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Everything posted by what

  1. Replaced headlight bulbs on the Triumph.
  2. Floor and tables looked familiar, lol...
  3. Lots of cool stuff in Santa-Fe. Palace of the Governer museum has some neat stuff in it, you're walking distance. Where's the food from? La Fonda? I forgot to mention Jambo. If you have time check it out, the food is absolutely ridiculous. http://jambocafe.net/
  4. Job security, sure; but the pay doesn't necessarily reflect the position, sadly. And it's not never, just this upcoming week I am scheduled to work with a client on Monday and Tuesday so I can't take the days off. Here's hoping Monday's weather turns into Sunday's weather. If the AM rain goes away Sunday I'll be going to the track for sure. I need a shakedown day for the Ducati, since I haven't run the new front end/suspension before and I want to move up to I so I can run twilight sessions this summer as well... June 5th is the next chance I'll have to hit the track and that's a long time away, hehe.
  5. I've got more than enough vacation time. The problem is that I am in a specialized position and HAVE to be there on certain days. Monday and Tuesday are two of those days. :\
  6. The IP route is a long day but a great grouping of roads. Looking forward to hitting it again in June.
  7. I'm stuck working Monday/Tuesday so Sunday is really my only option. I'm going to make my decision Friday night instead of Thursday. If it's going to be damp/rainy or a high in the low 60's I probably won't be going.
  8. JB Welded a washer to the sheared-off fairing bracket on the track bike. Put re-painted and repaired fairings back on track bike. Searched everywhere for a lost Dzus pin to no avail, decided 5/6 is good enough for now. Swapped out old trailer tires for new trailer tires, including a spare. Put both bikes on tender.
  9. You start feeling the SV pick up around 5k. It likes to run between 5500-7500, I found the sweet spot to be right around 7k for twisties.
  10. Got track fairings back from being repaired/repainted. They look 100% better than they did and aren't all melted anymore.
  11. what

    BUYING: XR100/r

    Let me know what you decide and we'll get down to business. I'm looking to pay in cash though and not midget hookers, hopefully that's not a problem.
  12. @jacobhawkins introduced me to OMRL a few weeks ago and now I'm ready to jump onboard. PM me if you have one for sale or know anyone with one for sale. Ideally looking for race-ready (paved course) but I'm willing to entertain the idea of converting from dirt. Thanks!
  13. Indeed. Assuming we go, we can help you unload and we will have space in our garage. The garage is $50 total, so split 3 ways it would be about $17 each. We will make a decision Thursday night whether or not we'll be running on the 14th. If it's going to be cloudy and chilly or just plain cold, we will not be going. Sunny and near 70 is what we're looking for. @RavioliG - Word of advice if you're new to Mid-O, do not go if it's raining. The track turns into a skating rink. I've never tried it but that's the reason AMA doesn't race there anymore...
  14. Nope, unfortunately in this case he is the enemy of mankind, a straight white male.
  15. A good friend of mine who's an I.T. guy at a school just outside Boston is banned from working for the rest of the year because he told a female student "you shouldn't speak to people like that." after she called him a cock sucking faggot. She went and complained to the principal that she was being mentally abused and now he's going without pay for 2 months. The times we live in.
  16. Dammit, got sucked into a 20 hour day yesterday and missed your repose. Some host I am. Sitting at DFW right now waiting for our flight back to columbus. Have a great rest of your trip!
  17. If you swing through Dallas Saturday (today), stop by the Hilton Anatole and say hello.
  18. 18.5 hours into work day #4 with no end in sight. only 4 more 12-20 hour days to go. wheeeee
  19. Just thought I'd update since this thread popped up and I said some harsh things about Motohio here - I brought the bike back there for some work over the fall/winter and they did a good job. I brought up my previous experience and (as expected, since so much time had passed), nothing could be done but I wasn't looking to start a witch hunt. The service manager looked into it a little bit but didn't say anything definitive either way. I won't edit my earlier post but I won't say absolutely don't bring your bike there after my most recent experience with them. That said, I'd rather they work on my bike than Iron Pony 100% of the time.
  20. No worries Derek, good luck with everything. Sorry about Toledo.
  21. I told him this same thing in the other thread.
  22. Weather forecasts in Ohio tend to swing wildly in random directions until about 2 days out in my experience...
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