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Everything posted by snot

  1. Waiting for the civil war to start... We are getting closer. China's virus sure did help drive the dividing line in the US. Isolating everyone and stopping production (ie. Growth) showed weakness. Now we are attacking each other. I bet the terrorists and China are watching us destroy ourselves. Just my .02
  2. Could always do things like sit-ups, squats (to a chair for her), yoga, and seated presses w/ dbells when you can't go for walks.
  3. Pull-ups are harder when you're heavier.
  4. Ok... Deadlift 1×2 @ 305; back squat 1×2 @215 I also hit 110 on my shoulder press for 1×2.
  5. snot

    MSF Range Bikes

    Why not use the z300 or cb300r? The course by us uses them.
  6. ^ perfect sense... It's winter. We are all frustrated and it's time for good old ORdN winter bullshit.
  7. The @ function is not working.... I flagged your post to get @caspers attention.
  8. Angel soft is better than Charmin. Kawasaki is better than Suzuki. .... You all are arguing about shit you can only change at the polls... Or when politicians stop lying.
  9. I do but with CBC instead and they do not.
  10. We use nightowl. They have wired and wireless.
  11. Need a competitor for spectrum around here. Due to working from home I must have fast, reliable, great internet service. However, spectrum is all we have. We do have any old TWC bundle that they cannot beat the price on, so we are stuck. Our cable box was dying so we exchanged our box. They gave us a Spectrum box, it looks the same but will not work with our package. And.... When I tried to exchange the box i was told I was not on the account as an authorized user. I offered to show them where I am online. Apparently, online is not the same as in store and my other half has to call them on the 800fucknwait30min line to have me added....really!? I would drop our package but I need the internet and cannot afford disrupted service. Not to mention it is cheaper than alternatives around here.
  12. Really? Wow, I would have thought it was. I will pray for a speedy recovery for her.
  13. Oh, and ask the hospital for the transcripts from the original surgery. It will tell you everything they did and didn't do.
  14. Are they using a larger size? My father-in-law had an infection in his replacement and had to have it removed and then replaced later (after 6 weeks of healing) with a larger size replacement (part that is put into the bones).
  15. I remember @TimTheAzn making it difficult for me to walk my other half up a hill to go to bed.
  16. How many times has @marlboro man got the hotdog at the gap?
  17. @Tonik. Might be able to help you with the first and last part.
  18. We have had some classic thread's from feeding trolls. If you go through the ranting section you will find some of them.
  19. Next... Who's wife banned him from the forum because of the NSFW section?
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