end up heading down I'll still trailer over. Sunday says "heavy rain with thunderstorms", tomorrow says "an afternoon thunderstorm or two" on accuweather. looks like the rain will be around mostly starting after 2pm in the mcconnelsville area.
  9. I'm tempted to show up with a trailer full of timmy ho ho's just so you aren't the only shop in town.
  10. eh, pretty much any and all of the new euro/japanese models sold this year are all euro4 compliant. /shrug
  11. Lol. Did she get to hold onto a dual-sport tire on your wild west trip? Sounds like a life long dream fulfilled to me.
  12. I'm hesitant to go on the 6th if the 5th gets rained out... since I leave for Deal's Gap early on the 7th. I suppose I could make it work though. Just pack up the car for DG before the track day and swap out the bikes when I get back.
  13. Oh good, I can just give your tire to you then that way you'll have it for Deal's Gap.
  14. S has clipons and raised rearsets vs handlebars and a more neutral seat position on the standard.
  15. 2.5 weeks away from my next track day.
  16. Uh huh. In a cloud of smoke I bet!
  17. Meet spot will become the Meat spot after the ride, don't forget.
  18. If someone had a promising racing career and I enjoyed watching them progress/compete, I would be concerned if they were involved in a career-ending accident no matter if they were famous or not. Just like I'd be concerned if someone on this board were involved in a serious accident. Nicky personifies the way a lot of us on this forum probably would like to live their life if all dreams came true - riding motorcycles all over the world for work. People look up to and respect him for his accomplishments and can identify with him because of his Kentucky blue-collar family background. It's just a shitty thing to happen to anyone in the motorcycling community.
  19. I'm still coming to grips with having to trailer to the meet spot... lol.
  20. sv650s was my first bike, the only thing I regret is getting the S model over the standard. It became a comfort issue on rides longer than 2 hours. It was hell on the interstate (leg pain). Loved the bike after I upgraded the suspension though.
  21. Discussion/coordination thread for those planning on attending the track day on June 5. I'll be there with both the Street Triple and the Supersport. Will be looking to get into I group. **weather pending**
  22. Just requested the 5th off of work. Don't see it being declined. I'll start a new thread...
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