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Everything posted by vf1000ride

  1. It's not the first time either. Check out the following; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/7605320/Top-Gears-Stig-spotted-on-Google-Street-View.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1245885/Never-mind-Nessie-Mysterious-Stig-captured-rare-sighting-banks-famous-loch.html
  2. Good luck with that one brother.
  3. I got around 2500 on the Ducati and another 6,000 or so on the Triumph. I didn't really mark my starting number for the year so it's hard to tell.
  4. If it ever gets so bad that I gold plate a gun, the apocalypse has arrived and you can go ahead and end me right then and there. I will give you the grips if you want them, I am buying a nice set of walnut ones for it.
  5. New toy came home with me this afternoon. It was sitting in that display case and it was calling out to me. Why is it that I have no self control when I see a classic firearm that some bubba had to go mess up. I feel the need to save them all. Anyhow, the new one has the ugly pearl grips on it. It's a classic mixmaster just like my original P08 so it will see range time. Already searching for some replacement wood grips and a few more mags.
  6. Google MIL-PRF-24758, that rubber hose is not MIL-PRF-24758 ship-board conduit, it's a US Navy specification also and not Nasa. The conduit has a flexible corrugated metal inner core with a weatherproof outer coating. It's not a rubber inner core with a stainless mesh outer cover like in your image. Where are you getting the info on that stuff from or a link to the pictures? I'm curious to see what they are talking about now.
  7. Not sure about the first picture but a can tell you at 100% the image on the right ain't no electrical cable. That's a piece of fiber reinforced rubber hose.
  8. I would throw it on wrong color and all. Very, Very few guns produced for the military prior to WWII have escaped without a rebuild at some point. It's better to have a correct period part than the correct color finish in my book.
  9. Gotta agree with ReconRat, repair and preserve. Those are cool old rifles that would be awesome to own not only for what they are but also for the family history. I tend to agree with the one statement from that linked article, if you do want to shoot them then stick with the CCI CB shorts or the Aguila Super Colibi ammunition. Those old guns usually don't take well to high velocity ammo. I have an old Stevens model 70 visible loader. It will shoot all day on CB's and low velocity shorts, the first modern LR round you put in it and it is jammed up tighter than heck and requires tools to get working again.
  10. The barrel change and having the chamber cut for 308 is the easy part. I would imagine the biggest problem is going to be feeding the shorter 308 cases from the fixed internal mag. If the gun had a detachable mag I would say to find a magazine for the long action m-24 chambered in 308. With the fixed mag you will run into problems with the bullets sliding front to back under recoil. The misalignment could end up causing you feeding troubles. Some guns can do it but I don't know about the Rem 700. Why the change to 308 anyway? By the time you buy a good barrel and have a gunsmith install it you are only maybe $100 short of a second new Rem 700 already in 308. Cabelas has the ADL on sale right now with a 3-9 scope on it for $439. I looked on Brownell's and the cheapest barrel they carry is $269, figure $100 for a gunsmith to install. The new rifle looks like a better deal in my book.
  11. If you are going from .30-06 down to .308 in a long action gun it should just be a barrel change. It is very possible that the same mag will even work. What is the exact model# of the 700 you are looking at converting? They make that gun in probably 25-30 different varieties and it could make a difference.
  12. This was the last non-oem stereo I had, pictures are from the first day of install so the wiring did get cleaned up a bunch. 2001 VW GTI. I gave up on the stereos when I sold the car. Besides the fact it wouldn't work in the new car, the hearing loss of blasting that system for 5 years was starting to get obvious. 1500 Watts total, Orion HCCA G4 at 1200w mono into a pair of Eclipse 10" DVC 88100 subs running 1ohm. Sealed 1/2cuft per sub tuned for 26hz. Highs ran a JL 300/4 at 75wx4 into Boston pro 6.5's in all four corners. Had the parametric EQ and all the passive EQ's tucked away in the side panels. It was enough SPL that the sunroof would resonate almost a full inch depending on the song. Never had it professionally miked but I could peg the cheap radioshack DB meters at 115DB with no problem.
  13. Your freedom to make choices about your health and well being was relinquished when Obama was voted into office. It is time to admit that the sheeple have spoken and now we all must reap the benefits of this. Enjoy your self made nanny state with forced healthcare and the government telling you how to run your life. Thank you.
  14. Your right because now it's the government fucking the public and the insurance companies still have profits that will grow faster than the national dept. I can see how this is so much better for the country.
  15. vf1000ride

    Gun Safes

    I have an older Liberty Colonial 23, great safe for the price. If your after the Lincoln, they are built better yet. The only recommendation would be to overbuy on capacity, figure on about double the guns you currently have or expect to have in the near future. I have 14 long guns in a safe designed for 25 and they rub each other. It's a very tight fit, so much that I have half of them in gun socks so that they don't scratch each other. As for putting it on the second floor, pay to have a safe moving company do it. I did for mine and it made things a cake walk. They have a special battery powered climbing handtruck that does all the lifting with the push of a button. My steps have a landing with a 180 degree turn and they had no problem getting it up both sections. As for setting it on a base, it will be more important to get the safe sitting on more than 1 floor joist. Mine is in a closet that backs up to the main load bearing wall in the center of the house. Setting on two floor joists the floor loading is not all that high.
  16. That's the fun of livin in Merica. You get to choose what suits you best. I like my handguns designed 100+ years ago and made from steel and wood. Lots of people like their handguns designed within the last decade and want them made of aluminum and plastic. To each their own and if you don't like my choices. Just busting on you though. I have 4 handguns designed at least 100 years ago and 4 designed since the 1940's. The sad part is that I do shoot the older guns better than the newer ones and it's not for a lack of practice. As for the 1911 itself, I bought it originally because it is a representation of the history of our country. I had never shot one before and I purchased it solely on the fact that it was an iconic firearm. Now that I have owned this one for the last 15 years I can't see giving it up. I have owned a Beretta 92, a Springfield xdm, and sold both of them because for one reason or another they didn't suit me or my shooting style. They are not bad guns and felt good in the hand while at the store but just like the Glocks and every manor of major manufacturers handguns I have fired over the years, I come back to the simple and reliable action of my 1911 when it come down to putting rounds on target. When I said in my previous post that the gun is reliable I meant it. Now this can't be said for all 1911 handguns but I have been blessed by owning one that was put together by the right person under a perfect moon with a small dash of pure freaking magic thrown in for good measure. In 30k some odd rounds of ammo I may have had maybe 5 malfunctions with this gun. They have been so few and far between that my malfunction clearing drills are VERY lacking. I had one occurrence earlier in the spring with one of my reloads that was a squib load, left the bullet about an inch short of getting out of the barrel so you can't blame the pistol for that one. Other than that, the last true malfunction of any sort has been around 7 years ago. I was helping a buddy with his Kimber 1911 and we determined it was magazine issues. The mags that came with his gun caused both our guns to have feed problems.
  17. Haven't owned a console game system since the Nintendo NES systems were popular. Not gonna buy one now. PC gaming does just fine for me.
  18. I have a Springfield 1911. An older Loaded model that I picked up new in 1998, it's been a great firearm for me ever since. The finish is nowhere near perfect these days but it is hard won patina. Failures have been very few, with the only ones being ammo related. It has never broken mechanically but it has gotten a few sets of new springs and just this week I ordered a new safety lever and plunger spring as it was starting to get a little too easy to knock off safe. It's not bad for a handgun that has shot well over 30K rounds of ammo.
  19. I can Tig just fine if I get back in practice, I haven't had access to one since moving to Ohio 6 years ago and I am really rusty. I just need to get my hands on a reasonably priced welder, if you have any insider info on a good used tig machine with HF start let me know.
  20. Depends on the situation. If it is a single car and I am by myself I will pass when the road is safest regardless of a legal passing zone. Passing zones are set in place for where a car can make a safe pass, they don't really have any bearing on how quickly and safely a sportbike can make the same pass. If it is a group ride or multiple cars than the chance of a pass decreases rapidly. It is just not as easy to judge the actions of a group in a less than ideal situation.
  21. Hey easy there mister. I like my Ducati junk. It gives me an endless supply of wasted summer weekends of wrenching when I should be riding. As for the BMW, I liked the look of the concept bikes but not so sure now that they are closer to production. I've had this picture on my computer since 2011 and think it is awesome looking. They put the pipes up high and left the wheel exposed, it's not a bad looking machine for something that's probably an overweight slug.
  22. When the general population in the US starts dash-camming everything like they do over there, you won't want to live here either. Just because it's not on video, don't fool yourself into believing it doesn't happen. Just look at the daily road reports for Columbus as there is a highway closed somewhere in this city on a daily basis due to big accidents caused by shitty driving skills.
  23. Video of the first 8 minutes on the night shoot. The minigun starts at the 6min mark.
  24. I went to Knob Creek over the weekend. Machine gun shoots are awesome. The video from the Saturday night shoot is uploading to Youtube now. I will post a link once it is done. Here is a few more of the pictures I took while there; http://s267.photobucket.com/user/vf1000ride/slideshow/Knob%20Creek
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