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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Subscribed. Might make this, might not... And before you try and convince me, I'm the guy that's always 10 minutes late, has to pee, then has to stop for gas, and will make you wait at every stop sign. You'll have more fun without me, trust me.
  2. Post-it note taped to the tank used to work for me
  3. Definite possibility.... I like how it preserves symmetry. So I'd get that, and a Ram arm, and a Ram phone holder, right? Is that nut torqued down to a specific ft-lbs? That's my only reservation. The less chance I have to screw something up, the better Learned that one the hard way Wait, what? I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out if I know you in RL, and why I haven't called you. This helped me figure out that no, I don't know you, and I haven't called you because you weren't expecting me to. His name is James. (I figured that out all on my own, with only a little help from the forum). My name is Josh. Some people call me "J" occasionally, LOL. Yeah... I haven't had enough caffeine yet, this morning. In any event, I did some poking around on the Ram site and the yzf600 site, and looked at some pictures, and I think that it'll be either the triple clamp nut that Paul suggested, or the brake-attachment that Ram suggests. Most ppl say they like the X-grip, but someone did point out that the little waterproof box they offer instead would offer a spot to keep toll money,toll tickets, hooker money, extra shots of blow, etc. Could be handy. I also need to figure out if I'm going to upgrade to the iPhone 6 or 6+ and make sure it'll fit in whatever I get.
  4. Not sure how that happens, unless Amex's servers are fucked up
  5. wait, we talking MMF, FFM, FFF, or.... nevermind, I already know the answer
  6. Nowhere near as resourceful as creating speakers from mouth cavity, though, I mean... c'mon!
  7. Shoop is 100% right... I was just griping about Paypal because I didn't wanna get to work - It wasn't about you at all! I'm sure you're an awesome guy, and I really appreciate you handling the shirts and the ride! The logo looks great, and I'm definitely coming this year... The last one I made was 2012 I think, and I had an awesome time. It was literally the day after I upgraded bikes from my starter For me, challenging myself to leave my comfort zone is PART of what riding is all about. Besides, with all the other more experienced riders around, I'm sure I'll learn a lot and get some great feedback that'll make me a better rider! And I also want to meet people.... Face to face, not just on a forum. Community is another big part of why I ride
  8. Allright, I'm crumbling. They do have a nice "Wizard" on the Ram mount site. I just wish that instead of base - double socket arm - cell phone holder they would do base-connects-directly-to-cell phone holder. I'd still need to decide on the universal X-grip thingy to hold my phone, or the aqua box. I suppose that Xgrip really is sturdy and I wouldn't have to worry about my phone vibrating out, right?
  9. I have no clue what he'd be mad at ME for, or why he'd accuse me of having a "shithole." I was actually hoping to get a little explanation... I don't like pissing people off, but maybe I've wronged him in some way.
  10. Paid via paypal. BTW, paypal sucks... I've been a (verified) member for years & years, and I log in and they tell me I have sending/receiving limits. I follow the "click here" link and it removes them because I'm verified wtf? why even bother? Then I have to follow a link to "Send money to a friend." Why can't it just be "send money" like the old days? I'm sure DerekClouser is a great guy, but I haven't actually MET him yet. And none of those eBay sellers are my friend for sure! Fucking social networking is influencing paypal! Ugh. (I have no clue why this rant happened. Must be that time of month?)
  11. So for this NEO group that'll all be riding down (including you, Tim) do ppl generally take back roads for more twisties, or just slab it to make better time?
  12. Sounds fun, but no bike right now and plans this weekend anyhow Magic: the Gathering prerelease tournament!
  13. Holy cow, I'm glad you're okay! Hang in there, get things figured out with the wiring, and your bike will be waiting
  14. "further proof that our government is run by fucking idiots." Did I misinterpret part of that?
  15. eek! it was that bad? What tools did you have to buy? Buying new tools is a FUN thing!
  16. Dammit, I'm hemorrhaging money lately for the bike 2talltim, while that setup might be great for you, it's a little too in-your-face for me. I mostly use the bike for commuting to work, and I don't want a GPS or phone in my face for that. And I don't want to have to remove hardware, either I might just end up buying a map pocket or something and sticking my phone in there Hrm, still might get near the magnets though
  17. I wanna be buried (or cremated, dumped into the lake, whatever) with my macbook, my iPhone, and while wearing my Navy Dress Blues and my riding jacket!. All my favorite toys and pieces of engineering I appreciated, and all the uniform/clothing/gear that makes me look good! ha! Let someone else have my motorcycle, she doesn't deserve to die just because I'm dead - someone else can still enjoy her.
  18. Bought this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/400701981756?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  19. That's a neat looking Sugru kit. I bought something on eBay similar to that USB Charger... It just hooks up to the battery terminals on one end and has a USB port on the other end. Then I realized that most people recommend an in-line fuse. I doubt that Delran battery Tender USB adapter have one built in, but the page doesn't say. They're sold out, but I could easily buy one on eBay I suppose. I'm not sure if I really need an in-line fuse or not. Opinions? I was thinking I'd get that cable and stick it to the underside of the dash so the whole thing is out of sight. Then just plug in my cable when needed and run it to the phone. I need to watch some how-to's on inline fuses and stuff, if you guys think it's necessary. RAM mounts overwhelm me. There's a lot to choose from. I'm also not too keen on anything permanent, or that requires tools to remove. Mounts are generally big ugly, but I'm not dead-set against them. But installing it would be a pain. I'd still prefer something more easily removable and less noticeable. I think our phones are more resistant to magnetism than we give them credit for... Neither the screen nor the SSD should suffer, and data isn't stored magnetically, and the screens aren't CRT. Do I sound confident? I'm not sure I wanna put my money where my mouth is
  20. I think it's equally likely that the fucking idiots are the ones making music while dressed as clowns. Strike that, those guys are rich. The idiots are the morons dressing up as clowns because a band tells them to, then thinking that they're the shit.
  21. I don't always want to bring my whole tank bag, but I'm anticipating wanting to mount my cell phone (for GPS) for the Epic ride. I'm sure there's a good reason why no one has done this, but has anyone just superglued some magnets to the back of an extra cell phone case, so it could be stuck to the tank? The magnets might hurt the phone? You'd have to look down to see the GPS map, and take eyes off road? I'm assuming that some super magnets from home depot or whatever might hold just fine.... What am I missing?
  22. I won't have a passenger, but I'll ride slower than those who do
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