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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Wait, a "bang-up" job means a good job? I thought it meant a bad job.
  2. I tried it Friday, and I seem to be the only resistance player in downtown Cleveland. Didn't really suck me in, but maybe I'll mess with it again.
  3. congrats! Get a good deal? I miss my 500 already! Very pleased that I owned one
  4. I'm usually up for a new game, what's this!? edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingress_(game)
  5. Dumb question, but let's start with the obvious: have you tried clicking the "edit" button and then choosing an option from the "text layout" button? It offers like, 1 column, 1 column with sidebar, 2 column page layout, etc. I'm by no means an expert, but we use it where I work and I've poked around a bit.
  6. I took it to a movie theater or two, nothing major. And the range is pretty short... not like that guy who hooked up a BIG ONE in his car and was driving around with it turned all the way up
  7. Chain cleaning and degreasing is a good idea, right?
  8. Hell I've never eaten 'em But I tend to like all the pre-flavored preservative friendly normal foodstuffs, so I'd probably like the freeze dried stuff, too.
  9. Toilet paper will actually trade for almost anything else after a few days or a week or two of services disruption If you want to bulk up on food the easy way... Today on Woot: http://sport.woot.com/offers/mountain-house-freeze-dried-meal-9pk?utm_source=Daily+Digest&utm_campaign=2cf426dc47-Daily+Digest+-+20141105+-+Woot&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c5ca76da11-2cf426dc47-302581405#tracked Freeze dried meal packs for a family! perfect for a prepper. I'm a firm believer that sooner or later, it'll be disease, climate, economy, terrorists, or one too many links in the foodchain broken. It has already been local, but sooner or later it'll be near-global. I don't know how severe it'll be, or how permanent, but I think there's a good chance it'll happen in my lifetime. Yeah, we all just keep trudging along, "in the system," but I think it's more precarious than it looks. I think that's the early premise of the movie "Interstellar," which is coming out this Friday. Famine hits the US/World. Anyway, I'm not as prepared as I should be, and some of that is because I live in a small condo, and some of that is because I'm lazy, and some of that is because my wife doesn't like guns (or "unnecessary" clutter around the house ). Frankly... I'm just fascinated with the idea of society turning to shit.
  10. I own one of those. It's great fun.
  11. You were obviously watching him, based on your detailed descriptions of when he changed lanes to get behind you, how long he stayed there, how far away he was, and when he started to pass you. You probably could've avoided this "accident" if you'd wanted to, but he cut it too close and he picked the wrong person to try and bully. He wanted to be a dick and cut you off, and you wanted to be a dick and fight for your spot in the left lane and not let him get by. Whatever, he got what he deserved and one day you will too. We all will.
  12. Sure it's the other guy's fault for hitting you... But why were you using the left hand lane if you weren't passing anyone? You've provided video evidence previously that you like to fuck with people while you're on the road.... And saying "there's no law saying I can't drive in the left lane at the speed limit!" is just asinine. The left lane (which you've called the "fast" lane) is for passing. If everyone would get on board with this, traffic would flow a lot smoother. I'm glad you're ok, and I'm glad you have a carefully sculpted video to cover your ass and make sure you get paid, but please... Stay out of the left lane next time unless you're passing someone, okay? You stated you and he got in the left lane at the same time, and that he wasn't there very long at all.... Which makes me think that you got in it to keep him from passing you. Again, glad you're okay.
  13. Doesn't the customer win out by having choices? I'm not sure I understand, but it sounds like enfranchised car manufacturers are trying to protect themselves from losing sales. Someone explain?
  14. I was in San Diego for a little while. The women in Cali are in a whole different league. If you take a "6" from Cali and bring her to Ohio, she's a "9." If you take an Ohio 9 to Cali, she's only a 6. It's wild. But I think some of them are on a different "crazy scale," too, so watch out
  15. Holy cow!! I'm glad you're okay... what were you driving? Was it your rear fender or front fender that he hit?
  16. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Ops people get a laptop when they start, and they all have two monitors, external. Devs get a desktop with three monitors. This 27" iMac used to be used by a sales guy, but for the past month or two he's just been using a laptop over at the "bar" table, since he prefers a standing desk. This iMac has been homeless since then, and said said he was done with it... Our Javascript guy had snagged the other one a while ago, and apparently, no one said anything. So I figured that if he can do it, I can do it. So now I have a 27" main monitor, two more external, + my laptop. LOTS of screen real estate.
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