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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Like has been said, they key is that the Epic Ride is for riding, and we need a more social event. I'd happily roll on down to Columbus to meet a group of Ohio Riders for a visit to Iron Pony, a ride to lunch somewhere, some go carts, another ride or activity, and some dinner. all it would take is one person to organize that and people will show up, especially if there's either some decent roads around nearby, or some activities that'd allow us to socialize and meet each other while still having fun. Go karts, laser tag, titty bar, y'know, that type of stuff I'd say "A movie" but I don't really wanna get flamed OR made fun of even MORE for suggesting an OR meetup where we go to a movie Maybe there's a motor-related event to watch, or something. The Epic RIDE is for riding, we just need a gathering event for people to meet. Someone in Columbus chime in with ideas of what's nearby. There have to be some local places that are worth the trip in, either to eat at or to do stuff, besides Iron Pony, which everyone on a motorcycle should visit at least once Let's plan the 2015 Ohio Riders 1st annual gathering.
  2. I've got two Dobermans, and one has wobblers I'm dreading the day. I'll give them some extra treats tonight.
  3. Congrats! I was in the same boat, where I had an offer for the company I work for now, and an offer from Harley for 5K more... I asked this place to match Harley's offer, but my story didn't end like your daughter's... They said "nope!" LOL, I took the job anyway, though, and I'm happy here. I didn't get to meet you over the weekend on the Epic ride, but I wanted to say I DID check out your bike in the parking lot, and it's beautiful... I'm a little jealous
  4. True, but that's aimed at heat / warmth, and I also want something for helmet noise just as much. Especially for all summer long, when I'm sweating. If a baklava with do both, then it's fine for fall. But when I ride home from work at 5 pm and it's hot out (I've got another week or two of that, at least, I think!) then I need noise reduction without adding extra heat Cyclegear.com has a thingy listed but it got terrible reviews for longevity & staying on the helmet. And yes, I spelled it as baklava on purpose
  5. A "scenery" ride would be great, too, if we had enough time. When you ride twisties, you're looking down most of the time... Granted there's often just corn & cows to look at, so you're not missing much, but on the way down I rode alongside a little river for a few miles that was great! Every few hundred yards there'd be a little canoe-rental place and such, and with the trees on one side and the river on the other, it was great scenery... Made me pretty happy to be cruising along, not cooped up in a car, and just out for a ride enjoying the sights.
  6. No worries Most people swear by Douglas Adams, and although THGttG was a great read, it's a little tongue-in-cheek. I'm a lover of hard sci-fi, and Robert Heinlein definitely delivers on that! BEAUTIFUL bike, btw, was nice to meet you and see it up close!
  7. What kind of helmet skirts do you guys offer? Just the Schampa? I need it mostly for wind noise, but also because my chin & neck will start to get chilly here in the next couple weeks as I'm a morning commuter.
  8. maybe they're both? Which means there's some little guys down near where the turn signals would be that are canards
  9. Okay, so I asked you about your screen name, and you told me it was Douglas Adams, when I asked if it was a Robert Heinlein reference... but it IS Robert Heinlein, isn't it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grok In other news, I think your ride was longer than mine, timewise!
  10. The only things that scare me are the age of the bike and the fact that it's much more powerful than I'm used to. But if I could sell the YZF, I'd do it Just needs to happen in that order, so I'm not stuck with 2 bikes for the winter. I'm not rich enough to have that much money tied up in motorcycles.
  11. And honestly, I don't think I'm gonna sign up for another 16 hour day on the bike Stop using shady shops!
  12. I sure was hurtin' Saturday night when I got home, but after a good night's sleep, I wasn't sore at all the next day. That was pleasant to find out
  13. Home! Let's see, I left at 7 am, and got home at 11 pm... So that's a 16-hour day. 7700 miles on the bike when I left and 8246 when I got home means 550 miles today. Hrm, that's an average of 34 mph for 16 hours straight. Not bad! It was GREAT to meet everyone... I may be terrible with names & faces, but it's still nice to put a face to a screen name. I think I met most people, although I'm sure i missed some... Tpoppa, for instance, dodged me! The next time I wanna ride 3 hours to get to a ride... someone talk me out of it! I don't envy Tim, either, on a supersport with nearly the same commute as me Thanks to Derek and Wolfman for organizing, and to JackFlash for stepping up to lead. Great job! Also, I'd like to point out that there were 3 YZF600R's in attendance today, making it the most popular bike I'm going to go ask my wife to rub my tushie now G'night everyone and thanks again!
  14. Am 25 minutes from home. Couldn't tough it out for the last little bit, I needed a break. Just gobbled up two of the three granola bars that were under my seat all day, haha. Oh, btw, saw this at a rest stop on my way home, it was pretty cool Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. No accidents. Big group eating BBQ, tho many have left for home. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. You taking it easy is still far faster than I'll want to go... And it'll turn my 3 hour commute into a 4 hour ride down there if I go with you guys. I'm already gonna have to wake up at like 6 to be out the door at 7. Not looking to wake up at 5... This'll be the longest day I've ever spent riding, and by the end of it, fatigue WILL be a factor I definitely want to meet everyone, especially the NEO guys I haven't met yet, but I guess it'll have to happen in the parking lot at the main event meet site
  17. This is the Northeast Ohio ride-down thread... You probably want to be posting in the main thread
  18. I don't think I'll make the Lodi meet... I'll never wake up early enough. I'd also just slow everyone down. Tim, lots of gas stations probably sell some disposables you could use for the day.
  19. LOL, I have my hands full with my current bike And yet, I'm still strangely tempted....
  20. Josh1234

    Gear Sale

    got 'em, thank you! Very fast shipping.
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