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Everything posted by mike884

  1. well ya know, we take what we can get... lol
  2. Welcome, from another who gave up the cars for 2 wheels!
  3. when it starts to look grungy... $8 grunge brush from wally world and some wd40/degreaser and relube with dupont chain lube, keeps it pretty clean for a while.
  4. yeah the road is fine for some fishing in your 4x4.... but its a little rough for a car, and for a sport bike
  5. saw that vfr has 17.5 k miles... has some extras, seems like a nice ride. Been lusting for a vfr, but the strom comfort has me spoiled
  6. yep... thats the road.. i went right after it rained, so it was muddy, and if you hit a hole, big splash!
  7. hyosung or not... thats a pretty wild ride... some pretty cool pictures in there
  8. still havn't figured out how the flip flop thing works...
  9. can swing out on this from Lancaster, 555 is always a blast
  10. Pretty through there, but Clearcreek Road was torn to shreds... monster potholes and all... sometimes the entire road was one big hole, it got a little squirrly on the Strom.
  11. its ok I drove into the rain... that always sucks.... clear when i left and drove right under the rain clouds.. and as it never fails it rained...again
  12. 26 on the Honda.... 4 on the suzi... can't kill the old nighthawk
  13. you need to make it to SE ohio... up north dosen't hold a candle to it, although i like the cuyahoga valley.
  14. nice car though... just dilutional
  15. I had and recently passed it onto the brother, a 95 tbird with a 3.8... still looks halfway decent and drives decent with like 15 x the mileage of that one... but yes.. those are real aluminum wheels .... .and IF it had a 5 liter it might be more attractive... but yes.. he is about 8k too high
  16. roll with the Melt... not sure if they do call ahead or not? I cant remember.
  17. Coventry is a haul from North Ridgeville... not that Cleveland is huge or anything, just not near where you are going... crocker park is over that way, as is great northern mall and some restaurants that way
  18. done it before, but i find cash in hand for either purchasing or selling to be an easier option.
  19. mike884


    I really enjoy the people that do under the speed limit when there really isnt any reason. Or those in the left lane passing, but passing at about a half mile an hour faster than the person in the lane next to them and not really passing, if you are going to go...go! I do find 270 on the south side to be nice, people do usually move pretty good on it, aside from that though, Columbus is pretty brutal.
  20. there is OTC in cleveland, i believe you can take powersports training.. not a bad gig if you are into it.... known people who have done well and people who just kinda dropped out of it for disinterest
  21. I'd try Cycle analysis in the future.... its way closer than Mentor for you... they have charged me $20 apiece for a loose tire. may have gone up though I'm sure.. decent guys http://www.cycleanalysisonline.com/
  22. If you got it from battery plus it should be ready to go, and a days worth of trickle should be plenty. If its dead as door nail, take it back they will give you another.
  23. Are the planes a common occurrence here? I have seen the hash marks on certain roads, but budget cuts and all, I would think just a crown vic would mark as many people as a cessna or chopper or something, and save some $. I think I have only seen a plane flying overhead once? Even then it could just be some guy jaunting around.
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