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Everything posted by mike884

  1. Not sure if anyone can chime in, but is there much difference between the standard 22A and the bull barrel version? Really about $30 separates the two.
  2. Right... i was looking at Buckmark reviews and it seems they will fire through most anything with little issue.... seems more 22A reviews were either its awesome or jams often, but i guess thats with anything, and the pricing is right... guess i will just have to get feel for them all.
  3. I was looking at the 22A seems like a good platform to mount up a Red Dot and plink away.
  4. whoops-- mods may have to move this to the firearms section... forgot about it..
  5. Alright, looking for handgun for the lady to shoot and for me to practice with, inexpensively. Looking for a .22LR, something like a Ruger Mk III, Browning Buckmark, etc? I know they are fairly inexpensive to begin with, but maybe someone has one sitting around and would like to part with... let me know, thanks! -mike
  6. on a side note... anyone know of anyone who makes wrap around prescription safety glasses? I hate wearing my normal eyeglasses while riding during evening/night.
  7. In an attempt to reduce the costanza wallet, I went ahead and purchased an original all-ett wallet. It is very utilitarian, but very thin. Much nicer to have in the front pocket.
  8. Saw the bike at IMS, its definitely built for a smaller person, at least compared to older v-stroms. Some of the features are pretty neat, lockable storage gas tank, etc. It definitely looks like a honda built to a price point, which it is. There was a comparison by some French? magazine online with the new vstrom and this bike. Honda is really pushing the high mpg, but essentially in the comparison it came out that you are working the Honda harder in the city and out on the open road it really struggled. They concluded that the mpg was a wash and they would rather have the strom, they got essentially the same mileage and the strom has more power and was a better all-rounder. Now the Crossrunner... where they shoehorn at vfr800 motor into a "pseudo" adv bike, that has me intrigued!
  9. I like my HJCs, but really I think its because other brands don't fit my big round head quite as well.
  10. The lady wants to go and you did pretty much sum it up, but never hurts to see again!
  11. Looking for two Jeff Dunham tickets for 12/26 in Columbus. There are still some online, but maybe someone here got on the bandwagon earlier and now can't go, got as a gift, etc etc? Let me know what you have, thanks! -Mike
  12. ... eh I have nothing to add.. sorry folks!
  13. I bought a car via auction, bought bike via forums, etc... but I have never forked any money over sight unseen, or had something shipped to me. Always went and checked out the items thoroughly before handing over the $. For things like ebay, the same rules apply, if it was not as stated, you can walk away from the seller. Vstroms are pretty reliable so unless its one of those relentlessly abused rock crawlers or something, I'd say its hard to go wrong.
  14. Roads down there are great as always... colors aren't quite there yet.... I'd say about next weekend and its a full out color fest. Just watch out for all the cars doing half the speed limit!
  15. Looking for an elliptical if someone has one sitting around. Does not have to be a $5k pro version, but sturdy enough to hold me up at 230lbs. Let me know what you have... I am in Lancaster. Thanks! -mike
  16. RIP Rider... http://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=AoO_KyP59zI3ZpyR63PC85WevZx4/SIG=17e8nguso/EXP=1317997289/**http%3A//us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/local/Columbus_(OH)/WCMH_Columbus/fp/SIG=13jmnrm3j/**http%253A%252F%252Fwww2.nbc4i.com%252Fnews%252F2011%252Foct%252F06%252F2%252Ffatal-crash-leaves-one-dead-fairfield-co-ar-773395%252F
  17. For the wife I would go with the CRV over the Rav4 and Rogue for sure. I have seen too many nightmare stories with almost new rogues from family and some mechanic buddies. I second the Kia/Hyundai, they are generally less expensive and you are getting what you pay for, sometimes the details aren't there.... but you get exactly what you pay for... wheras you pay a bit for the Honda/Toyota name panache.
  18. I used these on my nighthawk 650. If you don't have big power and don't ride like a a complete maniac, these are decent long wearing tires. On a shadow, should be perfectly fine.
  19. Ahh... my 77 honda used to do that, went from a 550/4 to a 275/2 if water got in the right spot....Good to know it just wasn't my 77
  20. Is there any direction its not supposed to rain? Was going to do a 2 day long distance blast on the vstrom... west looks better than east for sure.
  21. it is a nice update, the headlights still bug me though... more so than the old style.
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