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Everything posted by snot

  1. I just got back from our local store and it was empty. I was told, when they open at 7 there is a line to get in and it is like black Friday. Everything is gone quickly. I like fish, apples and oranges. I just need Toilet paper (in the next week). Oh, we have 4 boxes of pancake mix (protein). No one buys the good stuff here. Lots of protein bars left.
  2. So I went to the store and most shelves are bare. Plenty of tuna in a can and Paleo mixes to make stuff. Lots of apples and oranges. But, what happens if there is a mass recall on food due to salmonella? There is no food to replace it and would we know before a bunch of people are sick?
  3. You could put your feet on a chair so you are not completely upside down, or put a backpack on and do regular weighted.
  4. @LilCasper Use a backpack and load it with water bottles. Pushups, squats, sit ups, biking, running, jump rope, lunges, Russian twist, etc... can be done without weights. Handstand pushups, jumping squats and v-ups for more intense workout. Parks are great for pullups, toes to bar, chest to bar or just using the monkey bars.
  5. We just got home from NC. We got to our hotel (Harrah) in Cherokee Monday morning. By 7 we saw the signs the casino was closing Wed at 6AM. We planned on leaving Wed. Night. However, we got back to the room at 9 and saw a note we had to check out Tuesday morning. This morning it looked like this: Non smoking side completely shut down.
  6. Should have invested in Charmin and Lysol.
  7. The market was due to be shaken... The auto industry has been unstable for a couple of years, a large percentage of car loans were past due before this. Lots were over stuffed with inventory. Jobs were starting to decline in automotive factories. People spend a lot of money on dumb stuff instead of paying bills. If this forces them to save a little from not going "shopping" or shipping taking 3 times longer, so be it. When all the games continue and life starts again beyond our homes, people will be ready to start sending again. The market will bounce back. Maybe, just maybe this will teach us how to work together, how to help each other, not just as a country but as the World. Maybe people will learn basic hygiene and proper disinfecting to prevent the spread of other diseases... Maybe people will vaccinate their kids again. One fact, motorcycle season is coming. Get your bikes and gear ready (while you are working from home).
  8. snot


    And one sammich maker....
  9. snot


    People were more active when @redbarron77 was allowed to post pictures in a section that no longer exist called NSFW....
  10. snot


    I am also not on Facefuck I mean book... A few rides or even one on this side of Cbus would be good too.
  11. snot


    Timing has become our issue. With OMRL season it is difficult to make some of the rides (epic). The last couple we did we had asshats in our group that made it uncomfortable for others. I don't mind sweeping if I don't have disrespectful asshats in the group. We also ended up with some large groups and that also caused its own issues (over 10).
  12. I use the gua sha tools on myself. It feels good while scrapping and you can feel what areas need more or less attention. Cupping was ok, but not as affective.
  13. @RidersDiscount for the Win... Mike will take care of you.
  14. Some of us are south of you in Miami county.
  15. Has she tried gua sha or soft cupping to break-up the scar tissue? I use gua sha and a foam roller on my joints to loosen them. It helps with the pain.
  16. That was the act of a rebellious teenager. She should be embarrassed by her actions. Imagine what she would say if he had done that to her speech. Whether you like him or not a public display of disrespect to our President should not be tolerated.
  17. Tim, it would require relocation but Wright-Patt Air Force Base has openings. http://www.e2zintegral.com/
  18. Will do.... I don't think the Air Force would see the humor in me making chemical reactions.
  19. I just hope I don't have a laps in memory and mix the wrong stuff.... 🙄
  20. I have a habit of working myself out of a job. I go in, write/update procedures, train employees and make the system manageable. It takes anywhere from 1-2 years for me to get it done. The new job will be a challenge and I will be working with 13000 chemicals! I will be on a team for a change too. It is on the Base too. So, when I ride to work I can pretend I am a girl Tom cruise riding my ninja.
  21. I am at 280 Dead lift and 205 back squat. I would really like my over head to hit the 150 mark too.
  22. Got a job offer today. Little further drive, but it is work and sounds like a challenge.
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