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Everything posted by Ron505

  1. Ha, I was actually looking a Diesel's before I started looking for a Wrangler. I had decided on the 7.3 as well. Wait it out until you find the "right" one. Good luck with your search.
  2. Thanks. Lowered price a touch and changed photos. That means I'll lower the price for OR members too. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4631598730.html
  3. OR price $9k http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/4631598730.html
  4. How about some pics? My son may be interested. Why does she get all the new shit? You're setting a bad example for rest of us.
  5. We are hoping to get down there that weekend. Not sure where we're staying yet, but I'll let you know if it's the Williams camp.
  6. All you vodka posters in the whiskey thread, Grey Goose is first, but Svedka is more practical. So the wife gets her $40 / 1/5 Grey Goose and I get my $20 / 1/2 gallon of Svedka. But then she wants to mix the GRey Goose!!!!! Drives me crazy!!!
  7. Crown is ok. A little sweet for my taste. In order for my bourbon taste Blantons (on special occasions) Makers Mark (just lowered the price equal to the below for 750ml) Bulliet Rye Since switching from beer to bourbon, I have maintianed a 20lb weight lose for about 2 years. Yes, I may have a small glass almost everynight, and maybe more. But bourbon on the rocks is my drink of choice anymore, and my liver enzymes are just fine
  8. I think it would be a scream to drive, especially on a closed course.
  9. Already posted? Anyway... Looks pretty cool. http://www.polaris.com/en-us/slingshot http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/popular/polaris-slingshot-coming-soon/
  10. There will always be a place in my heart for my old FZ1. Great all around bikes! Very, very comfortable, and as fast as I ever needed it to be.
  11. We have a yearly rally in Maggie Valley, NC. Go to Ride Routes from our home page. Those are some of the routes that we have come up with over the years. http://www.raiderrally.com/
  12. How in the hell did that ladder hold up? Hmmmmmm
  13. You must be mistaken, only pirates on cruisers do that sort of thing. Maybe next Wednesday we'll come up and get shit faced and try to ride home.
  14. You would have to do it as quickly as possible if you were coming from Taco Bell. That shit usually exits within 15 mintues for me.
  15. I like checking out the bikes as well. We were trying to make it up, but couldn't find any local, fellow pirates to make the voyage. Maybe next week.
  16. NICE!!!! Where'd you pick up the lights?
  17. Wow!!!!! That's adds up to be one expensive deck!!!! F
  18. We used to be able to build decks at around $6-$7 a square foot. It's been several years, but I can't imagine it being to far off.
  19. We have typically hauled the bike to the beach with us, but I'm asking myself if it's worth it to haul the trailer and bike down for maybe one or two days tops of riding. We are going to Holden Beach, NC for 7 nights (about 50 minutes north of Myrtle). The roads aren't very good. If it rains a day or two, I will want to be sitting on the beach with Corona in hand the remaining days. We are also planning to golf a day or two. I'm thinking maybe an extra $80 in gas if I haul the bike. I need my time on the beach to relax. What would you do? Anyone know of any good rides, scenery or events that would be good to visit on the bike in the area? Times like the below are hard to come by, but I doubt we'll be able to do that anywhere close to where we are going.
  20. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_10?url=search-alias%3Dautomotive&field-keywords=dyna%20beads&sprefix=dyna+beads%2Caps%2C320 Also check out Ride On for another mystical option.... http://www.ride-on.com/tire-balancer.html
  21. I've had them in my front tire for around 10k miles. Have worked well. My last rear tire change I went with Ride On though. I can't be havin no ugly azz weights on my chrome shizz.
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