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Everything posted by Helmutt

  1. I never sold a bike that was "test rideable" so it's been easy for me Now, when I've bought bikes I'd typically leave my vehicle, drivers license, insurance info, and my girlfriend ( at the time ) for collateral
  2. Box it up......PM inbound
  3. I'll forward on his cel # for anyone interested in negotiating with him, he said he'd LIKE the asking price but will surely haggle some as well as consider a possible trade....but of course cash is preferred since he wants to fund a new AR. I can attest that the gun is very well kept and never mistreated.
  4. No harm no foul. Thanks for the insight Meh, not a problem. I assume he was just calling a spade a spade......I did notice your link above was for a 770 chambered in .243win so not sure the pricing is the same on his gun or not.
  5. He'll take less, hence "asking price". He's spent almost $150 on the bipod and ammo, and bought the gun for just under $400. So, if he's invested $550 and gets an offer for $350, he'll likely take it
  6. SOLD My boss wants to move his Remington 770 that's been lightly used with about 60 rounds through it. He's including a bipod, 3-9x40 scope, and 80 rds of .308. He said he "may" entertain other firearm trades Asking $400. I'll forward his info on to anyone interested. SOLD
  7. RIP Mr. Walker. Your tenacity behind the wheel will forever be unparalleled on the big screen... Secondly, IMHO Tokyo Drift had NO right to be included in the F&F series......but at least it wasn't a complete bucket-of-shit-movie. Afterall, drifting is cool shit, just poorly portrayed in the movie. Lastly, BikerBoyz and Torque are the 2 worst attempts at motorcycle movie making I've ever seen.....but BikerBoyz is the superior flick of the 2. A damn good biker life movie is The World's Fastest Indian, cool oldschool LSR and actually based on the life history of Burt Munro.
  8. Bike stands, battery tender, fuel stabilizer - thats usually all I ever do for winter. Stands are a great, and fairly cheap investment that come in handy all year long
  9. Still selling? Whats the pricing on the .223/5.56? Has it been deprimed, cleaned, and necksized or is it "dirty" brass?
  10. Happy Thanksgiving, albeit belated. I had dinner with my father for the first time in almost 2 decades since we recently moved him back to Ohio. I enjoyed it, and over ate as usual in traditional holiday fashion
  11. Definitely cool historic heirlooms to hand down - build display cases for them!
  12. Helmutt

    New Toys

    Mmmmm.....you said SAW.....M249 has been on my wishlist for years.....surely Santa will hook a good boy up
  13. Nice price, too bad my 887 wont accept it. GLWS
  14. I'd never buy a burn victim, never know the extent of the damages. Pass, unless you stand to make some coin scrapping it out
  15. Saw this last year on another forum, hilarious tale
  16. We sell Sprinter vans.....beware.....premature failures galore. IF you're lucky, the major components will take a dump under warranty. We get these in the shop constantly with EGR valve issues, intake manifold issues, injection system issues, transmission/tc issues, driveline issues, differential bearing failures, electronics etc.....you name it and we've likely had to replace/repair it. The earlier Sprinters ( the older VA model ) with the I-5 are better if they've been babied with young miles.
  17. I agree with the idea, but ultimately will surely lead to nothing but a huge dose of fuel on a road rage fire. If this catches on everywhere, we'll all be in for damn good YouTubes of some leadfooted assfaces getting their noggins kicked in by a line of stop-n-go haters
  18. Repost, but still one cool vid
  19. When I ride or drive, I choose to wear a helmet or seatbelt. Self preservation plays a bigger part in my life the older I get, but I respect other's choices to do as they wish whether I agree or not. If it becomes law, so be it. If the law enforcement agencies uphold a helmet law with the same vigor as the seatbelt law, I'm confident that the herds will continue to thin themselves
  20. Hoping for the best possible outcome and speediest of recoveries
  21. Yeah, with a last name of Cowit it seems she was born for that day. Stupid fux and their phones, figure they'd be distracted enough with putting on makeup, toying with the radio, reading books, programming the nav, etc
  22. No problem. I tend to check a day before the qualifying/practice to see air times so I know when to stream it. Love it when the championship comes down to the wire like this, but Marquez may have given it away with his black flag
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