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Everything posted by vf1000ride

  1. Mine go the other way, I have Mitutoyo mics and Starret dial indicators and bore gauges. The problem comes down to calipers. If your using them for something as critical as machine shop work than sure, spend the big money on quality stuff. You are still going to need to check calibration on them constantly and you are probably better off buying a mechanical dial caliper and not a digital anyway. For the average garage mechanic that is buying his first precision measuring tool. A $12 electronic caliper from Harbor Freight is probably going to serve him very well. It is going to get you far enough to know what you are measuring is either in or out of limits and if it gets mistreated and breaks in 2 years than it is going to still be $12-20 to replace. I have spent more than that on a crappy steak dinner, why not give it a try on one of these. If it doesn't live up to expectations then buy the $90-$150 name brand version. I agree with Jbot that I could have gotten the only one that came out of the factory that has lasted and is still accurate. I won't know as I have never needed to buy a second one. I purchased mine back in 1999 or 2000 and can be sure I didn't spend a lot for it. I have used it while working on aircraft, motorcycles and guns for years now and it has certainly outlived it's cost if it does break on me.
  2. I have a set of digital calipers that I picked up years ago for $19. They look identical to that set but I believe came with a Mountain branding. The box is long gone and they are not marked on the tool so who really knows but I can say they are the cheap ones that everybody sells. I check them a few times a year against Mitutoyo calibration blocks and they have never been more than 0.001" off. I would put it at 90% or better of the time they are dead on. I pulled them out this morning and took the picture. The calipers aren't touching the table and the lock is not set. The tension in the mechanism alone is holding my 1inch checkblock and the reading is perfect out to 3 digits.
  3. It weird that they don't list a Lojack dealer in central Ohio that does bikes. I have one installed in my car and the dude is local, he came to my house to put it in. The unit is self powered and didn't need to be wired to the car other than one wire to the body to act as an antenna. I am sure the same unit could be used in a bike as long as you could mount it someplace dry and under the tank that it takes longer to access. As for disk locks. I don't have a dedicated one. I have used a standard padlock in the past when on longer road trips. Lock the steering stem so the front is turned and put a padlock on the sprocket of the back wheel. Sprockets are a lot cheaper to replace if they get bent than a brake disk.
  4. For final sharpening I use an Arkansas Whitestone. It's what you would use to sharpen a straight edge razor for shaving your face. Roughly 800-1000 grit equivalent..
  5. I have two of the Kershaw Leek knives. I like them, they make for a nice intermediate sized blade. The spring assist opening is a nice feature also.
  6. Darwin award has a new first place contestant.
  7. I do not see the tail of the dragon in that image, Fail.
  8. I could sway your vote with the current condition of my bike. You may reconsider the SC as better than the GT.
  9. On the Duc I am 3 teeth bigger in the rear. The bike doesn't have enough horsepower to redline in 6th so why bother with stock gearing. Now I get better acceleration and I can come closer to a true top speed if ever needed. My Triumph is geared stock. It has plenty of power for the twisties and the highway rpm is in the butter zone of the torque band.
  10. Took a fresh picture of all the handguns together. Eye candy.
  11. I put in for the vacation day. I will ride out just to say hello. Already got good rubber for the season.
  12. Ok, so maybe his punishment for hell should be that he personally has to be a pallbearer at the funeral of "every" service member that passes away, active duty of not. He shall be dressed in a gay pride outfit and will not be able to speak.
  13. I'm not saying he is on the same level as Hitler. I'm saying the whole pineapple up the back door treatment is fitting for someone as bigoted as this guy is.
  14. I was hoping maybe a pineapple similar to Hitler from the Little Nicky movie.
  15. Watch www.woot.com. they run specials on refurbished and new laptops several times a week. I'm sure you can find something that's in your range.
  16. You drive the Tuscon and get her a new car. It may not be the fuel economy your looking for but you keep your tow vehicle. The lady is happy and you keep at least one vehicle that's already payed for.
  17. Don't worry, now that the prison systems are signing up all the inmates for free healthcare those numbers will get better. It shifts the burden of paying for inmate care from the state level to the federal level. From the NYTimes; http://nyti.ms/1fitIVb
  18. Honda RC-166 The race prepped snarling grand pappy of the CBX.
  19. I rode Barber a few years ago with my Duc, that track is sooooo nice. I really need to get my hands on a track bike.
  20. I upgraded and got the Moto-X around the holidays when they had their price drop on the full retail version. So far it's working a ton better than my old phone. Now granted, that's not saying much as I upgraded from an HTC Thunderbolt. The Tbolt was at daily restarts just to keep it running and anytime I traveled I would always have to do a full restart to get a signal at the new location. The Moto-X I haven't restarted in about a month since it got it's last OTA update. No issues at all with going between LTE and Wi-Fi. It even manages to do the handoff from 4g-3g and back fairly well. Battery life is good. I can easily do a 12 hour shift without charging while doing normal web surfing and emails roughly once an hour. It is a non-replaceable battery so there is no option for an upgrade and is a downfall if your a power user.
  21. Don't worry, I won't shoot anybodies plates without asking. Now on the other hand if anybody has any ar500 they want tested, ceramic chest plates, bullet resistant anything that needs ventilated. I will stop by your range and we can play around and see what these things can and can't punch a hole in. I am always open for donations. The military spec sheet says it should be no less than .42 inch of penetration into a 7/8 inch thick piece of homogeneous armor plate at 100 yards.
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