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Everything posted by Josh1234

  1. Finally got around to hooking up my battery to the tender.
  2. Sorry for your loss... I had to put my dog, Sadie, to sleep the day after Thanksgiving She was with me for ten years. I still tear up when I realize I'll never get to kiss the top of her head again while she nuzzles me, and I'll never get to smell her again My wife and I adopted another Doberman a couple of years ago, and we still have her... But she smells different, and her mannerisms just aren't the same.
  3. I thought it was interesting to see what they automate, how much technology goes into it, and how much they still do by hand, highly skilled.
  4. Whether they are sanctioned or not, they can still cause death. And people would still be in an uproar if/when a tazer DID. What you've chosen to ignore is the fact that ANY use of force can turn out to be deadly even if it's not intended to be.
  5. If they'd used a taser or a beanbag gun, the guy still could've died. And those are considered non-lethal. What in the world do you people suggest that the cops do? Ask nicely for people to lay down on the ground so they can be arrested? We know how well THAT works.
  6. Wow! Top notch customer service, right there Props to Kriega!
  7. that's amazing. i didn't even know those existed.
  8. There are also plenty of 12 year olds playing with guns in their back yards instead of public parks. There's also plenty of 12 year olds who wouldn't hesitate to shoot a cop if they had the chance. Hey, let's put all that information together, yours and mine, and come up with a doctrine that tries to govern our society safely. And hey, when officers of the law volunteer to put their life on the line to protect me and mine, let's support them when they shoot first because a person who is reported to have a gun reaches in their waistband and pulls one out. And DON'T give me the argument about them holding their fire when someone draws on them. Too many cops have already died and let gunmen walk away because they didn't want to shoot. If someone pulls a gun on a cop, they deserve to die. I don't care what color they are or how old they are.
  9. The fact that he shot an unarmed man. That, alone, is probable cause for an investigation/charges. What the 911 caller said doesn't matter when evaluating the police behavior, as they were NOT given the information that it was a BB gun. As far as they know, they pulled up to someone who had been waving around a real gun.
  10. If you're wagering $100 on some of those $10 stocks for a year, then make sure you research your brokerage account... some online ones cost $10 a trade. So if you're already in the hole $20 to buy $100 worth of stock ($10 for the purchase and the $10 it'll cost to sell it all) then you REEEAAALLLYYY need to see a huge spike to make profit.
  11. I don't hate cops. I respect them. Probably because I was in the military and I know what it means to serve, and I respect others who do. As for hate... I hate injustice, and I think it's very possible that justice was NOT served when the grand jury failed to indict.
  12. You're crazy. No innovation? They just released 2 "new" phones, but if you want innovation, well, wait until the iwatch comes out. Between the new phones, the China market, and the iWatch, they're pretty certain to have a good financial outlook. Heaven forbid they ever get around to finalizing the deals with cable companies and announce an actual iTV In all honesty, I started buying apple in maybe 2008, and I spent $1,000 on 8 shares, at $120 each. I re-bought more at $360, and then some more later... In any event, it went up to over $645 before it split 7-for-1. Then it was $92 a share. I spent another $3,000 on it about a month ago, at $102 per share. Yes, sure, it was at an all-time-high, someone will point out... But It's at $115 right now. Anyway, they're going to have an insanely strong holiday season, followed by constant reports of how they're (as always) selling more iPhones than the model before it, each time breaking their own records for most sales. If you want to "play around" in the stock market, you'll probably lose money. The best way to MAKE money is either to research every single company you want to buy and pick a strong one, or make solid purchases and plan to hold them long term.
  13. Stop being so obtuse. Every cop on the world knows that the only way it's justifiable to kill someone is if they believe that person might harm them or someone else. So maybe the cop isn't "trained" in what to say in court, but they're sure as hell trained in when it's ok to shoot someone and when it isn't. That sort of makes it so that you don't HAVE to coach them on what to say in court. If you've killed someone, then OF COURSE you're gonna say the 1 thing in court that you've specifically been trained on that would've made it OK to kill that person.
  14. Some of these statements are incorrect. The process would've actually been different, had it been you or I... A prosecutor rarely puts the accused on the stand to testify, but this one did. It's also pretty unusual to present ALL of the evidence to the grand jury, but this one did. It's also pretty unusual (EXTREMELY unusual) for a grand jury to NOT indict. And yet, this one didn't. I've pretty heard this described as a complete and total farce where the "prosecutor" (who is a former cop, mind you) did everything he could to throw the case. By putting the cop on the stand, the jurors then start to evaluate whether or not they think he was justified in doing what he did, or they think about whether or not he did it in the first place... But every good prosecutor knows that their job isn't to get the grand jury to examine those issues, it's to present enough evidence to indict the accused, as in, is there a CHANCE he might've done this and should we look further? He presented ALLLLLLL to evidence to confuse the grand jurors and cloud the issue. The common phrase in the legal profession is that a grand jury would return an indictment against a ham sandwich. There's an infographic going around that points out that 99.99% of grand juries indict. The number was like for 150,000 indictments, there were 11 that didn't. Granted, I don't have a law degree, but when people who DO start saying this was total bullshit, it kind've makes me wonder. Or you can continue to believe what the press feeds you and assume he was totally innocent and shouldn't even be investigated. On a personal level, the only reason I care is because it demonstrates how fucked up this country is, including the legal system.
  15. When the zombies attack, if I can make it to your house, can I join your family?
  16. If he was white, we'd be calling him a "wannabe thug."
  17. So, coincidentally, Massdrop has a sale on Sawyer 2 liter Filtration Systems today. The link is here: https://www.massdrop.com/buy/sawyer-2-l-water-filtration-system?s=water But if you sing up for massdrop, PLEASE use my invite code thingy: https://www.massdrop.com/r/DN97AS It'll be cheaper if more people order it... Only 15 needed for a pretty steep discount. Even if you don't buy it, feel free to sign up with my invite code
  18. Be thankful! The one he left ME in came with crabs
  19. I'd be worried he's gonna come back and steal your nice shiny car, now that he needs another, knows where you live, and got a good look at it. Hope you have a security system
  20. My problem is that I'd LIKE to do a little more serious prepper stuff, but my wife is NOT into it, and I also don't have a lot of room. Also... I'd rather not really tell her that I'm prepping. She wouldn't understand, and what's more, we have a condo without a lot of room
  21. What else ya got in your bag? What kind of food/water stores?
  22. Lifestraws were on Woot this week. I bought two.
  23. Taught a coworker about Cookie Clicker on Friday. Started a new game on a work computer and left it running all weekend. Came back to 600 billion cookies, haha.
  24. It's yellow. I withdraw all support for the choice you made
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