Toilet paper will actually trade for almost anything else after a few days or a week or two of services disruption If you want to bulk up on food the easy way... Today on Woot: Freeze dried meal packs for a family! perfect for a prepper. I'm a firm believer that sooner or later, it'll be disease, climate, economy, terrorists, or one too many links in the foodchain broken. It has already been local, but sooner or later it'll be near-global. I don't know how severe it'll be, or how permanent, but I think there's a good chance it'll happen in my lifetime. Yeah, we all just keep trudging along, "in the system," but I think it's more precarious than it looks. I think that's the early premise of the movie "Interstellar," which is coming out this Friday. Famine hits the US/World. Anyway, I'm not as prepared as I should be, and some of that is because I live in a small condo, and some of that is because I'm lazy, and some of that is because my wife doesn't like guns (or "unnecessary" clutter around the house ). Frankly... I'm just fascinated with the idea of society turning to shit.