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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. I love Mantids! They're awesome creatures. I have a finger-puppet of a mantis on my desk at work.... Her name is Martha Mantis and she's my testing mascot. Before all of you look at me like I'm crazy (too late?), I work in software QA and Mantids, well... They eat bugs
  2. I dig that a lot. I'm spoiled by having a nearly 5-gallon fuel tank, but I could live with 3.7g. Needs to come in blue Given my choice between that and the Versys I just saw in another thread, I'd probably take the Vulcan And I wouldn't give two shits (or even one) about what people said as I rode by, smiling
  3. I've successfully snagged the 27" iMac at work that we had lying around as my own, uncontested This screen is huge & gorgeous!
  4. finally, some fucking justice around here.
  5. And I'll be in Chicago
  6. Rode to work today!
  7. Don't worry, there's no way in hell she's getting a new bike I actually don't think she'll ever end up riding, which is fine with me... I'd worry too much Unless we buy a bike made for two-up and go on trips together, but I'd want something that can 2-up comfortably, and honestly, to me... that sounds like a car
  8. Nice, welcome aboard! Balisongs, or throwing knives?
  9. My last cruise (this past January) was on Carnival, and we had a FANTASTIC time. It was technically a "renewal of vows" for my wife and I, but was really our public wedding ceremony. We had 37 people, half from the states, and half from Germany. Everything was perfect, and i can't say enough good things about carnival (we were on the carnival dream). It was my first cruise (not counting my deployments in the Navy!). One of the couples from Germany had such a good time, they immediately planned another cruise when they got home, for 1 year later, and that's this cruise in January My mom had mentioned she heard that carnival had a rep for being younger & funner, but hey, it's a cruise, let loose! For the wedding, we did western Caribbean, and this time it'll be Eastern. Cruises are my kinda vacation... Sit back, let everyone take care of me, and eat.
  10. This is one of the reasons why I don't want kids. I'm too selfish. Both with my time and my money. I know I'll get a lecture on how great they are, and how I've never known the meaning of life, etc etc, (PLEASE spare me those lectures, I've heard them before!). But the fact remains I like my time for me & MY hobbies, and naturally there's a financial downside to having kids also. Ultimately, if the wife wants one, we'll have one, but thankfully, I think she's willing to wait a few more years before making the call As for my spot in life right now, things have gotten a lot better for me in the past year. I went from a "Field technician" job with irregular working hours and lots of free time but crappy pay to working in an office, but the culture here is great. unlimited vacation, very casual dress code (shorts & flip flops are fine), free lunch every friday, free sodas, free snack closet. It's also a lot more money than I was making. The wife also got a VERY healthy raise this year, but she works too hard. I'm all about doing a good job at work and enjoying what I have, but I read some of those posts on MrMoneyMustache.com and I'm not down with that. I make my money so that I can spend it and enjoy it. Sure, I could've retired at 30 like he did, but he had to sell his motorcycle, can't eat out, and can't have nice things that aren't "needs." I'd rather work and buy toys / be comfortable. As for saying F it, I think society WILL collapse during out lifetimes, but that's another thread... the Prepper thread. I'm saving that for winter when we need entertainment
  11. no, I'm a moron who can't read before I've had my morning caffeine. The way I read it was that in the past 40 days, you've taken ten cruises! After reading it like 5 times just now, I realize that you probably mean that 40 days from now, you'll be taking your tenth cruise, lifetime My wife and I are taking a Royal Caribbean cruise in January, on the Oasis of the Seas. Should be a blast! Now back to your regularly scheduled thread
  12. welcome aboard! We can always use more 'Cat owners
  13. Those must be some real short cruises.
  14. My dogs get 2 out of ten spots on my mousepad at work. That's more than my sister! She only got one the wife gets the rest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Epidemic zone, sure, I'm behind that (or at least a quarantine). As for the religion... those are extremists, not the vast majority of the religion Don't swallow what the media force-feeds you.
  16. There are a lot of people who would disagree with you that this is the "best-run" country in the world As for letting some people in but not others.... Your ancenstors PROOOOBABLY came over here because they were undesirables in another country. But maybe not, it's true that I don't know you or your family history... But I DO know elitism when I hear it, and the beginnings of human rights violations (basically, your argument is that some people have less to offer, so they're less important, so they shouldn't be let in?).
  17. In. I'd definitely be down for a track day that's targeted at developing skills, and not just racing or going as fast as possible.
  18. Might want to change the first post. It's a good sign that you've come down $1,350! It means you're willing to negotiate... Which is good, since the season is mostly over now that we're in October
  19. Can I throw my bike in there, too?
  20. I dunno, but there's a large part of me that is convinced that TSHTF WILL happen in our lifetimes... This is one sure plausible way. If he was contagious in the week he was here before showing symptoms, he could've infected hundreds of people. And lots of people form my work and my wife's work are out sick
  21. part of me says "live and learn." If you feel the passion for riding, then be thankful that none of these mishaps were major ones. The first was really not a "mishap" so much as a "let me take a deep breath and think about that for a moment." Things like that teach caution. But I don't like hearing " I had no business taking that machine on those roads so soon after getting it." That, to me, says you're blaming the bike, when I think it was rider error. You followed his lines, you had the wrong entry speed, you didn't trail brake like he did, etc. That can happen no matter what bike you're on. In any event, hopefully the only lasting thing that came of that was a voice in the back of you reminding reminding you to be careful, that's all. #2 was just a shitty deal... There's going to be oil spots and tar snakes and a zillion and one other things. They're gonna happen. All you can do is wear your gear and get back on. Seems like you've passed both tests, there. #3 is part of the learning curve of going from a car driver to motorcycle rider. It's new maintenance that isn't exactly the same as we've been doing it. I feel the same way you do, often, when I wonder if motorcycling is right for me, but so far, I've always decided that the pros outweigh the cons. That could change at any time, and it requires constant reevaluation. It sounds like you're having a crisis of faith, and I'll support either decision you make, but ultimately, it's your decision If every ride isn't a joy ride... then you're doing something wrong.
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